New foorball coach at South Point?
- Varsity
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- Joined: Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:54 pm
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
Acquiring the job through dirty politics doesn't make anyone at South Point look like they have alot of character.I know alot of guys that were great football players in their time and know the game(like to include myself in that group) but that doesn't qualify any of us to take a program out of the dirt as a head coach.Maybe he will do good, maybe not, it's an unknown because obviously he has no experience as head coach. Every Lawrence County school is HAPPY for Point also believe me. 

Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
I heard the BOE will be meeting with an open forum for the public to discuss their hiring of the football coach. This needs to be done to close out what went wrong and to be able to move forward.
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
The job has been filled lets's stop moaning and groaning whether you agree about the decision or not. Who is to say he won't be the right fit? the board will not change their decision. My son seems to like him so far. I am not going to go home every night and pound into his head how it was the wrong guy. That is exactly what happened to Triplett at Ironton : the boys liked him and the parents wouldn't let it drop and on a nightly basis talked about how horrible the situation was. Stop badmouthing him and support him, who knows he may be awesome! Lord knows we couldn't have a worse season than we did last year. It may take a year a two but I see us having winning seasons again. Shame on you parents and other so called fans who just want to bad mouth a man and that most of you have never even met!
- Varsity
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Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
Chill man. No one can help it if the board decided to completely ignore the committee created to select the coach. I do agree it needs to be dropped.
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
I do not agree if the board is allowed to break the rules then why would are kids not think it would be ok. And you don't think we could have a worse season, you said it.osumufan wrote:The job has been filled lets's stop moaning and groaning whether you agree about the decision or not. Who is to say he won't be the right fit? the board will not change their decision. My son seems to like him so far. I am not going to go home every night and pound into his head how it was the wrong guy. That is exactly what happened to Triplett at Ironton : the boys liked him and the parents wouldn't let it drop and on a nightly basis talked about how horrible the situation was. Stop badmouthing him and support him, who knows he may be awesome! Lord knows we couldn't have a worse season than we did last year. It may take a year a two but I see us having winning seasons again. Shame on you parents and other so called fans who just want to bad mouth a man and that most of you have never even met!
- Waterboy
- Posts: 32
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Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
It isn't about bad mouthing Marcello, he litterly is walking into a mess brought on by the BOE sounds like. This guy may be a great guy, but the question is, is he Head Coaching material. Because the kids do deserve the best candadite for the job. It would be better to be in the school with the actual athletes too. IMO. So it"s not Marcellos character that is in question. It is about the injustice to kids and the community that people are upset about.
If the one thing they need right now is someone who has experience getting the boy out to play football,then I'm not convinced the most qualified PROVEN candidate was hired???
If the one thing they need right now is someone who has experience getting the boy out to play football,then I'm not convinced the most qualified PROVEN candidate was hired???
- Varsity
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Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
Didn't South Point once hire Coach Dan McDavid instead of Coach Dave Lucas?
- Varsity
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Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
Run the BOE out of town. They work for YOU, the voters of the community!! Some THINK they can do as they wish because of a silly title before their name. Prove them wrong! The community needs to get behind the new guy. He may not be who you wanted but that's who you have now.
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
I think running the board out of town is not the solution but calling them to the carpet and asking how did you hire this coach the next meeting should be a main topic of discussion. There is one board memeber that had their on agenda of getting someone hired. I also cannot believe they did not even vote on the recommendation of the committee.
- Riding the Bench
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Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
After reading this topic and everyone in the area knowing what type of Coach Triplett is, what was the BOE thinking? This happened one time at Gallipolis and the next BOE meeting the Board had to change who they voted on after researching the Coach's background and his qualifications.
I think the Teachers and the Kids in the school should be mad. Because they were going to get a Coach that would be walking the hallways supporting the Teachers and making sure the kids are following the rules. This is very important when you are trying to build a program and who would hire a head Coach that has never been a Teacher or Head Coach in Ohio. These Teachers and Coaches have worked hard to obtain their education and experience to get these types of jobs and the BOE said we don’t care. I have never heard of this before and I wonder if the Ohio Athletic Association would ever support this thought process.
South Point no wonder Gallipolis decided not to get in the OVC it sounds as if it is going in the wrong direction.
I think the Teachers and the Kids in the school should be mad. Because they were going to get a Coach that would be walking the hallways supporting the Teachers and making sure the kids are following the rules. This is very important when you are trying to build a program and who would hire a head Coach that has never been a Teacher or Head Coach in Ohio. These Teachers and Coaches have worked hard to obtain their education and experience to get these types of jobs and the BOE said we don’t care. I have never heard of this before and I wonder if the Ohio Athletic Association would ever support this thought process.
South Point no wonder Gallipolis decided not to get in the OVC it sounds as if it is going in the wrong direction.
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 71
- Joined: Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:39 pm
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
osumufan wrote:The job has been filled lets's stop moaning and groaning whether you agree about the decision or not. Who is to say he won't be the right fit? the board will not change their decision. My son seems to like him so far. I am not going to go home every night and pound into his head how it was the wrong guy. That is exactly what happened to Triplett at Ironton : the boys liked him and the parents wouldn't let it drop and on a nightly basis talked about how horrible the situation was. Stop badmouthing him and support him, who knows he may be awesome! Lord knows we couldn't have a worse season than we did last year. It may take a year a two but I see us having winning seasons again. Shame on you parents and other so called fans who just want to bad mouth a man and that most of you have never even met!
