Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by dazed&confused »

How about Blue Devils? I'm sure that offends SOMEONE SOMEWHERE!

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by 2blue4u »

Back in the 80's we had to use devils that looked more like cupid with a devil costume on because they did not look so eeeeeeeeviiiilllllll.

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by BuckeyeCAV »

Maybe they can rename the team the KittyCats :!: :aaaaa21 :aaaaa24

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by qualified101 »

is this actually true?

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by boilermaker »

How about the Logan Lillies :aaaaa26
I think this is silly,Chieftians fight to keep that name :aaaaa61

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by The Riepo Man »

Logan Sillynannies :lol:

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by chillman »

with old man's cave so close, I'd go with the Logan Cavemen. and have a mascot look like the geiko caveman. It would be so funny and kinda cool. and by the way, the Logan "ImpeatchW's" would get much more support than impeachtheobama's.

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by ChiefCruiser95 »

qualified101 wrote:is this actually true?

Unfortunately it is. Now does it actually happen in the end, have to wait and see. I do know that a few names have been talked about like Hawks and Sharks and another one that escapes me at the moment, so it does seem to be a rather serious challenge to the name usage.

IMHO, this will be about as successful as the guy who tried to get the city to take down the nativity scene on the courthouse. I heard that the police department made a nice chunk of change on tickets from one particular source after that until the problem went/moved away. He failed and so will this.

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by boogerred »

grizzlynatural wrote:Funny you posted that. That suits us here lol

For the record i am in no way shape or form racist. One of my best friends is Black.

I think that is kind of racist. "One of my best friends is black" Why is his skin color even mentioned? Why not just leave it as him being your friends? So what, his melanocytes are more active than other peoples. Even though you consider him as a friend, you still consider him as "Black".

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by Mercerville Monster »

I think that is kind of racist. "One of my best friends is black" Why is his skin color even mentioned? Why not just leave it as him being your friends? So what, his melanocytes are more active than other peoples. Even though you consider him as a friend, you still consider him as "Black".

I dont really think he meant anything by that. I just think he was letting everyone know he wasnt racist after the first comment he made. I guess I didnt see anything wrong with it.

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by 91blue14 »

the natives have had it on there agenda for years.

you have had years to come up with a name and they are not going to go away.

i believe it was st johns university that changed to the red storm :!:

florida state is a big question.

i personally dont see anything wrong with chieftains but it is beyond a working mans control :idea:

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by madpolecat »

I would prolly agree with boog on that.

In my experience, the "one of my best friends is black" statement is followed but an implied "but."

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by boogerred »

It doesn't matter what is meant. What matters is what the person something is said about thinks it means.

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by boogerred »

Although something may be meant as a compliment, it may be taken as a slap to the face. Take the Moravian Indians from Gnadenhutten (NE Ohio); they were pacificists and were massacred w/o a fight. So, I can see where portaying the Native Americans as warriors could be offensive to them, since the didn't believe in fighting.

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by The Riepo Man »

boogerred wrote:
grizzlynatural wrote:Funny you posted that. That suits us here lol

For the record i am in no way shape or form racist. One of my best friends is Black.

I think that is kind of racist. "One of my best friends is black" Why is his skin color even mentioned? Why not just leave it as him being your friends? So what, his melanocytes are more active than other peoples. Even though you consider him as a friend, you still consider him as "Black".

If you think saying his friend is "black" makes him racist then WOW!!! I am Irish-German-Native American....thats right a triple threat...I can make great beer, fight you over who is the best drinker, and then make it rain by dancin'. :122246 If you cant poke fun at yourself then what else is there? Words cant hurt anyone.

Lets face it...racism will always exist somewhere...we cant stop it...they have something called the 1st Amendment protecting it...might have to try and change that but that will only make things worse. Just accept racism for what it is - an itch that you cant reach

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by boogerred »

About certain things, you can absolutely poke fun at yourself and your friends; however, people's heritage should not be one of those.

As far as words not hurting anyone...
Ever heard of emotional abuse?

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by dazed&confused »

Let's talk about intent in some team names; I can see where Redskins or Redmen might denote a deragatory nature. Maybe even the generic Indians. However, there are professional teams that have withstood the challenge of those names. But Chieftains? Tell me how this specifically offends anyone;s heritage? This refers to the proud legacy of an indian leader whose strong leadership is revered and connected to the area. I can't see how that degrades anyone's heritage. Leave it be.

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by madpolecat »

nobody woudl be offended if you renamed Logan's teams


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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by loganlocos »

I don't think you'd have much grounds for a lawsuit of "Chieftains."

Now, you could force the school to stop using indian symbols like the Chieftain head, tomahawks, fethers, tee-pees, etc.

But the word "Chieftain" is pretty generic and pre-dates Native Americans. The word is used to refer to leaders in Europe, North and South America, Asia, and Africa.

If Logan does cave to the pressure (as I said, I believe a lawsuit would have ZERO grounds in terms of the name "Chieftains"), I would like to see the nickname become "Big Purple" or something to that effect and the school could continue to use a lot of the same symbols they currently do.

The football team was referred to as the "Purple and White Warriors" prior to the school adopting "Chieftains" as a nickname in the 1930s.

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Re: Will Logan no longer be the Chieftains?

Post by wildthingRV »

LoganLocos wrote:The football team was referred to as the "Purple and White Warriors" prior to the school adopting "Chieftains" as a nickname in the 1930s.

Call 'em the Purple Helmeted Warriors. Nobody will laugh, honest. :lol:

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