North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

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North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by jordan23 »

Top two teams in the SHL who takes this one?

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by shljunkie »

I'd say it's anybody's game. Whoever comes to play. If Peebles comes to play, they'll come out on top. If they play as they've been playing of late, they may get drilled.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by Ironman92 »

This is where Peebles must make their name with the big boys. If they want to be mentioned with some of the better D3 teams in the district...then they must not lay an egg here. Peebles has tremendous offensive capabilities.....but North Adams is North Adams and there is a reason why they are at or near the top of the SHL every year and have the longest consecutive streak of district appearances in the 70 team SE district.

Either team can win this game but IMO Peebles will have to be MORE on their game than NA to win.

Good Luck to both.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by slamdunk »

My prediction:

North Adams 75
Peebles 55

North Adams is too deep and talented. They also will be able to dominate the inside game due to Peebles lack of one. It will be an exciting game at the beginning, but in the end, NA pulls away for the 20 point win.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by bucknut 23 »

No way will North Adams win by 20. They should be the favorite in this game going in but the game is at Peebles and Peebles will be ready to play. This is a game the kids have been looking forward to all year. I agree with Ironman 92 that they will have to be on the top of their game and MUST play better than they have the last six quarters. North Adams has more room for error.

Peebles is 3-1 right now and very well could be 4-0 if not for that second half against Alexander who I give a lot of credit to for coming back and never giving up.

Peebles will have to play four quarters like they did in the first halves of the games against Southeastern, Whiteoak, and Alexander where they came out and ran and moved the ball very well on offense and defended like crazy. Peebles can definitely win this game, but they MUST play well.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by shljunkie »

This should have been the league game as well as the first game of the Adams County Holiday Tournament is ALWAYS the league game between each of the 2 teams that play. Evidently the league game was held at Peebles last year and this year would be also since thats where the Holiday Tourney as well. It should have remained that way, luck of the draw, as it is for everyone else every year but the right coach from NA whined about it enough until he got it change.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by The Man on the Microphone »


Not sure I truly understand the definition of whining, but it seems when one complains about a certain outcome that didn't go his way, that seems to be whining to me. I am assuming you wanted this to be a league game. Since it's not, does that mean you are whining in your posting?

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by thebull »

why would NA want to give up a home league game. Next year if the Holiday tournament is at NA and Peebles has to play NA the first game i gaurentee Peebles coach would have it changed.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by slamdunk »

bucknut 23 wrote:No way will North Adams win by 20.

That is what West Union folks and others thought too on Friday night, BUT ......... Final score NA 86 WU 55

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by shljunkie »

No it's about not changing things from the way they are scheduled just because NA coach didn't like it. For those of you who evidently don't understand how things go, EVERY year the first game of the Adams county Holiday Tourney is a league game, it doesn't matter where the tourney is held, then obviously the championship and consolation games are not because you don't know would be playing. This year because the tourney is held at Peebles, NA coach didn't like it because that would mean for 2 years in a row, the league game would be at Peebles, Peebles AD gave in. You don't change something just because it doesn't work in your favor, it is how it is, however it works out. If you're going to change it, then stop making them league games period.
Hopefully bull and man on microphone, you guys can get this now, it really isn't rocket science!

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by The Man on the Microphone »


I still don't get it. Can you explain it again? I was in the middle of splitting atoms and attempting to shove a monkey into a rocket.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by shljunkie »

Yeah, it is bad that we have to resort to sarcasm sometimes but you read things some write and it just amazes you. You just shake your head and think "what part of that do you not understand". Its unbelievable sometimes.
That being said, microphone guy, I'm glad you've got it figured out. It really wasn't that complicated after all was it?

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by Ironman92 »

It's not surprising some people don't understand.

I know it's hard to believe but I read where 5 out of every 4 people don't understand fractions.

We're just not that smart!

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by The Man on the Microphone »


The fraction scenario makes perfect sense to me. I wish I wasn't dumb.

Note to self: Ask Santa for common sense and stocking full of book smarts.

I do want to wish everyone a safe and Merry need to argue over something small and trivial.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by indians10 »

It really doesnt matter,yes it would be nice to have this one count,but dont u think its time for the indians to finally step up and play like ur one of the powers in the league.We are in the small division now,so its not as important as it was.If things dont change,the 2 man team of the indians arent going to beat the 10 deep of the devils,home or away.There is alot of offensive threat that could come from the indians,but so far more times than not its not being used.The last time i checked,I and ME dont win games,teams do.Defense,speed,better rebounding,better shot selection,and running an offense as a team will win games.Maybe we will see more signs of a team concept against the rockets,giving the indians some momentum going into the NA game.Maybe we will go with the quick line up again and see what kind of an offense we can run.Go Indians

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by sparky »

this should give peebles a little more incentive to beat north adams twice in the same season. when was the last time they did that?
is the west union vs manchester game still a league game? one of them is giving up a home league game as well if it is. that probably is harder on manchester than west union.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by peeblesportsfan1391 »

slamdunk wrote:My prediction:

North Adams 75
Peebles 55

North Adams is too deep and talented. They also will be able to dominate the inside game due to Peebles lack of one. It will be an exciting game at the beginning, but in the end, NA pulls away for the 20 point win.

That is what West Union folks and others thought too on Friday night, BUT ......... Final score NA 86 WU 55

I hate to have to quote you twice Slam Dunk, but your post just seem to lack good Basketball IQ. First of all to say that Peebles has a lack of an inside game is crazy. But I can forgive you for getting last years Peebles team confused with this years Peebles team. This year Coach Lawhorn has his team ready to play both outside and inside which is a huge key for Peebles to win. However, where I think many people get confused is that they see Peebles shot a lot of 3's, like last year's team, and automatically assume that Peebles has no inside game. If you have watched Peebles play at all this year, you would have notice that when they r playing their best Peebles is utilizing their strong inside game, along with their outside game.

Secondly to say that NA will pull Away and win by 20 when the game is @ Peebles, just goes to prove that you have probably never seen a match up between these two teams. I guarantee neither one of these teams will give up NO MATTER what the other team's lead is. These teams are just to well coached and just have to much respect for each other to give less than their very best.

Finally to compare this Peebles vs. North Adams game to that of the WU @ NA game is just plain out STUPID... I want to know wat could have possibly been going through your head when you made that analogy. For one(and I mean this in no Disrespectful way to the WU players or coaches, these are just observations that i have made after seeing both teams play) Peebles has more talent, more experience, and a more experienced coach. Coach Lawhorn will have these boys ready for North Adams, and to believe anything other than that both teams will give 120% on that floor for the ENTIRE game, just goes to show a person's lack of intelligence when it comes to basketball.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by shljunkie »

Peeblessportsfan1931, I certainly don't mean to insult your basketball intelligence but I'm confused when you say that you have seen Peebles play this year, I'm wondering how many games you have seen. First of all, let me tell you, I have been a Peebles basketball fan for many years, probably for longer than you've been alive, and I, like everyone else wants to see this team add to the rich tradition and history of Peebles basketball.
That being said, Peebles played well in the first halves of a couple games but there is much much room for improvement if they are going to beat good teams. I'm not sure what inside game you are talking about because it isn't there. Too much not getting position, boxing out and getting a rebound the correct way and not near enough team play. This is a team full of depth and ability and it is not being utilized and until that happens we had better keep our bragging to a minimum.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by sparky »

i know one of you will be playing west union in the consolation or championship game. in the past strange things have happened in the adams county tournament.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by UNC_23 »

Yeah....Two years ago when North Adams lost to West Union by 28...That was UGLY!!!

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