I understand your thoughts it sound as if you are going to be part of this Coaching Staff!
- Varsity
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- Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2009 4:39 pm
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
game day wrote:I think running the board out of town is not the solution but calling them to the carpet and asking how did you hire this coach the next meeting should be a main topic of discussion. There is one board memeber that had their on agenda of getting someone hired. I also cannot believe they did not even vote on the recommendation of the committee.
Any BOARD member acting/voting on their OWN agenda needs ran out of office! If ALL members aren't acting on the wishes of the majority of parents/students/faculty then we have noone to blame but ourselves. SEND the message on election day. YOU work for US not yourself!! IMO!!
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
No I am not going to be a part of his coaching staff. I just have a son who plays and I know that I am going to give this guy a chance. I don't agree with the way it was done. Triplett never should have been led to believe he had the job until the board meeting. But since the decision has been made and I really don't see it getting reversed then we as Pointer parents and fans need to drop the drama and support our boys and their new coach. He's here and wants to win and the boys like him so he gets my support!Gallipolis Blue Devil wrote:osumufan wrote:The job has been filled lets's stop moaning and groaning whether you agree about the decision or not. Who is to say he won't be the right fit? the board will not change their decision. My son seems to like him so far. I am not going to go home every night and pound into his head how it was the wrong guy. That is exactly what happened to Triplett at Ironton : the boys liked him and the parents wouldn't let it drop and on a nightly basis talked about how horrible the situation was. Stop badmouthing him and support him, who knows he may be awesome! Lord knows we couldn't have a worse season than we did last year. It may take a year a two but I see us having winning seasons again. Shame on you parents and other so called fans who just want to bad mouth a man and that most of you have never even met!
I understand your thoughts it sound as if you are going to be part of this Coaching Staff!
- Varsity
- Posts: 510
- Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:08 am
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
Very curious since the candidate the BOE picked was,according to previous posts, the 4th candidate in line for the job,what are his qualifications?
- Waterboy
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:13 pm
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
Dreamweaver, great question! One that definately needs a response. The only thing I have been able to find out is that he is an insurance salesman?? SP BOE...REALLY?? :122246 :122246 You should all be ashamed of yourselves....You were voted into office because the people thought you would keep the students best interest front and center on all decisions, I'm quite certain you dropped the ball on this one.dreamweaver wrote:Very curious since the candidate the BOE picked was,according to previous posts, the 4th candidate in line for the job,what are his qualifications?

- Waterboy
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:13 pm
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
Another question, has this "hire" ever been formally announced yet?? I know the hiring of Irontons new coach made front page news the very next day!!( "in the Tribune of course!!) , but I do not remember anything about this news?? Has anyone read about this yet? maybe in the Huntington paper??
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 71
- Joined: Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:39 pm
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
Tobias wrote:I am unable to find any information about his coaching experience.
What 6A Kentucky school did he coach? What positions did he coach? Was he an offensive or defensive coordinator? How many years did he coach?
Can one of the news outlets please run a story?
I think this is very important information that should be discussed. I would say that the BOE did not check his background, since this is not the person the committee recommended for the Head Coaching position. Like I said in a previous post this was a slap in the face to all the Teachers and Coaches that have worked so hard to obtain the kind of experience needed for this position. I don't care what anyone thinks this should be discussed with the Ohio Athletic Board. When you visit their WEBSITE all they talk about is the student athlete and how important that Coaches are not only coaches but more important they are Teachers first and foremost.
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
Kind of funny that some on here think they can complain then go to the school board for them to give you an honest answer why they chose the coach. Many board members can not even do that right after a Board Meeting. If people were so concerned they should have actually been to the last Board Meeting. Also it was mentioned why would the new coach want an office at the school. That could be his way of saying he will be at school some. So he could meet with players and do some of the things that a teacher/coach would do. Since he is not a teacher. If you want answers it would be better to ask about his qualifications and his plan to get South Point back on track.
Coach T would have been a good fit there but he was not hired for whatever reasons. So whatever will go on next hopefully the attitudes of people at SP will change. Where players want to play while working hard to improve on the field and classroom. Without people/family trying to influence decisions. The attitudes and desire needs to improve for everyone. So that the program can work or it will continue to be as it has.
Maybe next week since the Super Bowl will be over that ESPN can come in and formally announce the coach being hired.
Coach T would have been a good fit there but he was not hired for whatever reasons. So whatever will go on next hopefully the attitudes of people at SP will change. Where players want to play while working hard to improve on the field and classroom. Without people/family trying to influence decisions. The attitudes and desire needs to improve for everyone. So that the program can work or it will continue to be as it has.
Maybe next week since the Super Bowl will be over that ESPN can come in and formally announce the coach being hired.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:13 pm
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
Not holding our breath for ESPN, but you have to admit it is strange that even the local media has not ran anything...at least I have not seen or heard anything? Please correct me if I am wrong but someone getting hired as new Head Football coach for a local school district usually does at least get mentioned. ??
- Varsity
- Posts: 510
- Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:08 am
Re: New foorball coach at South Point?
Couldn't agree less with you farmer. Why would the people of South Point be required to get involved when they do not even know what is going on? Someone got any info on the new Coach? Years at what schools, positions he coached, etc.?