2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

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2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by The_Redmen_Inn »

Any thoughts on Coach Corvins 2009 Team?

I know Coach Corvin is a great coach and he puts the time into building a winning program.

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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by BlizzardMan »

Coach Corvin has really overachieved with this program. Look for them to be atthe top of the SEOAL again this year.

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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by JabbatheDel »

From what I heard, the B.O.E. and the teachers union are bickering about money and what not and as a result, coach Corvin's staff is going to be cut in half. They have already cut the varsity assistant position and the union doesn't wan the job filled by a volunteer because of all the bullcrap.

ANYWAY, I look for the kids to be ready, like always, to go this spring. Hopefully the chickamauga creek will stay in its banks and let what staff he has left spend their time coaching and not cleaning carp and sticks off of the field.

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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by jottings »

I don't understand why the teachers union won't let volunteers help with the sports programs.

Guess it's like the bus situation. If the boosters charter a bus for an away game, the district still has to pay a bus driver to sit on his/her butt at home and collect money for the trip.

That's a fine way of doing business and probably the main reason this country is in the shape it's in today because of crap like that.

The district then has to beg taxpayers for operating costs, etc. What a crazy world today.

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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by JabbatheDel »

Well it was my understanding that the board says they don't have the money to pay the coaches right now. Then they (board) said they would sign something saying they would bring the jobs back when they had the funds. However, the union said no because they had signed a contract for those jobs already. It seems to me that neither side wants to budge, but the union is being REALLY stubborn about the whole thing....

In my opinion, the union doesn't care about the kids, because those guys just want to coach but they can't because they aren't cleared by the board and if they get cleared theytick off the union and get called "scabs".

I agree, it is a very sad time right now. I don't even know why someone would want to be a teacher/ coach with the way they are paid and treated.

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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by BlizzardMan »

That district pays detention duty teachers as supplementals. That is stuff that teacher's should be willing to do without pay. They still get a lunch.

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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by Regulator »

That makes no sense. If a "volunteer" coach wants to put the time in and has the CPR and Sports Med then why would a district not allow them to coach? The more help the better if you ask me. If ten volunteers were wanting to help then so be it.
Why does the union have a say over that!!??Where is the backbone of districts?? Sounds like the Gallipolis City Schools are not using their brains and doing what is right for the kids. Most Unions don't think about that anyways. Just what can the union get to help them out more!! Ashame!!!

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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by JabbatheDel »

I don't know all the specifics, but I do know that right now coach Corvin is looking at losing a volunteer he has had since his first season at GA and a varsity assistant who has been there for 5 years.

The union says that if the board takes a job away and a volunteer takes it, they won't get the job back. BUT, the only people that care about that have never even been to a baseball game or could care less about the kids! They just want to make life difficult for everyone.

It's a very, very aggrevating thing. I don't want to question someone's backbone or anything like that, but somebody does need to step up and get behind coach. I will say that if the board wanted to find the money to keep everyone happy, they could. Some adminstrators are making some fat buck around there. Instead of taking those raises, they could leave a percentage for those coaching positions.

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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by footballmeigs08 »

he should retire

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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by JabbatheDel »

footballmeigs08 wrote:he should retire

RETIRE?? He's in his early 30's, I think.

Then what does he tell his players? "Sorry guys, but they're getting rid of two of your coaches, so I'm just going to quit on you guys myself......"

All that does is hurt the only people who are suffering even more.....THE PLAYERS!!!

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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by Cap'n Scoop »

I have always enjoyed watching Coach Corvin's teams...very fundamentally sound and competitive. Hope things work out for all involved.

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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by bengalfan76 »

One question.
Did they do away with assitant coaches in Fall and Winter also?
I would bet not. Why because Baseball and Softball doesn't make money.
Think of the supervision problem of Track with 45-50 kids and one coach.
The BOE is not smart with this. :122246

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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by BlizzardMan »

Without any help, that means Coach Corvin will have to rely on players as base coaches. Why would they put him in that situation?

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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by JabbatheDel »

I would hope not. I always thought it would be embarassing to do that.

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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by JabbatheDel »

I just got off the phone with coach Corvin concerning last night's board meeting. First off, even though they previously said they didn't have any money to pay coaches, the board approved starting a brand-new jr. high soccer program, supposedly without having to give any monetary support.......If I was a parent of a jr. high kid who has to drive all over Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia just to watch your son play baseball, I would be ticked. Everytime parents have tried to start jr. high baseball, they are told they will have to PAY TO USE THE FIELDS!! However, the jr. high soccer team will not have to pay to use the soccer field.

