You have no good points. Talk down, that is fine. Your last sentence proved you to a be a complete spaz. Quit fooling yourself. The S.O.C. Is very weak. Notre Dame, Symmes Valley, Green, Eastern. That is how I look at the s.o.c. In that order. Especially this year.Eaglesnest are wasting your effort to type. It is obvious greendough is a reincarnated john wooden that all local coaches and players go to for guidance and Greendough must also be an expert on school systems that he is not from and his kids do not He is very simply someone with an axe to grind and chooses to do so in a despicable way. Sad, very sad. No point in debating anything with this person.
Bottom line: The Eagles have an SOC title and Sectional Championship the last couple years. What has East done in the same time period? Has any other SOC1 school done that ( I don't think any other SOC1 schools have been to the Convo the last 3-4 years)? i am certain Coach Fitch would say the players did win those championships!
When Southern beat the Eagles 2 years ago in the Sectional Finals by 2points they also beat a 16 win South webster team at the Convo in the Districts. Southern was a very good basketball team!
As to the topic at hand, the SOC1 should be very competitive this year!
- Waterboy
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:40 pm
Re: SOC 1
Re: SOC 1
Take green out of there and I think your about right Green lost two of the top 5 players in the league . But there coach like him or not seems to keep them in the hunt. Or maybe the kids keep him in the hunt which ever it is they seem to stay competitive .
Re: SOC 1
Green Dough, you really dont know what your talking about, Your just bashing them because they are expected to have a good year in the conference while your team this year looks weak. I respect the fact that your standing by your opinion but sometimes you have to admit you lost the argument because none of your points make any sense, Trust me you got beat and everyone knows it, pretty bad that you can sit behind a computer and bash teams like a immature child....
- SOCFAN1430
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Re: SOC 1
Eaglesnest are wasting your effort to type. It is obvious greendough is a reincarnated john wooden that all local coaches and players go to for guidance and Greendough must also be an expert on school systems that he is not from and his kids do not He is very simply someone with an axe to grind and chooses to do so in a despicable way. Sad, very sad. No point in debating anything with this person.
Bottom line: The Eagles have an SOC title and Sectional Championship the last couple years. What has East done in the same time period? Has any other SOC1 school done that ( I don't think any other SOC1 schools have been to the Convo the last 3-4 years)? i am certain Coach Fitch would say the players did win those championships!
When Southern beat the Eagles 2 years ago in the Sectional Finals by 2points they also beat a 16 win South webster team at the Convo in the Districts. Southern was a very good basketball team!
As to the topic at hand, the SOC1 should be very competitive this year!
I thought the Eagles were just outplayed during that game against Southern and seemed a winded at times. I felt the Eagles were better team that year, not taking anything away from Southern they were good enough to win the game if they played well and they did. Eastern very well could have been in Southerns shoes playing for a District championship
- SOCFAN1430
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Re: SOC 1
Theres not a chance the Eagles finish lower than 3rd in the conference this year, even with the loss of Watkins.Green Dough wrote:You have no good points. Talk down, that is fine. Your last sentence proved you to a be a complete spaz. Quit fooling yourself. The S.O.C. Is very weak. Notre Dame, Symmes Valley, Green, Eastern. That is how I look at the s.o.c. In that order. Especially this year.Eaglesnest are wasting your effort to type. It is obvious greendough is a reincarnated john wooden that all local coaches and players go to for guidance and Greendough must also be an expert on school systems that he is not from and his kids do not He is very simply someone with an axe to grind and chooses to do so in a despicable way. Sad, very sad. No point in debating anything with this person.
Bottom line: The Eagles have an SOC title and Sectional Championship the last couple years. What has East done in the same time period? Has any other SOC1 school done that ( I don't think any other SOC1 schools have been to the Convo the last 3-4 years)? i am certain Coach Fitch would say the players did win those championships!
When Southern beat the Eagles 2 years ago in the Sectional Finals by 2points they also beat a 16 win South webster team at the Convo in the Districts. Southern was a very good basketball team!
As to the topic at hand, the SOC1 should be very competitive this year!
- photo_electric_guy
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- Posts: 250
- Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:20 am
Re: SOC 1
Like lightle04 said "If you over look Noter Dame you will be sorry". They will be comming to play.91Grad wrote:This division will come down to 2 teams Eastern and S.V......
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Re: SOC 1
Eastern Wins the Crown this year ..........FACTphoto_electric_guy wrote:Like lightle04 said "If you over look Noter Dame you will be sorry". They will be comming to play.91Grad wrote:This division will come down to 2 teams Eastern and S.V......
- photo_electric_guy
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Re: SOC 1
VegasEagle wrote:Eastern Wins the Crown this year ..........FACTphoto_electric_guy wrote:Like lightle04 said "If you over look Noter Dame you will be sorry". They will be comming to play.91Grad wrote:This division will come down to 2 teams Eastern and S.V......
Good luck with that...

- Varsity
- Posts: 673
- Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:10 am
Re: SOC 1
Eastern Wins the Crown this year ..........FACT[/quote]
Good luck with that...
Want to make a wager on this????????
Good luck with that...

Want to make a wager on this????????
