Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by theassassin »

BlizzardMan wrote:River Valley and South Gallia would never agree to be in the same division. They will not play each other.

i think that just one person cntrolling the decsion not to play. alot of people would like to see it happen. ever year sg has a good team that is all they talk bout. dont think anyone from rv would run from the game.

that 3 divisional lineup is interesting.

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by theassassin »

what r the enrollments for all these school mentioned? i know i could look it up but dont want to. maybe someone else willl

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by BuckeyeCAV »

Mister B wrote:I would ask Fort Frye, but I have a strong hunch ;-) that they won't leave the PVC.

What about Liberty Union? I doubt they would come in but lets throw schools out and discuss them.

The logical thinking, at least in my book, who knows about BuckeyeCAV, is to try and pick up teams in which the majority of the travel would be on a 4 lane i.e. RT 32, RT 33 and maybe I-77 (for Belpre but I doubt others would see it that way).

If you are going to consider Oak Hill, then think of 1 thing first, girls sports are almost always played of a school night. Wellston was at Belpre last night in girls basketball. They pulled into our school around 5 pm. They had to leave right after school. Probably had to brown bag their food at their school before getting on the bus. Played 2 games, probably stopped somewhere to eat and then went home. I bet it was around 11 pm when they got home. It would be a longer drive from Oak Hill to Belpre then Wellston to Belpre.

Now, a late game isn't so bad on a friday night - football and boys basketball or saturday night - again boys basketball. The girls are out late on away games and they are almost 100% played on a school night. We are in school for an education, sports is secondary. At least it is supposed to be.

I don't like BuckeyeCAV's proposed league lineup and not because he proposed it. You need to do a better job of grouping schools in divisions based on school size. I rearranged his lineup slightly even though I don't agree with all the teams but I won't argue that point right now.


Vinton - I doubt Vinton would vote for this as this means they have to play more schools their size. I.E. Warren


River Valley - don't agree but we already know that :lol:
Federal Hocking - The same statment that applies to Vinton, insert here but make it NY and Belpre.
Trimble - Yeah, their D6 but they're like your kid brother, you can talk them into it. And they would be a good fit here.
Oak Hill


South Gallia - not sold on this one either :mrgreen:
Symmes Valley - :?

As to Belpre saying no to Oak Hill back in 1992, I would question on whose word you got that from. And, if a school says no, they don't have to have a reason. Remember, 75% of the total membership has to be in agreement. Or at least that is the way it was.

It is now 2nd down and 7. Who wants to be Skip Bayless?

Mister B,

If memory serves me right, Belpre has always been the whiner within the TVC. A few years ago they were threatening to leave if they were not put in the Hocking Division. Either enjoy the Conference and accept the travel or try to work within the system to make games be moved up to a Saturday in the situation you posed about Girls Basketball at Oak Hill, or continue to whine or find some other league to play in. But I doubt that. There aren't many close to Belpre huh?

Just as Warren Local did, in 85 and leaving in 86. They whined about the number of teams within the TVC and that some being added were (has-beens) from the SEOAL. So what do they do? Leave the TVC and join the SEOAL? :roll:

Where I might add, they have got their clocks cleaned in football every year since then. What is it with Washington County? You don't see Waterford whining when they have to come to Wellston or VC to play sports on a school night in cross TVC Divisional Play do you? They accepted the travel bit as part of being in the TVC and have been team players in the TVC. Something Belpre might take a page from. Get used to it. RV or FH is it. You are not going to convince a Wellston or VC to let Liberty Union from the MSL-Cardinal in. Too far. The same as Crooksville from the MVL was. RV or FH is right within the TVC Map.



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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by mister b »


It appears the truth has came out. Sitting in Chilly you are nothing but a hater towards Belpre and the TVC. You are in no position to say who comes into or leaves the TVC. You are in no position to tell any school to stop whinning and have no knowledge of any past history in the TVC.

