Eastern @ Waterford 12/4

Steely Dan
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Re: Eastern @ Waterford 12/4

Post by Steely Dan »

No surprise here. Waterford coach doesn't know how to let up off the gas pedal......... Eastern will win some games this year, but Waterford wins no friends....

Not a good way to start off the season with all of the league watching you for a show of class.......... :roll: :roll: :roll:

Prime Time
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Re: Eastern @ Waterford 12/4

Post by Prime Time »

Game over early 21-0 at the end of 1st quarter.
Waterford 21-20-18-21 80
Eastern 00-10-05-02 17
Drayer 26
King 21
Brown 16

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Re: Eastern @ Waterford 12/4

Post by Kerinon »

Great game by the Lady Cats! This is definitely going to be their year. The bench is DEEP and Coach knows how to use them.

And the posts about scoring are the same year after year after year. Why does the coach let the score run up? Why doesn't he dress JV? Why this, why , why, why? I don't know the coach, so I can't answer for him. But I will say that if you have a team who has their sights set on playing in the post-season with teams that take home state championships, you cannot play any regular season game with any less gusto. I know it's early in the season, but these girls are trained and coached to play hard and smart. I don't think any coach or parent or fan would want to see five girls on the floor playing sloppy, lazy ball just because their team is up by 25. Each team you play throughout the season is a stepping stone and court experience for the next faster, smarter, stronger, better team. Don't judge this team until you see them play against the big names in Ohio High School Girls Basketball. These are a great group of very nice girls. We, as a region, should be darn proud that down here in the hills we have a girls team that's ranked 5th in the state in D IV ball.

Best of luck to all of the ladies in this league that put in the hours it takes to play the game.

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Re: Eastern @ Waterford 12/4

Post by hoopitup »

Coach Close ran his bench the entire game! It's not like Waterford was pressing after the 1st half, maybe even the 1st quarter. Is it Waterford's fault they play good defense? I'm pretty sure they even played a zone the second half. With Waterford's height and the arm reach of some of these girls, they get their hands on a lot. This is the first game of the season and these girls have worked hard all summer, and it really shows. Good Job Ladies! Good Luck against Alexander on Saturday. Hope we have a big crowd.

Coach Burdette will do a nice job with the Eastern girls. They are young and have much potential. Connery did a very nice job taking care of the basketball. I don't really know very many of the other girls but all seem to have good game concepts. Good Luck to them and the rest of their season.

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Re: Eastern @ Waterford 12/4

Post by classof86 »

Waterford's bench comes in and doesnt miss a beat, they will compete for the state title this year, how nice would that be to have Alexander in volleyball and Waterford in basketball. Eastern will be just fine this year, but I do agree that the dogs should have been called off

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Re: Eastern @ Waterford 12/4

Post by rookie »

Hats off to the Waterford team a very very good team. I do not see anyone beating this team in the t.v.c..Lady Eagles need to keep there heads up and play hard there they will have many wins this season.

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Re: Eastern @ Waterford 12/4

Post by classof86 »

The thing that gets me is that Eastern is not a bad team, Waterford is just this good

lovin' every minute of it
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Re: Eastern @ Waterford 12/4

Post by lovin' every minute of it »

I am an Eastern fan and I am not complaining about Waterford and the score. They are a very talented team and I wish them much luck this season. As Class of 86 said, Eastern is not a bad team, Waterford is just very, very good. Keep your heads up Lady Eagles!!

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Re: Eastern @ Waterford 12/4

Post by daluvofallsports »

this score isn't a shock to me. waterford is very tough this year and is loaded with talented ladies. great job and i see a bright future for you ladies.

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Re: Eastern @ Waterford 12/4

Post by tiger02 »

I think that it would be ridiculous to move up JV players because the varisty works so hard and can play basketball. Just because the kids are good players they should let up and sit the bench? High school basketball is about winning. This goes for any team.

You don't see defending state champs Berlin Hiland moving up JV and making the varsity girls sit because they are good and blowing out teams. What does that do for the girls that play their hearts out?

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