New foorball coach at South Point?
New foorball coach at South Point?
I have heard (not confirmed) that South Point will have a new head football coach soon. Anyone have any sure knowledge?
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
I have heard coach Shilot resigned. I'm sure he will coach "Out Wayne" again. I have not heard of a replacement for him. I'm not sure a search has began.
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
I am sorry to hear that I wish him well.
I think South Point has a chance to turn things around but it will take the right coach. Someone that has done this in the past and knows how to build the program from the bottom up. There is some talent at South Point the kids need to get back out and support the program.
I think South Point has a chance to turn things around but it will take the right coach. Someone that has done this in the past and knows how to build the program from the bottom up. There is some talent at South Point the kids need to get back out and support the program.
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
It wasn't all Shilot's fault. The senior and junior classes right now weren't successful in any sports in biddy league or middle school ( football, basketball, track and baseball) . Both classes have a less than a handful of athletes, with some only concentrating on one sport. This years freshman and 8th graders should be really good if they all continue to work hard and don't get lazy. I look for the Pointers to be pretty good in a couple of years.
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Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
rumor has it merrill triplett will be the next sp coach. it will take a few years to turn it around but good luck. just hope he can keep the players at sp from transferring out. already rumor of couple 8th graders going to ironton. i am not a big proponent of transferring. wish parents would stay at home school and support their alma mater by sending there kids where they live.
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Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
This is the stuff that makes we want to puke. SP had a very strong MS program the last two seasons and their kids continue to leave the program going to a program that they have beaten head to head. Good luck to whoever lands the job.
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
rico suave wrote:rumor has it merrill triplett will be the next sp coach. it will take a few years to turn it around but good luck. just hope he can keep the players at sp from transferring out. already rumor of couple 8th graders going to ironton. i am not a big proponent of transferring. wish parents would stay at home school and support their alma mater by sending there kids where they live.
He would make a good one for the school. I would also think that any of the players leaving would have second thoughts. Does know how to build a prorgam and the kids seem to love him.
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
South point has got the talent 2 be a state champ contder just 2 get a coaching staff that nos what there doing & get there players commeted 2 sports again so every1 will play I mean all respect 2 dlight & but im glade his gona they need 2 get some that nos what there doing & the talrmt that sp has & who 2 put where
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
ohss76411 wrote:South point has got the talent 2 be a state champ contder just 2 get a coaching staff that nos what there doing & get there players commeted 2 sports again so every1 will play I mean all respect 2 dlight & but im glade his gona they need 2 get some that nos what there doing & the talrmt that sp has & who 2 put where
here's my best guess as to what he/she was trying to saydocw wrote:What???
South Point has got the talent to be a atate championship contender just need to get a coaching staff that knows what they are doing and get their players commited to sports again so every one will play. I mean all respect to (?) and but I'm glad he's gone. They need to get some one that knows what they are doing and knows the talent that sp has who to put where.
ohsaa76411 you need to spend less time doing sports and more time in the classroom!
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
South Point needs to have everyone to buy into a system without attitudes. South Point has always had talent. Much of that talent does not want to play in high school. South Point has not won consistently for years. To win there needs the players have to earn it on and off the field.
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
Again, I have only *heard* thru the rumor mill that Coach Shilot has left. Some say he resigned; others say he was fired. Anyone know for sure?
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Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
He has resigned per the story today in the tribune. ... all-field/
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
Thanx. I missed the story when I first read the Trib.
Any word on his replacement?
Any word on his replacement?
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
Has anyone heard who has appllied for the position at this time?
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
At this time I have heard there are couple of candiates does anyone know this for a fact?
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Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
ohss76411 wrote:South point has got the talent 2 be a state champ contder just 2 get a coaching staff that nos what there doing & get there players commeted 2 sports again so every1 will play I mean all respect 2 dlight & but im glade his gona they need 2 get some that nos what there doing & the talrmt that sp has & who 2 put where
Who knows, if that person is from South Point the problems are much bigger than a football coach.docw wrote:What???

And no, they do not have the talent to be a state champ contender, they aren't even an OVC contender. I watched a Minford team that was not all that great absolutely dismantle SP this year. The problem was much deeper than coaching.
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
I agree with you some what but Coaching can make a big difference. The first 2 years that Shilot was there they won the OVC and his last 3 they have gotten worse every year.
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
Talent runs in cycles, especially in smaller schools, but what I watched last year against West was sad. They hardly had any players on the sideline and they didn't look like they cared that they were on a football field. In 2007 and 2008 South Point was very talented and I'm sure they will get back to that, but regardless of talent (not pointing fingers) the three past years I feel like South Point could of been a little better.