IF Belpre were to leave, and they are not, where would they go? There isn't another league to go into. But, there is no reason not to continue to improve the league that you are in by adding quality programs. If that means schools leaving your beloved SEOAL, then so be it.

The world doesn't begin and end with Chilly. Never has and never will. Chilly isn't the only town that has a state championship banner at the entrance to it's town, like you keep throwing in the face of Logan and others in the SEOAL because they don't have one " after all their years in the SEOAL". Belpre has a state championship to it's credit, 1952 State Champions in track. It's a nice trophy. Probably worth more than your basketball state trophy because the wood in it isn't pressed and the metal is real bronze. Our track championship was won when we had to run meets on other school's tracks because we didn't have a track. Trying winning a state title when you don't even have the facilities to properly prepare you athletes like coach Wiley had to do.

Sorry that you can't play nice in the sandbox with others on here and have a discussion without having a fit. There are others who have opinions and they may be different then yours. River Valley to the TVC or Federal to the Ohio are not the only options that are open to the TVC as you may think. I think you have TVC envy. You are afaird that the TVC is going take another school from your beloved SEOAL. If Warren is nothing, as you say, why care where they go? Because you don't want them to leave and you are deathly afaird that they MIGHT go to the TVC if the option was made available or maybe they might help the TVC become a better league. Improving the overall health of your league by adding good programs and making travel considerations for all athletes, boys and girls and there fans, most of which are parents, should be taken into consideration of any AD worth their salt. You can never get completely away from the long road trip but you sure don't ignore travel time and cost in this day and age. Every team has travel and time concerns for their boys and girls. I know Vinton and Wellston are not real happy about the trip to Belpre but I guess Belpre is the only whiners in the league.

If you don't care for this thread, don't post anymore. But if you have meaningful input, then give your reasons. I am still waiting on a good reason that River Valley is a good fit for the TVC, other than being a rural school. If that is the best you got then :lol:

Warren left the TVC for the SEOAL because the TVC was becoming a league of smaller schools and they wanted to get into the football playoffs, like Belpre and Nelsonville were doing. Back then, only 2 teams from each region got in as opposed to the 8 of today. It was hard for them to get the computer points that they needed. Plus, playing schools more of their size would better prepare all their teams for post season play, boys and girls. Back to the "your competition makes your better idea" that you don't believe in. ;-)
Last edited by mister b on Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by BuckeyeCAV »

Mister B wrote:BuckeyeCAV...

It appears the truth has came out. Sitting in Chilly you are nothing but a hater towards Belpre and the TVC. You are in no position to say who comes into or leaves the TVC. You are in no position to tell any school to stop whinning and have no knowledge of any past history in the TVC.

IF Belpre were to leave, and they are not, where would they go? There isn't another league to go into. But, there is no reason not to continue to improve the league that you are in by adding quality programs. If that means schools leaving your beloved SEOAL, then so be it.

The world doesn't begin and end with Chilly. Never has and never will. Chilly isn't the only town that has a state championship banner at the entrance to it's town, like you keep throwing in the face of Logan and others because they don't have one. Belpre has a state championship to it's credit, 1952 State Champions in track. It's a nice trophy. Probably worth more than your basketball state trophy because the wood in it isn't pressed and the metal is real bronze. Our track championship was won when we had to run meets on other school's tracks because we didn't have a track. Trying winning a state title when you don't even have the facilities to properly prepare you athletes like coach Wiley had to do.

Sorry that you can't play nice in the sandbox with others on here and have a discussion without having a fit. There are others who have opinions and they may be different then yours. River Valley to the TVC or Federal to the Ohio are not the only options that are open to the TVC as you may think. I think you have TVC envy. You are afaird that the TVC is going take another school from your beloved SEOAL. If Warren is nothing, as you say, why care where they go? Because you don't want them to leave and you are deathly afaird that they MIGHT go to the TVC if the option was made available or maybe they might help the TVC become a better league. Improving the overall health of your league by adding good programs and making travel considerations for all athletes, boys and girls and there fans, most of which are parents, should be taken into consideration of any AD worth their salt. You can never get completely away from the long road trip but you sure don't ignore travel time and cost in this day and age. Every team has travel and time concerns for their boys and girls. I know Vinton and Wellston are not real happy about the trip to Belpre but I guess Belpre is the only whiners in the league.

