$howtime24 wrote:So who won the Symmes Valley Eastern game?
a_c_m wrote:HoundsAre4Real wrote:I know there not in the SOC 1, but does anyone know South Websters remaining schedule? Thanks..
The remaining schedule for the Jeeps:
2/20 at Northwest
2/21 Ironton St.Joseph
Webster plays Green Wednesday Feb.18
I am not sure if there are any make up games or not.
$howtime24 wrote:Is there any SOC games tonight?
wemufans wrote:Saw where Tibbs is leading the whole tristate area in scoring.
thecinderellapick wrote:wemufans wrote:Saw where Tibbs is leading the whole tristate area in scoring.
So you also saw how many shots he took, right? Just about anyone can score like that when you shoot that many times.
HoundsAre4Real wrote:Manchester 66 @ Western 47.......WESTERN OVERRATED AND SO IS THE SOC....