The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Binary »

Do they have a deadline for applicants yet? How about a timeline for getting someone in place?

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Ironman92 »

I guess if I could try to put myself into others' shoes and I was an assistant for Jackson and saw that Ironman02 hinted at a possible return of a former assistant and bring a few back with him it could be read into that he didn't think I was worthy of return on the Ironmen sideline or not applicable for the Head Coaching job.....his post could be read that way......but I think you have to look at who is posting it before you read into it.

02 has been on here through thick and thin supporting the Ironmen. He is almost always very detailed in his posts in attempt to type a fair post that doesn't offend.....and no one has defended Jackson football on here more than he has....and it's not even remotely close. He has posted hundreds and even thousands of times on this site and the huddle in defense of the Ironmen.....he has continued to defend regardless of the ignorance from our most fierce rivals who many of which argue in a manner that completely pokes and prods at Jackson.....they've ALL come and have gone.....but he remains loyal to his school and his team....and I'm sure always will.

I have no clue who he may have offended......but I'll bet about anything he meant nothing of it other than that he would not be against getting a certain coach back and maybe a few others with him....doesn't mean he wants some ousted....and if he did he would never post it.

That's just how I read into it.

How many Ironmen fans have signed up for these sites......road the bandwagon a touch...spewed their negativity and then were gone forever? I'm guessing a couple hundred or so.

He loves the Ironmen football program too much to purposely hurt anyone who tries to keep the Ironmen tradition going.

Just my thoughts...Go Ironmen!

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Ironmanfan01 »

I thought they hired former West Virginia High School coaching legend Randy Beckman?

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by JacksonI »

No at this point Jackson has not hired anyone, they are still looking

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by ironman02 »

Ironmanfan01 wrote:I thought they hired former West Virginia High School coaching legend Randy Beckman?

Are you being serious, and if so, where did you hear this? I took your post to be genuine yesterday, but after it was deleted and there are many people saying that a decision has not been made, I'm really beginning to wonder.

Also, the state title years for Poca High School in the link you provided yesterday don't correspond with the information on their website.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by kuruguru »

The Beckman thing was a real bolshy guff. Real horrorshow.

Maybe Jim Tressel will come to Jackson...

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

As of Tuesday, Jan. 6 at 5 p.m, Jackson High School has NOT hired a new head football coach. Period.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by ironman02 »

Keyser_soze78 wrote:As of Tuesday, Jan. 6 at 5 p.m, Jackson High School has NOT hired a new head football coach. Period.

Thank you, Keyser_soze78.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Buckeye-4-Life »

Has anyone heard when the board may start the interview process? Sounds like a job that several coaches will be applying for.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by hbk2016 »

Let Larry Legend do it!

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Ironman92 »

17 applicants....11 from outside of Ohio

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by ironman02 »

Obviously you have to take everything you hear with a grain of salt, but I heard just a few days ago that there had been only ten applicants. Sounds like things are definitely picking up now.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Ironmanfan01 »

So has Randy Beckman even applied? Surely someone wouldn't just make that stuff up.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by ironman02 »

Ironmanfan01 wrote:So has Randy Beckman even applied? Surely someone wouldn't just make that stuff up.

Since you won't tell us how or where you heard that he was hired, I'm beginning to think that you did.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by buckeyes3645 »

The last I heard there have been 15 applicants. I hope that they give Coach Mays from South Charleston an interview for this job. I think that he would do a wonderful job and get the program back to where it needs to be.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by D Owens »

...get the program back to where it needs to be.

What the heck does that mean? Jackson hasn't had the same level of talent across the board that they'd enjoyed over many of the past nearly two decades and they've played a tougher schedule. Coach Wolford didn't hurt that program a bit.

Now this is when you write, "I didn't mean any disrespect to Coach Wolford or the job he has done." What else could that post mean?

I hope Jackson hires a great coach and that they are successful every week but week two. ;-) Regardless who they hire or how they perform with the new coach, Coach Wolford did a fine job. If Jackson improves it will likely be because the talent level has improved. The program is no worse now than when Coach Wolford took over.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by buckeyes3645 »

You have to develop talent not just wait for it. Some years you will have lesser talent, but that is where coaching, conditioning, and hard work comes in. If you are one of those people that just give up if you don't have the most "talent" then you have no idea what it takes to build a football program.

You also need to build a program where you you can field a complete freshmen, JV, and Varsity squad. There is no reason that a school like Jackson, with the tradition and facilities, should not have 75+ players in their program in grades 9-12. Also, Jackson is in a tough league, but it is nowhere near as tough as many others that D2 programs throughout the state play in. There is no reason that Jackson shouldn't be at the top of the SEOAL. I think that is why somebody new needs to be brought in, somebody that won't use excuses like "the talent level is down". Great coaches build programs and teams, they don't wait around for great players to appear.

Have a victim mentality; become a victim. Have a champion mentality; become a champion.

Charles Farquar
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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Charles Farquar »

Buckeyes 3645 I dont know how familiar you are with Jackson or maybe your an outside guy with a perscription for miraculous turn arounds that if applied your way will turn around any football team in the state. Its always interesting to read what people write on here when they give their evaluation of what the coach is not doing or doing wrong. Its usually a person in the stands a parent or a young coach that believes he has all the answers Coaches work real hard and some expert who may watch one game makes comments about it being obivious that the coach is not coaching fundamentals or should be running these plays or doesnt have a good strength program. They make these comments with no knowledge of what happens in practice or have no familiarity with the ability level and skill level of the players. Im not a coach at Jackson but Im very familiar with what has gone on there over a long period of time .Coach Wolford during his tenure as head coach took the same strength training program that was used during seasons with more wins, improved on it and had good numbers in the weight room. The kids that pushed themselves in the weight room and allowed themselves to be pushed increased their strength levels He brought in an outside strength training coach who has a lot of knowledge about training concerning the improvement of speed and has improved the speed of other athletes in the past. Who knows more kids might come out when someone new is hired, kids are like that something new always interests them. Sure speed can be improved and kids can be drilled to improve their skills but only to their genetic potential. Dont kid yourself a lot of what you were implying wasnt be done by coach Wolford was done by coach Wolford

ocho stinko
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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by ocho stinko »

Buckeyes 3645
You are an absolute fool if you think our coach played the victim role. You are a fool if you think coach wolford did not put the time into the program like offseason workouts. I guarantee he offered as much or more offseason conditioning than any coach in the area. Shane took over the program when the school entered a tough league; he was not afraid of any of the schools, he knocked off Ironton, and had them beat at home another time until the end of the game, and he knocked off a chillicothe team no one said they could beat.

As far as the new coach is concerned, my question is when are they going to hire someone. I think the school has its hands tied right now because of lack of teaching openings. I have hard that when teachers leave that they are not going to replace the teachers because the money flow is running low. I can't see them creating a teaching job for the coach, which means they will probably have to wait and hope some kind of teaching position opens. The school is in a tought spot. Plus, whoever, the new coach is I hope the community gives him at least three years, because I think it is going to be ugly for the next two at least.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"


All schools in Ohio are in tough part now with the state budget cuts coming!

I doubt if very few schools could create a teaching position for a coach now.

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