If you don't care for this thread, don't post anymore. But if you have meaningful input, then give your reasons. I am still waiting on a good reason that River Valley is a good fit for the TVC, other than being a rural school. If that is the best you got then :lol:

Mister B,

No I don't hate Belpre, but I do get tired of hearing the multiple excuses and whining. How do you know I am not connected to the TVC? Just because I am from Chillicothe doesn't mean I don't have knowledge or experience with the Conference? Hmmmm..... :!: :-D

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by mister b »

And a lot of people get behind a computer screen and pretend that they are something that they are not. :122246

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by theassassin »

mister b
i have posted before that as far as i know river valley is quite satisfied being a memeber of the ovc. seems like every year the topic of rv to the tvc comes up. where these rumors start i dont know, but to answer your question what they can bring to the tvc.

beginning next year new facilities. football might remain at the current lacation for another year that is still up in air.
as piosted by others it is a rural school but with the move to the new location near bidwell there is a small village and an area that is growing.

boys sports
fb - never had a lot of success. coupel years in mid 90's at 4-5 and 4-6 playing in seoal and also non league games against ironton, portsmouth, miami trace and east bank, wv (state champions). losing 50-60 kids per class when south gallia reopened in late 90's didnt help fb teams trying to compete in seoal.

xc - has been very successful. i believe rv has 4 ovc championshiops along with a couple teams that advanced to district. thre has also been a couple individul state qualfiers.

golf - several individual qualifiers to district tournament competing in DII. usally field a very competitive team.

boys bkball - has 3-4 district appearance. about always very competitve. i believe have finished in top 3 in ovc all except last year. have never backed away from competition playing non league games against ironton and eastern in yrs when they advanced to state tourny. also eastmoor academy, rose hill christian, ashland ky. have played alex and fh from tvc when those teams were winning or copeting for tvc championshiops.

wrestling - competitive. have won a couple ovc champions although not recongnized due to not enough schools fielding teams. district and state individul qulafiers.

baseball - not much success but never been much consistancey in coaches. wouldnt begin to knowo how many head coaches in short histroy of the school.

track - a lot of individaul success never seem to have depth for team scuccess. district and state ind. qualifiers with a few placing.

girls sports

vb - have won ovc every year been in it... 7 yrs i think. league record of 68-2. a couple district teams.

xc - never enough to field full team that i know of. have had some solid individuals run.

girls bkball - a couple district qualifirs back in the 90's. had a few down years. rv alum just completed career at w. mich last year. good talent coming in now. girls could compete for ovc and district titles over the next 3-4 yrs.

track - about same as boys. solid ind. with district and state qualifiers never enough depth to compet for team titles.

sball - district qualifiers 4-5 yrs ago. usually field competitive teams.

at current location some kids travel 40-45 minutes if they drive. the trip is longer when riding a bus. i think numbers will improve once the move to the new location.

and another thing... the 4 lane travel you talked about.... wellston, athens alex and ny would travel mostly 4 lane.

from belpre it might be best to taek 50 over to athens and then jump on 32/124 west then 160 to bidwell. not sure bout that though.

rv fans will travel well also.

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by buckfan84 »

I for one would love to see Warren re-enter the TVC. I do think that the addition of Warren would bode well for the future of the TVC. Warren is even closer to most of the schools than Belpre so logistically it would be a good fit. I imagine that population in the Warren Local School District is shrinking, unless they are bucking a trend in SE Ohio therefor making them a good fit size wise.

Having said that, if Warren were to leave the SEOAL that would not be a good thing for that League or ANY of the schools in that league. As much as we would like to think it isn't that difficult to do a schedule when you are not in a league, you might want to rethink that. Also, I would hate to see that league disband though in reality, I would say the writing is on the wall.

