Clay VS East

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Re: Clay VS East

Post by claypantherfan »

I just think that this break gives the team a break physically and gives them a rest so that they aren't sick and worn down

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Re: Clay VS East

Post by claypantherfan »

I agree they will surprise if they play to their potential

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Re: Clay VS East

Post by The_Sports_Junky »

ignert1 wrote:Not at the varsity level. Not sure why that is relevant, unless your going to use the Tracy Jones (former Cicny Reds player) analogy, "if you never played the game, you can have no opinion on it".

Now as for the posters in the locker room, I was told it was one poster that said "Pounce the Panthers". If it was put there specifically for the boys varsity team to see, then I say no problem if they tear it down. I would assume whoever put it there expected it to be torn up. If it was part of an overall decoration of the girls lockers, then they shouldn't have touched it. I have seen teams in the past trash locker rooms after games. These events should be reported to the coach and the players should be punished, and if necessary made to return and clean up and or repair any damages.

I guess you didn't know our girls played the Clay girls team just a day before the boys did. Your boys were guest in our girls locker room. I was taught to never tear up anything when I was a guest no matter what.

I was standing there when the Clay coach heard our girls talking about it. 2 of our players was there also. They did know about it.

It's over. I hope these young men learn from it and respect other people's property from now on.

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Re: Clay VS East

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

If the kid in question is not playing because of working to help out his family then I understand and apologize. But, that isn't what I get out of the gist of Bricklayers posts. He just seems to not like Trainer and chose not to play for him all the while belittling the man and his classmates. He even stated that he can't wait to play for the new coach next season, which says to me he would have played this season if Trainer wasn't there, so he should have just sucked it up and played with his friends and classmates to help them become a better team.

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Re: Clay VS East

Post by Da Voice »

The Clay Boys played well against Minford and Symmes Valley. The team seemed to work together pretty well. The only thing that has changed is the return of a SENIOR that was suspended for three (count 'em) 3 games. Why would a kid shoot at the wrong basket on two consecutive plays, Shooting 33% I might add on lay-ups, get a chest bump from a teammate, expect anything short of a little critisism. Coach Trainer didn,t belittle anyone on the radio. Folks need to remember that these young men are going to adults soon. The Team needs to get it together and act like young men.

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Re: Clay VS East

Post by Da Voice »

No... I don't think it was intentional. I do feel it was a lack of focus on someone's part. Maybe even a combination of someones. I hope they can turn it around.

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Re: Clay VS East

Post by WTIGER 80 »

ALL of you on here dogging Coach trainer have no clue ,look up his record he was the number #1 assistant coach at Youngstown State , and most recently a head coach at Owens technical college. Look it up. He wanted to move back to the area as he is originally from Waverly. Kids who only play the game during the season have no basketball instincts, you need to play the game all year round. Given time Jack Trainer will make that program a winner. It takes 5 solid years to turn a program around that has been down as long as Clay has. Trainer knows how to build a program he just needs to be given the time. You are only as good as your players, they have to be totally commited to the game not just kids that pick up a basketball during the season. You are only as good as your players. If players get caught up in the action and shoot at the wrong basketball how is that the coaches fault. People at Clay better wake up and realize you have an Outstanding coach and given time that program will be up and flying they are already twice as good as they were last year. How many other programs have former Division 1 College assistants as coaches. Good Day Clones,

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Re: Clay VS East

Post by Da Voice »

I totally agree with you Waterboy.

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Re: Clay VS East

Post by Bricklayer »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:If the kid in question is not playing because of working to help out his family then I understand and apologize. But, that isn't what I get out of the gist of Bricklayers posts. He just seems to not like Trainer and chose not to play for him all the while belittling the man and his classmates. He even stated that he can't wait to play for the new coach next season, which says to me he would have played this season if Trainer wasn't there, so he should have just sucked it up and played with his friends and classmates to help them become a better team.

Thats my fault Burg Grad 77 i was just a little angry over the fact he was dissing his own kids on the radio. As for Coach Trainer I believe in the man's scheme and plans for the team. And the kid who you and Ignert 1 are talking about did indeed give up basketball to help out the family. Not all kids have the luxuries as the other kids to do. And as for sucking it up if you only knew the crap this kid has gone through then you wouldn't be talking him like that. Finally new coach or not I'm going to be glad playing next year and helping out the team.

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Re: Clay VS East

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

WTIGER 80 wrote:ALL of you on here dogging Coach trainer have no clue ,look up his record he was the number #1 assistant coach at Youngstown State , and most recently a head coach at Owens technical college. Look it up. He wanted to move back to the area as he is originally from Waverly. Kids who only play the game during the season have no basketball instincts, you need to play the game all year round. Given time Jack Trainer will make that program a winner. It takes 5 solid years to turn a program around that has been down as long as Clay has. Trainer knows how to build a program he just needs to be given the time. You are only as good as your players, they have to be totally commited to the game not just kids that pick up a basketball during the season. You are only as good as your players. If players get caught up in the action and shoot at the wrong basketball how is that the coaches fault. People at Clay better wake up and realize you have an Outstanding coach and given time that program will be up and flying they are already twice as good as they were last year. How many other programs have former Division 1 College assistants as coaches. Good Day Clones,

If you think this man is an outstanding coach then you are sadly mistaken. I have watched a few games in the last two years and I haven't seen him do anything to prove to me he is an "outstanding coach".

He constantly lets teams go on 10-0 to 25-0 runs without calling a timeout to settle his team and stop the momentum of the other team. In the New Boston game last year at NB, Clay had a 17-16 lead at one time and he let New Boston go on a 24-0 run over the end of the 1st quarter and midway through the 2nd and never called a timeout. Does an "outstanding coach" do that???

He pulls players out of the game as soon as they start getting a hot hand. Something I have seen him do a few times. Does an "outstanding coach" do that??? If a kid is hot then ride him until he cools down, don't pull him and set him on the bench.

You can say what you want about the man and blow all smoke up his rearend that you like, I just don't see him as an "outstanding coach", no matter what level he has coached.

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Re: Clay VS East

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

hammerdown wrote:burg grad 77 it is Christmas time ya know. :122245

I know. That's why I took it easy on him. lol

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Re: Clay VS East

Post by biggdowgg »

:122246 :aaaaa8 :aaaaa8 :aaaaa8

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Re: Clay VS East

Post by claypantherfan »

Yeah it would be easy to win with the talent needed to run the offense we run if you could recruit and with our type of players we have on our team we need to run actual sets

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Re: Clay VS East

Post by Bricklayer »

claygrad wrote:well god bless us all, and little timmy too.

It's a shame Benji Richards was let go. I wonder who spearheaded that brainstorm.

And the adminstration are wondering what mistake they made when they let go a Coach that has been with these kids since they were 7th graders. i personally had Coach Richards as my coach and this guy knew what he was talking about and we won. I mean it helped having two outstanding kids on the team the lemaster kid and the kennison kid but winning is winning.

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