Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by OSU Buckeyes 5 »

I thought there might be a good bit of chatter about Wolford's resignation. I first want to say good luck to Shane in whatever he decides to do in the future. It is clear that he cares a great deal for the Jackson football program and I'm sure he did everything he could to prepare his teams. He is a young guy who found himself in a high pressure situation with big expectations and he did the best he could.

I am of the belief that there is not as much talent at Jackson right now as there has been during the times of great success but that is a natural thing. There are very few, if any, programs that never have down years. Jackson's down years right now are 5-5 or 6-4 which goes to show how successful the program has been in the last decade and a half. I think people's expectations of what Jackson football should be are based on the fact that Jackson has had only two losing seasons in the last 15 years or so. When you win on a regular basis the down years receive much more focus from the fans or other supports. I agree with what others have said about not having overall talent comparable to the mid 90s or a playmaker like Humphreys, Boggs, or even Wolford himself. But at the same time I also think that the full potential of many of Jackson's athletes is not being realized. That is not because Shane and his staff are not trying to develop them. They are teaching them the best way they know. The fact is that most of the staff has zero experience coaching other than at Jackson. It would be beneficial to have some outsiders at Jackson who can bring a different perspective to the program and further the knowledge of the guys that are already there and vice versa.

The numbers in the program have definitely taken a turn for the worse lately and that is most likely due to many factors. There is a culture at Jackson in general where a lot of kids seem to be mixed up in things that are just not good for them. It happens everywhere but it seems to be very common in Jackson right now. You dont have as many kids going out for sports now and many of those that do are likely to find a reason to quit at the first sight of adversity. However, Shane's intense personality probably also has a lot to do with that. I have heard of many kids who are not or have not been playing because they cant seem to get along with him. Is that all his fault? Certainly not. But the coach needs to work at getting all the kids to buy into his philosophy and make them feel welcome in the program to keep numbers where they need to be. It is easier to get the point across to some kids. Others you need to work at it a little instead of just tossing them aside.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I agree a little bit with many of the people who have posted on this topic. I am in agreement with statements made from each side of the argument. The current so called struggles are not all Shane's fault. I think that the drop in numbers could have been prevented a little better by him but I get the fact that some kids just are not dedicated and are not cut out for it. I agree that many people dont realize what coaches put into their preparation and that they dont know how much emotion or dedication a coach really has. Most times the successes of coaches go almost unnoticed while their failures are pointed out immediately. That is just the nature of coaching and most coaches just try to ignore the public opinion and go about their business which is what I think Shane did for the most part.

In the end I think that Jackson does need someone with a different mentality to come in as the coach. Someone that can bring a different perspective or a different philosophy. The new SEOAL is tough and it is going to remain that way. Jackson needs to adapt in order to make sure that a few down years dont turn into many down years.

Once again good luck to Shane. I am not trying to claim to have all the answers but I do care about Jackson football and I think it is fair to have differing opinions on the subject. I think the one thing we all can agree on is that Jackson brings in a coach that will lead the program to the success that we all want it to have. I am sure Shane would want it that way too.

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by ocho stinko »

Da Bears,
You have a title to your opinion. But since you seem to know so much why don't you apply for the job. I bet you r knowledge is far greater than any coach on the staff. I 'll take shane's word for it because I know him and he is a man of his word. I have personally talked to him a long time about it. No matter where you coach there are first class idiots in the end zone yelling stuff like nice call coach, or even verbally cursing the coaches and players. Personally the administration ought to toss the parents that yell profanity and belittle their own players, or the other teams players. Putting up with idiot parents is just part of coaching unfortunately. The one end zone was full of morons. I had to take my kids away because of the language being screamed. REeal class act parents in the one end zone. Of course they probably don't read this site since they are probably illiterate.

As far as a replacement I would try to get Pete Woods, or Doug Wooten. Great people. Doug is a former player that bleeds red and white and started at Ohio University. I know some parents argue that you have to play college ball to coach so this would take away some of the cry baby parents argument about a coach's knowledge for the game.

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by bengalfan76 »

Tim Dailey would be a great hire at Jackson.
The guy is a winner.