- photo_electric_guy
- JV Team
- Posts: 250
- Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:20 am
Re: SOC 1
No I don't wager… not because I cannot pay but because I hate to take someone’s money (I mean that in a good way). Notre Dame returns all of last years starters with the exception of one (Milani) who is rehabbing from a football injury.
- Posts: 2629
- Joined: Wed Nov 10, 2004 11:00 pm
Re: SOC 1
It looks like East has added Rose Hill, could be an interesting matchup
Day Date Opponent Level Home/Away Time
Fri. 12/02/11 Western H.S. Var/J.V. Away 6:00 P.M.
Fri. 12/09/11 Symmes Valley H.S. " " Home " "
Fri. 12/16/11 Notre Dame " " Away " "
Thu. 12/22/11 Ironton St. Joe H.S. " " Away TBA
Fri. 12/30/11 Rose Hill " " Home 6:00 P.M.
Fri. 01/06/12 Clay H.S. " " Home " "
Sat. 01/07/12 South Webster " " Away " "
Tue. 01/10/12 Eastern Pike " " Home " "
Fri. 01/13/12 New Boston H.S. " " Home " "
Sat. 01/14/12 Ironton St. Joe H.S. " " Away " "
Tue. 01/17/12 Green H.S. " " Home " "
Fri. 01/20/12 Symmes Valley H.S. " " Away " "
Tue. 01/24/12 Notre Dame " " Home " "
Fri. 01/27/12 Western H.S. " " Home " "
Tue. 01/31/12 Clay H.S. " " Away " "
Fri. 02/03/12 Eastern Pike " " Away " "
Sat. 02/04/12 Ironton St. Joe H.S. " " Home " "
Tue. 02/07/12 Rose Hill " " Away " "
Fri. 02/17/12 Green H.S. " " Away " "
Sat. 02/18/12 New Boston H.S. " " Away " "
Day Date Opponent Level Home/Away Time
Fri. 12/02/11 Western H.S. Var/J.V. Away 6:00 P.M.
Fri. 12/09/11 Symmes Valley H.S. " " Home " "
Fri. 12/16/11 Notre Dame " " Away " "
Thu. 12/22/11 Ironton St. Joe H.S. " " Away TBA
Fri. 12/30/11 Rose Hill " " Home 6:00 P.M.
Fri. 01/06/12 Clay H.S. " " Home " "
Sat. 01/07/12 South Webster " " Away " "
Tue. 01/10/12 Eastern Pike " " Home " "
Fri. 01/13/12 New Boston H.S. " " Home " "
Sat. 01/14/12 Ironton St. Joe H.S. " " Away " "
Tue. 01/17/12 Green H.S. " " Home " "
Fri. 01/20/12 Symmes Valley H.S. " " Away " "
Tue. 01/24/12 Notre Dame " " Home " "
Fri. 01/27/12 Western H.S. " " Home " "
Tue. 01/31/12 Clay H.S. " " Away " "
Fri. 02/03/12 Eastern Pike " " Away " "
Sat. 02/04/12 Ironton St. Joe H.S. " " Home " "
Tue. 02/07/12 Rose Hill " " Away " "
Fri. 02/17/12 Green H.S. " " Away " "
Sat. 02/18/12 New Boston H.S. " " Away " "
- Varsity
- Posts: 673
- Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:10 am
Re: SOC 1
Thats what I thought lolphoto_electric_guy wrote:No I don't wager… not because I cannot pay but because I hate to take someone’s money (I mean that in a good way). Notre Dame returns all of last years starters with the exception of one (Milani) who is rehabbing from a football injury.
- SOCFAN1430
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- Posts: 588
- Joined: Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:24 pm
Re: SOC 1
lightle04 wrote:And I'm going to go out on a limb and say Western won't finish last this year. It's possible they could be in the top half of the league. Possible I said not a sure thing.GO INDIANS !!
The Indians will be much improved, Larry Jordan can bring this program back to the success it had a few years ago
- Freshman Team
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- Joined: Sun Oct 05, 2008 8:04 pm
Re: SOC 1
Eaglesnest, actually East has won 2 sectional titles in the last 4 years. So, they have been to the Convo twice.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:40 pm
Re: SOC 1
I already knew this but I did not want to rub it in to Eaglesnest that he was not involved in a dominate NBA team like he thinks so much. I will pray that the most deserving team wins this league. Hopefully destroys the League. I am sticking with them Tartans! I mean we will see who is most deserving this coming.december when it starts tipping off and we realize how strong the teams are. It is about family. Not trying to make yourself look good as an assistant coach or even a head coach. It is about the kids. Notre Dame pride!socsportsfan1 wrote:Eaglesnest, actually East has won 2 sectional titles in the last 4 years. So, they have been to the Convo twice.
- photo_electric_guy
- JV Team
- Posts: 250
- Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:20 am
Re: SOC 1
VegasEagle wrote:Thats what I thought lolphoto_electric_guy wrote:No I don't wager… not because I cannot pay but because I hate to take someone’s money (I mean that in a good way). Notre Dame returns all of last years starters with the exception of one (Milani) who is rehabbing from a football injury.
I'd consider a Coke or candy bar?