The term is an abbreviation of the Portuguese "futebol de salão" or the Spanish "fútbol sala", both of which mean "indoor soccer". It is a scaled down version of conventional soccer and it is played by two teams of five players each, including a goalkeeper on each side. It is played on a basketball-sized court. The game does not require the use of expensive dasher boards, but has instead the normal touchline boundaries with no wall to smash the ball (and the bodies) against. The ball is a smaller size, heavier and has a dampened bounce.
Futsal is the official five-a-side indoor soccer game and the only indoor soccer recognized by FIFA.
Age Divisions:
Under-12 Co-Ed <8/1/96-7/31/99>
Under-14 Male <8/1/94-7/31/96>*
Under-16 Male <8/1/92-7/31/94>*
Under-18 Male <8/1/90-7/31/92>*
ALL-NEW Adult Division*
<Must turn 18 before 1/1/2009>
*Females are welcome to participate
League & Tournaments:
Under-12 =
February 5 through March 19
Matches on Thursday evenings
Under-14 and Under-16 =
January 17 through February 28
Matches on Saturdays / No Matches January 24
Under-18 =
January 17 through March 8
Matches on Saturdays & Sundays / No Matches January 24
Adults =
February 5 through March 19
Matches on Thursday nights
Teams: $275
Teams do not have to pay individual fees
but must provide own NUMBERED uniforms
Individuals: $25 for Members & $50 for Nonmembers
Individual Players will be placed on a team based on the number of registered participants
December 22 through January 12 (U14, U16, U18)
December 22 through January 26 (U12 & Adult)
For Registration Forms or for more information, please visit:
Happy Holidays from your friends at the Pike County YMCA!!