Thank you very much for the information on River Valley. It helps me to understand where they are in their athletic programs.
This was exactly the type of information that I had hoped BuckeyeCAV would post since he has appointed himself the aficionado of all things River Valley and is such a devotee of the TVC and their best interests.

If he indeed does have close contacts within the TVC, as he claims, in the past and now, this would explain the closed-mindedness of some of their members and why they do not want to grow the TVC into a better league. And if he did have close connections back in the 1990's as he claims (and he may have) this may explain why he is a hater of Belpre. Maybe his team was on the wrong end of some losses to Belpre in basketball during that time. Everybody is up and everybody is down at different points.
With the current money crunch all districts are under, and other schools looking at their budgets to see what they can do to stretch their dollars AND improve programs both in academics and athletics, the TVC should be trying to sell itself and expand. Time to think outside the box.
I am glad to see we are having some helpful discussions on this topic since late last night and all of us (except for one) believes there are other viable options besides Federal Hocking and River Valley (no disrespect meant to them) being the only teams to be added to the TVC Ohio for an 8th team.
I have learned not to question NYBuckeye96 on his information of the TVC has he has done alot of research on that matter. He is correct that Warren did not dominate any one sport while a member. They had their good years and bad just like everybody else does. While I was disappointed in them leaving the TVC, I do think it was the right move for them as the TVC got on a roll of continually adding much smaller schools instead of looking to add some bigger schools to the mix. One of the best things they did was to make 2 divisions so we did not have to play 8 conference games in football and 16 in basketball like we were doing. You need games outside you conference to better prepare your teams for the post-season regardless of the sport. IMO, 1/2 should be nonconference.
IF Warren came into the league and I realize that it probably won't happen even though more than 1/2 of the membership would support them, they would do well in most sports. That is what you want, somebody that will improve everybody. That is why the TVC should look at adding bigger schools and protect it's current small school members by splitting into 3 divisions.
Ideally, what the SEOAL should do is look at adding some small schools to their lineup and becoming 2 divisions. If they don't want to do that, then the TVC should take the lead and add biggers schools and do what I suggested above.
Belpre enjoys playing Warren. We lead the series in football right now. I think the same goes for boys basketball. (My guess is they will beat us tonight). I am sure they lead in most girls sports. They, along with other bigger schools would be a welcomed addition to the TVC. All I can tell you is this, the folks at Warren back their kids and for the most part travel very well. But, on long road trips you usually have only the family members following the team, especially on bad weather nights, regardless of whose school it is.
Athens is now the hub of the TVC. They should take a lead in this matter and help the TVC to grow. They have an excellent AD. It would benefit them and the league to continue the growth of the league with bigger schools. And the best place to draw them from is the SEOAL because some maybe be looking at different options in the coming years.