One of my sources tells me that Warren entering the TVC, if the SEOAL were to disband, is not that far a stretch. Warren has no interest in joining a league with Parkersburg South. Warren, size wise, is a better fit in a league with Athens, VC and Meigs than a league with South and Marietta. As a matter of fact, the vote would be pretty close at this point if Warren were to be asked. This comes from a reliable source. EXTREMELY reliable.

Not to mention, who can say there wont be more school consolidations headed our way? There have been rumors of this that have grown louder year by year. Now, I don't believe rumors but the people I have heard some of these from are more "in the know" than most.

I think that most schools in the TVC are learning that in order to improve, you need better competition and of the 2 schools, I think Warren brings more to the table. Both are Div IV schools so size is comparable but Warren has historically had more success in athletics.

I am not trying to get in your guys argument but just wanted you to know how this Buckeye fan feels and there are many more that feel this way also.

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

This Buckeye fan also supports Warren joining the TVC! :-D

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by BuckeyeCAV »

But Wellston, VC, FH won't vote yes at this time. Sorry, but that's probably a no-go. The SEOAL will go on as long as the other five are there. Logan, Jackson, Gallipolis, Chillicothe and Portsmouth.

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by Joedirt »

If Warren is to come to theTVC,I say bring it on!! They were there once,I don't recall them dominating the league back then.Had some good teams, don't get me wrong,but it takes more than 1 sport to be the bully in the league. 8)

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by BuckeyeCAV »

JUSTAFAN89 wrote:If Warren is to come to theTVC,I say bring it on!! They were there once,I don't recall them dominating the league back then.Had some good teams, don't get me wrong,but it takes more than 1 sport to be the bully in the league. 8)

And that would be the reason that most will keep them out of the TVC-Ohio. Why? Because they would dominate in Boys and Girls Basketball, Volleyball, Boys and Girls Track and Field, Cross Country, Soccer against all those in the TVC that has the sport, Softball and Wrestling. Only football would be their weak point but not like the SEOAL. They would win the TVC-Ohio more than they ever have in the SEOAL.

Check out how many times they have won the All Sports SEOAL Trophy.

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by Joedirt »

BuckeyeCAV wrote:
JUSTAFAN89 wrote:If Warren is to come to theTVC,I say bring it on!! They were there once,I don't recall them dominating the league back then.Had some good teams, don't get me wrong,but it takes more than 1 sport to be the bully in the league. 8)

And that would be the reason that most will keep them out of the TVC-Ohio. Why? Because they would dominate in Boys and Girls Basketball, Volleyball, Boys and Girls Track and Field, Cross Country, Soccer against all those in the TVC that has the sport, Softball and Wrestling. Only football would be their weak point but not like the SEOAL. They would win the TVC-Ohio more than they ever have in the SEOAL.

Check out how many times they have won the All Sports SEOAL Trophy.

When I was growing up in the 70's and 80's they didn't kick the rest of the TVC around.They got kicked around.Boys basketball, they weren't even the team to beat.It was Alex,NY,Trimble and Belpre.Warren might win 1 here and there but I dont remember them winning titles in ALL sports.When they left the TVC after the 85-86 season,I always said it was because they got tired of getting beat by little schools,not because they wanted to play bigger teams in the SEOAL.
Hell I'd take NY over Warren in football anytime.Alex VB,even their girls team in B-ball, over Warren,VC over Warren in Boys B-ball.Warren aint that great like you are cracking them up to be.Why haven't they played in playoffs? gone deep in tournaments? Yes I know they have a good Girls Bball and Vball team.But dude no one is afraid of them.I would say if Warren contacted Coach Boston right now,he would play them,same with Alex girls V-ball.
So I still say bring it on and prove it! Make me eat my words,I'll eat them with pride.
I want Warren in the TVC now!!! So they can get a reality check.'re turn! :-D

