Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

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alabama mike
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Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by alabama mike »

If you could change something or several things at your local biddy league, what would it be?

Ours would be run by school personnel.

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by BlindWhiteHat »

I think that is the best idea bamamike. Too many are run by people who have a specific interest in their child only and it just leads to problems. If the schools were in charge, there would be more consistency year in and year out. Plus, I think it would help the high school basketball programs improve in time if the school systems ran the youth leagues.

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by jeepcoach »

I will add mytwo cents in here! Our school runs the league and the money benefits the basketball and sports programs. This year we have tried something new with the school over the league, but a someone else directing. I have to run everything by the school and get a second opinion on anything from one of the high school coachies. It has worked out well because the load is off the high school coachies, but the school makes the final neutral decision. Also with the school over the program it makes it much easier for me to get gym time.

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by THE'GENERAL' »

"Too many are run by people who have a specific interest in their child only and it just leads to problems. I think it would help the high school basketball programs improve in time"


Can someone let the west side know this they always have someone coaching that has a specific interest in a child and it seems that there is no teaching just playing

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by BlindWhiteHat »

It's odd that so many people agree how things should be run but I don't think many programs are actually run that way. It would be nice to see an overall change in these leagues.

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by Tall One »

Logan's main league, the LYBA's directors are the Boys and Girls varsity coaches. There are still some parents that coach that have only one agenda, but usually not for more than a season.

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by SouthernohioSB »

Most high school coaches don't have time to oversee biddy leagues. Most of the time there is not anyone who will volunteer their time to help with the leagues. The league that My daughter plays in had board members running it that had no children playing in the league. Several complaints were made about the board. New elections were held and it is hard to find anyone to help with the leagues. I ended up being elected a board member. I have found out that alot of people talk about helping out, but when you go ask them for help they have other commitments.

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by salemcat »

Officiating is an important aspect to how the league is run. I have had my son in leagues where the officials just allow havoc: fouling constantly, not calling double dribbles or traveling, etc. Officials need to call EVERYTHING, and explain to the kids what they did wrong after they committed the violation. Do not allow chaos. Kids learn nothing. Minford's 3rd and 4th grade officials are well apprecaited. Thank you Donnie and Brian.

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by The_Sports_Junky »

Good thought but would you just do it for basketball or all sports?

Most Little Leagues are run well. Would you turn LL over to the school?

How about school's with one gym? Should the school build a new gym for biddy ball?

When basketball was started the YMCA run it. I think they got tired of hearing from the parents :lol: :lol: .

Most High School coaches do not have the time to over see biddy leagues or Jr. High teams. Does the school have enough personnel who would give their time?Should the schools take gym time from their teams for biddy teams? Does the AD schedule games and do they have the time? Should the AD be at the games ,should the Principal be at the games or both ? Would the AD or Principal make and enforce the rules of playing time, behavior,etc.... Would the school pay for all cost such as Eq. , insurance, etc....

I said it before and I'll say it again, If you don't like the coaches , step up and coach. Most coaches kids are in the top five of best players because they work with their child. I did say Most not all.

I'm not saying it's a bad idea but there is alot to think about.

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by bleacherwarmer »

I have been on both sides of this. Helping run a league and not knowing what was going on by just being one of the parents. The high schools do not have the time to help out with the biddy leagues. I would be great but it doesn't happen. Minford has a good league and they have a lot of good people who work really hard. Some people would never begin to understand the time it takes. Hats off to those who are putting in the time.

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by bleacherwarmer »

The varsity teams at Minford run the K-2 league. I was talking about the 3-6 grade that has close to 200 girls and boys playing. I think that's a lot of kids for a high school coach to oversee. I think of myself as a pretty organized person and I had a hard time taking care of everything that needed done for the biddy league. Most high school coaches that I know, pull a 40 hour a week job, run their practices and attend their games and usually have some kind of family life but if other high school coaches have the time to pull that off, then hats off to them too. It's a big job and it's takes lots of people. Yes, you get the ones who only look out for themselves and their kid. But there are a lot of good ones out there also. I worked with a lot of them last year and appreciated their help more than they know.

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by West Side Pride »

General, let me explain something to you. West biddy ball is ran by Brian Howard-president and Phillip
Ridout, who neither one has a son or daughter that play there at all. Both coach at middle-school and
help is strongly goverened by Jason Hurd, Scott Davis, and Greg Maynard who all coach at a higher
level. A system is slowly but surly being built for basketball. As far as biddy ball coaches, hands are
tied. Try to come up with 17 volunteer coaches who are not dads, its hard.

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by little doggy »

high school coaches don't have to run the league , but you would think they would show up occasionally at the peewee games or a jr. high game to show the kids that they do care and are interested in what is going on!!!! :122246

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by Tall One »

As I said earlier Logan's Varsity coaches are the directors, there are alot of other people that do a lot of the leg work. They are not present at many of the games and almost none of the practices, but they have the final say in decisions. It cuts out alot of the bickering and hidden agendas. If a parent has a problem with the coach these two guys will listen and make a decision. Everybody abides by their decisions whether they like the decision or not. After all no one wants to upset the person that will be their kids Varsity coach in a few years. The LYBA is only 3 or 4 years old and is allready a good feeder program for the JR high. All I can say is biddy basketball has run alot smoother in Logan since this program was developed.

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by rosemount rebel »


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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by Tartanblue »

I'd like to see atleast one liscenced official as a ref for the pee-wee especially 5th/6th grade games.....Clay does a good job of that with having two but other places don't have any and miss way too many calls or calls them going one way and not the other

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by SouthernohioSB »

Lucasville boys and girls leagues always have two licensed officials for their games.

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by bucknut 23 »

Peebles always has two licensed officials for all the games that they host in the Highland County Travel League and the Adams County League (which actually now has teams from Ripley, Eastern Brown, and Western Brown in it). It does make a difference when you have two referees dressed in stripes and who have been seen doing a lot of area junior high and high school games.

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by ohiosportsmom »

I think the refs need to take more control and not let the games get so physical. I've watched several games at Clay and they are like wrestling matches. Very few fouls and everything is a jump ball. How can we expect our kids to learn if the refs aren't making the calls.

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Re: Local Biddy League...Make Some Changes

Post by 1987chieftains »

Logan's main league, the LYBA's directors are the Boys and Girls varsity coaches. There are still some parents that coach that have only one agenda, but usually not for more than a season.

my bubby and me have coached in the bobcat and now in the lyba program. both of us have kids on our team but, neither of us has EVER had a hidden agenda! we have had our team since 2nd grade and this is our 4th season with them. we've never had any parents complain or move there kids off our team. and i know your not saying all parent/coachs. but, i do know what your saying. i have seen it 1st hand. we both have some basketball back around. i played alittle when i was younger and he comes from the line of logan players that where coached by the great jim myers. and he is still in the logan program coaching today at the middle school level.
not every parent has a hidden agenda. not every parent know what needs to be taught so, the kids can make the jump from biddy to middle school and then to high school. any biddy team with 2 tall kids can pound most teams at the biddy level.

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