Portsmouth Daily Times runs unnecessary story.

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times runs unnecessary story.

Post by biggdowgg »

ManitouDan wrote:No problem brisco-- I'd bet most poster's on here don't even know which direction v-burg is. :lol:

I DO,,,ITS, ATTA WAY..... :lol:

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times runs unnecessary story.

Post by salemcat »

and when you get to nowhere you are there.

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times runs unnecessary story.

Post by blue53 »

biggdowgg wrote:
ManitouDan wrote:No problem brisco-- I'd bet most poster's on here don't even know which direction v-burg is. :lol:

I DO,,,ITS, ATTA WAY..... :lol:

ATTA WAY???? I thought it down dada way

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times runs unnecessary story.

Post by The Riepo Man »

First off...were they "kicked off" or did they just not make the team? Kicking a kid off the team kinda denotes punishment.

Not being on the team because he had diabetes makes no sense what so ever to me but not allowing a deaf boy I can kinda see. Dont get me wrong deaf people can be great great athletes but unless they discovered a way for the kid to communicate back in forth without constantly looking at the coach then I dongt know how much playing time he would have got...I know most if not all coaches shout out formations and defensive coverages just at random times thus making it harder for the deaf child to flow with the game...overall I dont agree with the coach.

Just dont butcher me for my opinions people

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times runs unnecessary story.


I guess the first story wasn't enough for the PDT. Todays paper had a follow up about the first boy, who now it is explained, has club feet. Well if that wasn't enough of a shocker, there are two other boys who got cut. One, reportedly because he was a diabetic, the other because he was deaf (I think, don't have the paper in front of me).
Are we to believe that the coach is such an idiot that he would have cut Lebron James if he had 6 toes on one foot? The parents are embarrassing their kids and community. Maybe they can get WSAZ back to one of their school board meetings and make all of Southern Ohio proud.

Didnt it say there was two other boys with no birth defects that were cut?

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times runs unnecessary story.

Post by Sawdust »

Didnt it say there was two other boys with no birth defects that were cut?

Yes, one was an attitude problem but I have no idea about the other one.
It was my understanding that only 4 were cut, but I could be wrong. This has been an embarrassment from ALL parties involved. I agree and disagree with both sides. Lets just shut up and play ball. It seems the only ones acting like an adult in this situation is the kids.

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times runs unnecessary story.

Post by biggdowgg »

where is HOOT at?..he seems to be the only one with a level head here.

cant believe I just said that. :lol:

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times runs unnecessary story.

Post by Sawdust »

where is HOOT at?..he seems to be the only one with a level head here.

I thought I saw him out walking his dog :122245 :122245 :122245

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times runs unnecessary story.

Post by proudparentofasider »

The school board getting involved in a coaches decision to me is just wrong. If the board takes away the coaches power, why have a coach at all, unless it is just total wrong doing on the coaches part. On the otherhand, we don't know ever detail of what really went on. West football has had a deaf kid on the team for the last 4 years. He didn't play alot, but he was part of the team and all the boys made sure he fit in with them. It's a shame this has happened and there wasn't a place for him, maybe team manager or something to make him feel like he belonged. We live in a society where the handicapped are mainstreamed in with everyone else, as it should be, and that is just my opinion.

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times runs unnecessary story.

Post by hoot »

I think everyone needs to take a deep breath for a moment and we'll see what comes about Monday night. I for one do not see why another school board meeting was needed. I've stated on numerous occasions that I did not agree with Coach Kitchen cutting kids when we had only 15 kids grades 9-12 playing but he was hired to be the Coach and it is HIS decision who makes the team, NOT ANY ONE ELSE. I just said that it would have been easier to keep the young kids,coach them up,and see what happens.I will not name any names but Green has had some JV kids on their bench over the years that were not as good as some of the kids that were cut.They rarely played but they practiced every day to be a part of the team.That being said, the board CAN NOT implement a no cut policy now even if no one is sure if one ever existed!I wish the best for Coach Kitchen and the Green Bobcats this year and I hope for a quick and respectful finish to this mess and that the kids can get to playin! :122245
SAWDUST: If I don't walk the dog he'll poo in the house.
biggdowgg:This man hit a softball so hard it hissed as it went past you but he ran the bases as badly as I did. :122248 :122248 :122248

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times runs unnecessary story.

Post by biggdowgg »

hoot wrote:I think everyone needs to take a deep breath for a moment and we'll see what comes about Monday night. I for one do not see why another school board meeting was needed. I've stated on numerous occasions that I did not agree with Coach Kitchen cutting kids when we had only 15 kids grades 9-12 playing but he was hired to be the Coach and it is HIS decision who makes the team, NOT ANY ONE ELSE. I just said that it would have been easier to keep the young kids,coach them up,and see what happens.I will not name any names but Green has had some JV kids on their bench over the years that were not as good as some of the kids that were cut.They rarely played but they practiced every day to be a part of the team.That being said, the board CAN NOT implement a no cut policy now even if no one is sure if one ever existed!I wish the best for Coach Kitchen and the Green Bobcats this year and I hope for a quick and respectful finish to this mess and that the kids can get to playin! :122245
SAWDUST: If I don't walk the dog he'll poo in the house.
biggdowgg:This man hit a softball so hard it hissed as it went past you but he ran the bases as badly as I did. :122248 :122248 :122248

I bet we could both play the game today,,they let you have pinch runners EVERY time you bat down here now :122246 :lol:

these young players to day :roll:

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times runs unnecessary story.

Post by hoot »

LOL :122245 to the DOWGG!!!

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times runs unnecessary story.

Post by ItownSports »

Lets see, cut kids from a team, because they are to slow, cant shoot, maybe have a hard time with the dribble. How will they get better !!!! If they are not Varsity material for that coach, maybe the JV and or Freshman coach may want to WORK with the kids and maybe, just maybe they might improve.
No way this is right if there are not other issues than being a little slow, thats a lot of the reason that you see more talent in the bleachers than on the floor. I think these kids need to be given every chance there is, or they end up on the street doing a lot of things they shouldnt.

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times runs unnecessary story.

Post by bucknut 23 »

If you keep a kid, just to keep him, and he doesn't have the talent to play then what's going to happen when the boy never sees the court? How are mommy and daddy and little junior going to handle that? That would just create bad situation down the road. If he's so far behind the other players what are you going to do with him in practice. He would just slow many of the drills down if the talent is just not there.

Unfortunately, when you get to high school sometimes there are going to be cuts made. This happens in almost every sport other than fall ones, such as football, soccer, and cross-country. It's not pee-wee or even junior high. I don't care if you have an extra uniform or not, if a kid is not "good" enough then the coach needs to make that decision. That's what he's paid to do. It's also a part of coaching that coaches really, really hate and that is cutting players but unfortunately that is something that has to happen. That's what's wrong with our society today. Nobody wants to hurt someone's feelings, let's hold hands by the camp fire and sing kumba-ya.

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times runs unnecessary story.

Post by hoot »

I would have liked for the PDT not to be involved but from the reports they were receiving I'm sure they thought they had a relevant story. :? It's a shame it had to turn out this way;I guess we'll see what happens tonight.If some of the board try to force their ideas on the new coach, this will probably be a disaster for the kids of Green this year :( .
Last edited by hoot on Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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