Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-Shirt

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by kantuckyII »

caglewis wrote:
kantuckyII wrote:I don't understand something...more men die from prostrate cancer than people (men get it too) breast cancer. So, why not the drive to make people aware of that as well? maybe Camo ribbons and stuff?
"prostrate" means lying face down - on your stomach. Supine is opposite - lying face UP on your back.

The PROSTATE is the gland, which produces semen, located in males just below the bladder surrounding the urethra [tube carrying urine out of the bladder through which you urinate].
Think of it as donut-shaped - if it swells, it squeezes the tube running through the hole in its center smaller/closed making urination - draining the bladder contents out - difficult.
Most of the time that swelling is benign [non-cancerous], and can be reduced by surgery.
When it is malignant, it can remain hidden and undetected because its symptoms are not perceceived as alarming - like ovarian cancer in women is unrecognized. The blood test for prostate cancer - PSA - has recently been questioned for producing too many "false positives".
Maybe, but it's still a decent indicater of something potentially "out-of-whack", and I think this "questioning" is spurred by insurance companies who don't want to cover the cost of this test.
The only way to "get checked" - the same as women have always been told to do for a pap smear for cervical cancer - is a "digital exam" - a Dr. putting his finger up there vaginally for women, or rectally for men to feel for lumps and bumps and oddities in that adjoining gland.
The difference in info, promotion, and fund-raising events between prostate or ovarian and BREAST cancer is that breast lumps can be detected, felt and monitored, by SELF-examination on a regular basis - prostate/cervical/ovarian lumps/bumps are not so much do-it-yourself. You have to go to a Dr and submit to a somewhat embarrassing, unpleasant internal exam to monitor/check for those.
I know the difference between prostrate and prostate as it was a typo

I also know what my prostate is for too..... 8) .........and I've seen a doctor for a long time over mine and I'm more than acquainted with the procedure. When one has their prostate gland infected and they spin around in a circle because of acute pain that just struck them, they're well aware of having a prostate! :shock: Waking up a dozen times in the middle of the night...that ain't no fun either!

Having said that..a very good friend of mine who was only a week difference in age than me died about 6 years ago from prostate cancer. He DID have regular PSA test but the levels never changed on him until it was far too late. He had terrible back pain as he was injured years ago so they mistook the pain for his back and it wasn't caught that way either till it was way too late. Why his doctor never done a digital exam is unknown to me..perhaps he wouldn't allow it, I cannot say either way. I just know that he died an AGONIZING DEATHand to skip that test over a wee bit of embarrassment and a very small amount of discomfort is crazy. His wife wound up losing her childhood sweet heart (they were married when they were 16 years old and happy as could be) and he lost out watching his grandchildren growing up...sad..

Now...something I've been waiting on for a while Carol... ;-)
When it is malignant, it can remain hidden and undetected because its symptoms are not perceceived as alarming
Maybe, but it's still a decent ;-) indicater of something potentially "out-of-whack

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by starbase_318 »

What an education! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

How about this slogan...........

Protect your boobs, it isn't a game.

You can still be sexually harassed by Herman Cain.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by abuck76 »

ouch............ :12224

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by kantuckyII »

Ode To The Boob

Going to be explicit and bold
Hey ladies, you know it needs to be told
Cause it's the best
To protect them breast
We don't wanta just be hinting
Let's make it perfectly clear
Just like William Jefferson Clinton
Last edited by kantuckyII on Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by abuck76 »


.................................................................................................................. :12224

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by farmer »

No matter what awareness of cancer is being talked about more. Some cancers are tough to talk about. Just like when Farrah Fawcet had/died of anal cancer. Sayings and things that you would not have heard 30 years ago are common place now. So it is on a shirt just about anything is going to offend someone in the politically correct society. Schools banning shirts is an issue. But all high schools should have health care professionals come in to educate all students and staff on the different kinds of cancer. With warning signs and prevention tips. This is a good opportunity to take advantage of the popularity of cancer awareness to educate.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by moose »

Exams and voting democratic in all of the races
Will keep those boobs in the highest :shock: of places

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by kantuckyII »

moose wrote:Exams and voting democratic in all of the races
Will keep those boobs in the highest :shock: of places

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by caglewis »

fightingtigers45 wrote:I think breast cancer awareness has become very trivial. My family, as well as many others I'm in contact with, have been struck by this awful sickness. Research is very important, but is there not a better way to fundraise than stuff that says "I love boobies" or "boobies rule"? I wear a pink bracelet every day, it was a fundraiser and does not say anything trivial.
Absolutely granted that cancer awareness and prevention is a SERIOUS [not a trivial] subject. I am a retired female RN and well aware of the medical issues involved - besides which, my mother died 40 yrs ago from breast cancer. But this is a matter of information and attention which did not exist back then. So the slogan on a t-shirt sounds a little "trivial" or joking, but will it catch attention and be remembered? And isn't that the GOAL of all fundraising causes? And it in no way ridicules or belittles female health regarding their biologic hormonal, functional "female" [typically trivialized and minimized] problems, complaints, symptoms. On the contrary, it calls attention to their reality, and says by its very public display in CAPITAL LETTERS "THIS IS IMPORTANT - PAY ATTENTION - THIS IS SERIOUS" and not a JOKE or TRIVIAL and it affects all of us - as you said - and deserves study and funding. SAYING IT - PUTTING A SLOGAN ON A SHIRT [however "trivial" it looks or sounds] or in an ad led to DISCUSSING IT publicly - and made a huge difference in prevention/diagnostic services, funding, information, and care available for all cancer sufferers - male and female - and families.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by wink »

90% of breast cancer in women is caued by men who smoke.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by Leo Byrd »

wink wrote:90% of breast cancer in women is caued by men who smoke.
Without a doubt, one of the dumbest posts I have ever read on this that men who smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or wacky backy.......where in the world did u dig that data up at.........

Now if u have data to back that up, I will retract everything I said, but until then it will remain one of the most asinine posts I have seen on this site............

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by farmer »

Leo Byrd wrote:
wink wrote:90% of breast cancer in women is caued by men who smoke.
Without a doubt, one of the dumbest posts I have ever read on this that men who smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or wacky backy.......where in the world did u dig that data up at.........

Now if u have data to back that up, I will retract everything I said, but until then it will remain one of the most asinine posts I have seen on this site............

Guess he didn't say what they were smoking or what he was smoking when he typed that.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by wildthingRV »

kantuckyII wrote:I don't understand something...more men die from prostrate cancer than people (men get it too) breast cancer. So, why not the drive to make people aware of that as well? maybe Camo ribbons and stuff?
Ever heard of Movember? Seriously. Google it. It's hilarious.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by southizzle »

I don't see anything wrong with the shirts. Yes, they're lighthearted, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. Breast health is very important and it doesn't hurt to be reminded of that, even if it's done in a humorous way. I think so many women lose site of health and instead focus on size and getting breast implants, whereas instead they need to think about their long term health. That's why I'm all for breast cancer awareness campaigns.
Last edited by southizzle on Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by eagles73Taylor »

I remember a slogan a baseball team had for breast cancer awarness, it said, "Dont Let Cancer Steal 2nd Base!" Some found it offensive, but they dont bother me. In school if it draws attention and causes a distraction I could see a Principal having a problem with it.

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