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by boogerred »

I doubt Morgan would want to leave the MVL

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by BuckeyeCAV »

JUSTAFAN89 wrote:
BuckeyeCAV wrote:
JUSTAFAN89 wrote:If Warren is to come to theTVC,I say bring it on!! They were there once,I don't recall them dominating the league back then.Had some good teams, don't get me wrong,but it takes more than 1 sport to be the bully in the league. 8)

And that would be the reason that most will keep them out of the TVC-Ohio. Why? Because they would dominate in Boys and Girls Basketball, Volleyball, Boys and Girls Track and Field, Cross Country, Soccer against all those in the TVC that has the sport, Softball and Wrestling. Only football would be their weak point but not like the SEOAL. They would win the TVC-Ohio more than they ever have in the SEOAL.

Check out how many times they have won the All Sports SEOAL Trophy.

When I was growing up in the 70's and 80's they didn't kick the rest of the TVC around.They got kicked around.Boys basketball, they weren't even the team to beat.It was Alex,NY,Trimble and Belpre.Warren might win 1 here and there but I dont remember them winning titles in ALL sports.When they left the TVC after the 85-86 season,I always said it was because they got tired of getting beat by little schools,not because they wanted to play bigger teams in the SEOAL.
Hell I'd take NY over Warren in football anytime.Alex VB,even their girls team in B-ball, over Warren,VC over Warren in Boys B-ball.Warren aint that great like you are cracking them up to be.Why haven't they played in playoffs? gone deep in tournaments? Yes I know they have a good Girls Bball and Vball team.But dude no one is afraid of them.I would say if Warren contacted Coach Boston right now,he would play them,same with Alex girls V-ball.
So I still say bring it on and prove it! Make me eat my words,I'll eat them with pride.
I want Warren in the TVC now!!! So they can get a reality check.'re turn! :-D


You are living in the past.

See if they beat VC this year. Did they beat Belpre in Football and Basketball this year? :-D

Did they beat Meigs this year. Did they beat Belpre who won the TVC last sesaon in 2007? Times have changed and Warren Local would dominate. They for the most part never had a problem with Athens in the SEOAL either.

Alexander would give them a run for their money in Volleyball but not stay consistent against the Warriors.

You all don't have Soccer in the TVC except what, Athens, Belpre and Trimble? The girls teams from Warren Local would dominate in all sports.... most of the time. And yes, they would beat N-Y in football. Once they got a foothold back in the conference I could see many saying, "big mistake for letting them back in." And sad enough to say, N-Y might just even try to move down in the Hocking Division after they went on a long dry-run in FB against the Warriors. Losing to them every year and losing the TVC-Ohio Crown to them over and over in Football. The expert on the TVC-Ohio is NYBuckeye96. He has most of the Champs in Football and Basketball and some other sports when Warren Local was in the TVC.

You and Mister B might want them back but I can't see Wellston, McArthur Vinton County and Pomeroy Meigs from the Ohio Division saying yes. Or Stewart Federal Hocking from the Hocking Division voting for them to come back either. Right now there are two teams that can be added to number 8 for the TVC-Ohio. River Valley or make FH move up from the Hocking Division like they did to Alexander in the late 90's.

Check out what the guru said on the other FB Thread "Your Ideal League"

gahs4ever wrote:What Warren is or isnt doing regarding the TVC is almost certainly a moot point. I havent heard anyone from the TVC wanting Warren, who dominated the league their first time around in most sports and would do so again IMO. They are in the same boat as Portsmouth and Ironton not being welcome in the SOC. A lot of history there, and not all of it cordial.

I will make it a point to ask GAHS grad Ron Janey, who is the Logan AD, the next time we play Logan if there is any truth to OCC rumors, but again everything Im hearing is Logan would be as welcome as Chillicothe was at the time they left that league.