Next, the board gave back a PAID varsity track position that they previously took away. But, they did lose one position from last season.

Also, the board gave back a jr. high track position that they took away. I don't think they should have taken it away anyway. The jr. high usually has about 70 kids out and only two coaches, so that is a must.

If the parents of the high school and jr. high parents don't go in there to the next board meeting and raise a stinkthey might lose coach Corvin. He didn't come out and say that, but I'm willing to bet it's a strong possibility...........

I know that if it was possible to do it on his own, Rich would. Unfortunately, the board basically owns all the teachers and have the final say. HOWEVER, PARENTS ARE VOTERS AND THEY WILL LISTEN TO YOU!!!

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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball


JabbatheDel wrote:I just got off the phone with coach Corvin concerning last night's board meeting. First off, even though they previously said they didn't have any money to pay coaches, the board approved starting a brand-new jr. high soccer program, supposedly without having to give any monetary support.......If I was a parent of a jr. high kid who has to drive all over Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia just to watch your son play baseball, I would be ticked. Everytime parents have tried to start jr. high baseball, they are told they will have to PAY TO USE THE FIELDS!! However, the jr. high soccer team will not have to pay to use the soccer field.

Next, the board gave back a PAID varsity track position that they previously took away. But, they did lose one position from last season.

Also, the board gave back a jr. high track position that they took away. I don't think they should have taken it away anyway. The jr. high usually has about 70 kids out and only two coaches, so that is a must.

If the parents of the high school and jr. high parents don't go in there to the next board meeting and raise a stinkthey might lose coach Corvin. He didn't come out and say that, but I'm willing to bet it's a strong possibility...........

I know that if it was possible to do it on his own, Rich would. Unfortunately, the board basically owns all the teachers and have the final say. HOWEVER, PARENTS ARE VOTERS AND THEY WILL LISTEN TO YOU!!!


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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by JabbatheDel »

EXACTLY!!! The only way board members know you are mad is to let them know!

I also got a copy of a scouting schedule for basketball. When the mileage added together, it equaled almost $2,500!! That's a supplemental contract and a half! I'm not whining about the mileage being paid or anything like that, but how can they pay mileage rates to reimburse what could be unneccessary trips and cut coaches in other sports?

The next board meeting is January 14th. I'm not sure of the truth to it, but I heard someone was going to be writing a letter to the editor of the Dailey Tribune, so keep your eyes open for it.


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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by whs11 »

Coach Corvin is a great baseball mind................I hope he sticks it out, although I know that the administration/central office in Gallipolis can be difficult to work with if you aren't part of the "good ol' boys".

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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by JChipwood »

Coach Corvin is a great coach and a better inspirational voice to the kids he works with on the diamond. Worst part about this is that Coach Luce is also a great coach and great person to have around these kids. I have heard that he volunteered but cannot and they, at this point, aren't going to hire him as the assistant. I know this a moot point adn far too late to change anything but what would be wrong with hiring coaches to coach and teachers to teach and if they are one and the same then fine but teachers unions should not get involved in ANY coaching situation. If anything the coaches should have a coaches union. Don't get me wrong, some teachers are very good coaches but teaching shouldn't help you get a coaching position. Back to the topic, we have a group of young coaches that work well together and have similar outlooks, ideas, and enthusiasm about the game on top of the fact that the baseball team has really improved under these men, all w/o much of a feeder system or youth league in the area and no jr high program and the BOE sees fit to make cuts, WOW! Compared to some of the other programs, it seems like they would be offering raises or extensions. What a shame!

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Re: 2009 Gallia Academy Baseball

Post by Mighty Mighty Devils »

gallipolis has no feeder program at all they did nt even have a 13 to 15 year old team in the city last year the jr high needs a team like the rest of the sports. coach corvin has tried to make it work with a non school affiliated 7 th and 8 th grade team but like stated above they have a hard time getting fields to practice on and travel to all games because of no homefield pretty sad I remeber when I was in school the summer ball program was great at least a 10 team little league pee wee league t-ball girls soft ball jr and sr and a boys pony league and the surronding county schools also participated hanna trace north gallia rio southwestern kyger creek . I also agree the board and union do not have the kids interest in mind its all about 2 groups not wanting to give any ground and bullying each other

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