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by Da Bears »

I'm back "stinko". Me apply for the Jackson job . . . no way. Don't think it is a very good job. No talent for at least 2-3 years. They ran off one of their own. Do you think they will give an outsider any time? The crazies in Jackson are so deluded to their program. Charles Farquar really said it best. As I said before . . . Shane would still be coach if they had gone 6-4 or 7-3 with some talent coming back. As for me . . . got a real nice retirement gig going. Not too many people are lucky enough to retire at 47 yrs old. (I'm a young 53 now!) Had my day in the sun (12 years h.s footall coach in Illinois, 2 years at a Div 3 college) and the sun has set. Now I get to go to all the high school and college football games I want, listen to all the idiots scream at coaches, and call the plays they should have run!

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by ocho stinko »

Da Bears,
You are a smart man enjoy your retirement. Coaching football anywhere is somewhat crazy. My dad retired several of years ago and said a bad day at the golf course is better than a good day at work :lol: They do hire outside, look at the last three boys basketball coaches, and the last two superintendents. I do think they would hire outside if they felt the person was the right fit. I twill be interesting to see what happens. I am sure the names will increase. The one problem I see is that the school will be financial trouble soon. I do not see them creating any type of teaching job for the new coach. Of course alot of schools are in financial trouble or will be soon.

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by ironman02 »

I know that someone had asked about a timetable for hiring a new coach earlier in the thread. I read online today that the job has been posted internally within the school district and after five working days, outside applications will start to be accepted. Superintendant Phil Howard stated that they were going to take their time during the hiring process, taking into consideration possible teaching openings within the district, and that he didn't expect a coach to be hired too soon.

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by Da Bears »

Ocho Stinko, didn't want to get in a "peeing" contest with you and I didn't mean to imply that Shane wasn't being honest with his reason for quitting. I was simply stating an opinion from being in Jackson and watching 3 games when he was head coach. Again, I still believe that he would've stayed had they had a winning season. I think he is simply saying, "keep on doing this and having my family and myself put up with all the idiots or get out and enjoy my sons growing up". As a matter of fact, I think they will hire outside this time. I ask how much time will they give this person to get things turned around. Oh, your father is exactly right . . . a very bad day retired (especially at my age) is GREAT!! I do miss coaching it was a great time in my life.

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by lil vike supporter »

Is there any truth to the rumor that former Vinton County/ Federal Hocking coach Jeff Downs may be the next coach at Jackson? Jackson principal Joe Hemsly and Downs used to work together at Vinton County I know.

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by kuruguru »

Whoever takes the Jackson job had better have a great bolshy set of yarblockos to put up with all the cal and chepooka that gets said out in the community.

Either that or something will have to be missing from his gulliver!

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by Ironmanfan01 »

lil vike supporter wrote:Is there any truth to the rumor that former Vinton County/ Federal Hocking coach Jeff Downs may be the next coach at Jackson? Jackson principal Joe Hemsly and Downs used to work together at Vinton County I know.

What kind of records did Downs have at VC and FH?

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by Orange and Brown »

I don't know what Downs record was at V.C., but I will say he is a good coach. He might be a perfect fit in Jackson.
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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by BlizzardMan »

Downs is a Social Studies teacher. Could they find a spot for him?

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by Orange and Brown »

BlizzardMan wrote:Downs is a Social Studies teacher. Could they find a spot for him?

If they wanted to they could. :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by BlizzardMan »

I had an interview their before this schoolyear and they said that their Social Studies department was still rather young. I'm sure they would find a spot for him.

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by Orange and Brown »

If any school wants a coach bad enough, they will find a position for him in the district.

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by madpolecat »


Maybe the Jackson City Schools should hire all the teachers it needs and then find a suitable football coach from within the interested teachers who are employed within the district?

What should the priority be?

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by Orange and Brown »

I see your point, but lets face facts what is the chance they will find a really good coach that way.

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by Shep07 »

Downs record at VC:
03- 6-4
04- 8-2 regular season, lost in round 1 of playoffs
05- 3-7

at FH
06- 9-1 regular season, lost in round 1 of playoffs

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by Orange and Brown »

All I knoe is that Jackson will get there man no matter who it is or what we think. That is to good of a job to pass up for any coach. :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by madpolecat »

I am sure that they could find a good coach that way. Maybe not the Rich Rodriguez or Urban Meyer that they are looking for, but I am sure there are good people in the system right now.

Wooten is in the system, isn't he? How many other members of last year's staff are in-district?

If some person in the community is more qualified than the in-the-district applicant, they should hire him (or her, for that matter).

School districts shouldn't make jobs for football coaches.

Schools are in the business of education; the football and basketball and band all that other stuff are just ways that the community gets the government to keep the kids entertained.

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