JUSTAFAN89 / Mister B Your Turn :!: :-D

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by Joedirt »

Buckeyecav your right,so right,I'm sorry.I forgot,this is now,not the past. :lol: Let them in and we will see what happens.I just dont think they would dominate,anyone can beat anyone on a givin night.I will vote them in if my vote would count!
Oh by the way,I still like NY football over them there Warriors.
And what exactly was the guru smoking when he wrote that? Buckeyecav take care and it was fun,but Im done with this topic and movin on to a different topic.Can't argue over something that is'nt going to happen.MisterB you can argue with him. 8)

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Warren did not dominate football or basketball when they were in the TVC. Sure they won titles, but not to the point that you would say they dominated. If anyone dominated the league from top to bottom in all sports combined during Warren's time in the TVC, it was Belpre.

Overall, I would rank Warren as the fourth best football team from their years in the TVC. Belpre, Nelsonville-York, and Trimble would be ranked one, two, and three during that era. I would rank Belpre ahead of NY overall from the period of 1970-1985. However the 1981 and 1982 teams at NY would be the best overall teams in TVC history by far.

I agree with the point that Warren would win more football and basketball chamiponships in the TVC then they do in the SEOAL. However, I do not see Warren dominating the TVC in football. Nelsonville-York leads the all-time series against Warren. The series ended when Warren left the TVC in 1986. Remember how dominating NY was in the 1990's? NY split the decade with Logan in the overall series, with each team winning 4 games (they did not play in '90 or '91). NY even defeated Logan in years Logan won the SEOAL. NY went undefeated three times that decade, and made the playoffs five times (back when only the top 4 in each region qualified). I think if NY and Warren played during the '90s, it is safe to assume NY would have won a majority of those contests. NY has also had a successful decade in the '00s. In contrast, Warren has been down this decade. I think it would also be safe to assume NY would have a winning record in the series this decade as well versus Warren.

While I agree that Warren would do much better in the TVC in football and win a few more championships, I just do not see Warren football dominating NY. Sure Warren will beat NY from time to time, as do most other league schools. And for the years that Warren would beat NY, I would argue that NY would benefit from that loss in terms of preperation for the playoffs if they are in contention for the playoffs at the time by having key weaknesses exposed in time for improvement for the playoffs.

I think Warren would be one of the frontrunners in basketball in most years and probably would have won the TVC a few times going back to 1986. However, I seem to recall several powerhouse TVC baskeball teams in the last 22 years. Wellston and Belpre had some outstanding teams that jump out in my mind. As has Alexander and recently, Vinton County. Belpre has been known to go deep in the basketball tournament in that timespan. I'm not sure what the all-time record is between Belpre and Warren in basketball, but I would be willing to bet it is either close or Belpre has the lead in the overall series.

I also agree that Warren would challenge for the TVC Overall Sport Trophy in most years and probably win the title in many years. However, all of the TVC schools have their own sports they tend to do well in and I truly believe that if we throw our best teams against Warren in each of the sports, Warren will not dominate to the point that some think they will. Warren would find their nitch in the league and be a top school in some sports and this would only help to motivate and challenge the other TVC schools to become better in these sports.
I think it would be a win-win situation for both Warren and the TVC if Warren became the 8th school.

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by BlizzardMan »

theassassin wrote:
BlizzardMan wrote:River Valley and South Gallia would never agree to be in the same division. They will not play each other.

i think that just one person cntrolling the decsion not to play. alot of people would like to see it happen. ever year sg has a good team that is all they talk bout. dont think anyone from rv would run from the game.

that 3 divisional lineup is interesting.

The Board will not let it happen. That is the problem.
River Valley would make a great fit in the TVC. The new school can bring in more students and more athletes, time will tell. River Valley is as good, or better, than the bottom teams in the Ohio in almost every sport. They could be competitive for league titles in some. I also think Warren could be a good fit. They would be at the top in everything I am sure.

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Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by mister b »


Thank you very much for the information on River Valley. It helps me to understand where they are in their athletic programs.

This was exactly the type of information that I had hoped BuckeyeCAV would post since he has appointed himself the aficionado of all things River Valley and is such a devotee of the TVC and their best interests. :roll: If he indeed does have close contacts within the TVC, as he claims, in the past and now, this would explain the closed-mindedness of some of their members and why they do not want to grow the TVC into a better league. And if he did have close connections back in the 1990's as he claims (and he may have) this may explain why he is a hater of Belpre. Maybe his team was on the wrong end of some losses to Belpre in basketball during that time. Everybody is up and everybody is down at different points.

With the current money crunch all districts are under, and other schools looking at their budgets to see what they can do to stretch their dollars AND improve programs both in academics and athletics, the TVC should be trying to sell itself and expand. Time to think outside the box.

I am glad to see we are having some helpful discussions on this topic since late last night and all of us (except for one) believes there are other viable options besides Federal Hocking and River Valley (no disrespect meant to them) being the only teams to be added to the TVC Ohio for an 8th team.

I have learned not to question NYBuckeye96 on his information of the TVC has he has done alot of research on that matter. He is correct that Warren did not dominate any one sport while a member. They had their good years and bad just like everybody else does. While I was disappointed in them leaving the TVC, I do think it was the right move for them as the TVC got on a roll of continually adding much smaller schools instead of looking to add some bigger schools to the mix. One of the best things they did was to make 2 divisions so we did not have to play 8 conference games in football and 16 in basketball like we were doing. You need games outside you conference to better prepare your teams for the post-season regardless of the sport. IMO, 1/2 should be nonconference.

IF Warren came into the league and I realize that it probably won't happen even though more than 1/2 of the membership would support them, they would do well in most sports. That is what you want, somebody that will improve everybody. That is why the TVC should look at adding bigger schools and protect it's current small school members by splitting into 3 divisions.

Ideally, what the SEOAL should do is look at adding some small schools to their lineup and becoming 2 divisions. If they don't want to do that, then the TVC should take the lead and add biggers schools and do what I suggested above.

Belpre enjoys playing Warren. We lead the series in football right now. I think the same goes for boys basketball. (My guess is they will beat us tonight). I am sure they lead in most girls sports. They, along with other bigger schools would be a welcomed addition to the TVC. All I can tell you is this, the folks at Warren back their kids and for the most part travel very well. But, on long road trips you usually have only the family members following the team, especially on bad weather nights, regardless of whose school it is.

Athens is now the hub of the TVC. They should take a lead in this matter and help the TVC to grow. They have an excellent AD. It would benefit them and the league to continue the growth of the league with bigger schools. And the best place to draw them from is the SEOAL because some maybe be looking at different options in the coming years.

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Joined: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:49 pm

Re: Any teams mentioned for expanding the TVC-Ohio to 8?

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Here are the TVC Football Champions from Warren's time in the TVC:

1970- Belpre
1971- Belpre
1972- Belpre
1973- Belpre, Nelsonville-York
1974- Belpre
1975- Alexander, Nelsonville-York, Warren
1976- Nelsonville-York
1977- Belpre
1978- Belpre, Nelsonville-York, Trimble
1979- Nelsonville-York, Trimble
1980- Trimble
1981- Nelsonville-York
1982- Nelsonville-York
1983- Belpre
1984- Belpre
1985- Warren

Belpre - 9 titles (7 outright, 2 shared)
Nelsonville-York - 7 titles (3 outright, 4 shared)
Trimble - 3 titles (1 outright, 2 shared)
Warren - 2 titles (1 outright, 1 shared)
Alexander - 1 title ( 0 outright, 1 shared)

And if you look at who has the most success in the TVC since 1985, you will find the only change would be Nelsonville-York passing Belpre for the number one spot. Trimble is harder to do a direct comparison since the TVC is no longer unified, but still, I would argue Trimble is still the third most successful TVC team since 1985. Vinton County, Meigs, and Wellston have picked up a couple titles here and there since '85, but things still exist today much as they did back in the early days of the TVC.

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