Portsmouth @ Wilmington

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wilmington


i agree dowggie, fortunately it is in week 1.

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wilmington

Post by LetsGoPSU »

Not once has the biggest reason they did not hold the lead been mentioned...They just cant run the football.......sure they had a couple of plays late that gained some decent yardage, but the next play they would get stuffed for a two or three yard loss.
The reason they missed the extra points..........they had no time to get the kick off, two were blocked, the field goal was blocked and the third was rushed.Kicking is not a problem, if they have time to kick.
Glad Mason was cleared up, I had assumed he was benched in the ot because of the three fumbles. HOLD ON TO THE D### FOOTBALL.
Very angry in Pa

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wilmington

Post by biggdowgg »


I said the same thing about the kicking game on my earlier post......not enough time to get a good kick off......I think the running game was about to unfold untill Johnny got hurt,I have been watching Johnny Charles run the football for 3 years now,and was surprised he was not at least ONE of our starting backs,and I still say its going to be hard now to have him back there after he comes back.

you are very correct though,,had we been able to run the ball we could have taken some time off the clock when we was up 24 to 3......Im sure the kids and coaches will work hard this week and try to get the team ready for west....

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wilmington

Post by wink »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:
wink wrote:
Burg_Grad_77 wrote:Trojans down to 4th and goal from the 7.

Lining up for a 35 yard field goal and it's blocked.
How in the world did they block a field goal attempt that was executed 18 yards behind the line of scrimmage and an even bigger question is what kind of kicking formation does Portsmouth have? :122246
18 yards behind the line of scrimmage???

No one sets the kicker that far back. Roger Gray said the ball was set down at the 25 yard line which makes it a 35 yard attempt. But then again it was Roger Gray so it could have been set on the 15 and only a 25 yarder. He's really good at screwing up the ball placement. That would make more sense since I believe the ball was at the 7 with 4th and goal.
Yeah, if they were on the SEVEN yard line and was "LINING UP" for a 35 yard FG, that's 28 yards and minus the 10 yards of the end zone makes it 18 yards near as I can figure.
I'd say you are right in that Gray probably gave the wrong info.

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wilmington

Post by Karma »

someone correct me if Im wrong or dont remember corectly. Two years ago when Wheelersburg came into the new Trojan Stadium and scored 60 some points and destroyed the Trojans, wasnt there main running back Zaide. Didnt he score 3-5 touchdowns against the Trojans and no one could catch him. I know he scored a bunch that nite, my thoughts is why is he not running the ball in back field. Go Trojans Beat West. Good Luck rest of way.

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wilmington

Post by trojanofthepast »

Karma wrote:someone correct me if Im wrong or dont remember corectly. Two years ago when Wheelersburg came into the new Trojan Stadium and scored 60 some points and destroyed the Trojans, wasnt there main running back Zaide. Didnt he score 3-5 touchdowns against the Trojans and no one could catch him. I know he scored a bunch that nite, my thoughts is why is he not running the ball in back field. Go Trojans Beat West. Good Luck rest of way.
Yes Zaide did play for Burg that year but he didn't score he wasnt a started on the offense. The stud in that game and last years game was Brandon Shankweiler. I think he scored 11 times the last 2 years against Portsmouth. Glad we never have to face him again.

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wilmington

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

I believe Tyler Craigmiles was also in on that onslaught of the Trojans two years ago.

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wilmington

Post by DIDO »

Tyler was very good, but for some odd reason the burg coaches never really gave him a fair shake on carries, or so his stats show from that year.

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wilmington

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

Pretty sure Ted Newsome is still the O-line coach, and Clifford is very involved with them.
I saw some cardinal sins from some on the line last night, like giving up inside gap. That is unbelievable to me, get beat if someone is better then you that’s fine, but don’t give up inside.

HOLD ON TO THE BALL, and we win that game period. The defense actually played pretty well, aided by the long kickoffs and even touchbacks of Zaide Whitley it was only when the offense turned the ball over and gave them a short field that they struggled to get a stop.

In a night when it wasn’t that hot, we had way too many cramps. Why the boys are not hydrated enough and conditioned to prevent this is unbelievable to me.

When Mason was out I thought Cody Stapleton played very well, and Johnnie Charles till he got hurt ran incredibly tough. ( hope he is OK, and to see him back soon)
What was the most upsetting thing to me was the total lack of composer displayed. More than one young man threw a helmet down on the sideline during the 4th quarter. There is no place for that, and someone must put an end to it immediately or this will be the down fall of this team.

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wilmington

Post by TrojanXplosion »

I'm all for being fired up if things aren't going your way. Hell, that's what comes with being competitive. But, seeing people throw helmets and having hissy fits is a waste of time and energy. There is no place for it, and it shows lack of discipline.

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wilmington

Post by Westfan »

Newsome is a good line coach. He doesn't have the material to work with.

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wilmington

Post by trojandave »

I went to the game, and there was absolutely no doubt that FUMBLES cost Portsmouth the game.........the DEFENSE played well, but were put in some tough situations with the fumbles deep in our territory.

I really believe that Zaide can be a really good kicker for us if we can get protection on the line........he will be needed at some point of the season to kick a BIG field goal for us. It was certainly refreshing to see him kickoff into the endzone twice........making Wilmington start at the 20. We do need to make our PAT's........can't go 0 for 4.......if we make just 1 of them we would have won the game.

I TOTALLY agree with Trojan FB Alum on this point........THERE WAS WAY TOO MUCH CRAMPING!!.........it was a very nice night for football, not hot or muggy!!

Having run marathons and ultramarathons without cramping, what I saw Friday night was unacceptable. Everybody who plays strenuous sports will get a cramp every now and then, including myself, but what happened was over the top. CONDITIONING IS A BIG ISSUE WITH ME WHEN I GO TO WATCH A TROJAN GAME!! WE SHOULD ALWAYS BE IN BETTER CONDITION THAN OUR OPPONENT!!

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wilmington

Post by trojandave »

Glad to hear Johnny Charles is doing better..........when he gets cleared to play, I would love to see him get more carries.........he runs HARD and with PASSION.

I also thought Cody Stapleton did a fine job filling in briefly for Mason.

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wilmington

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

I agree Zaide kicking was not the problem. He has to have a chance to kick the ball, if they can’t give him time there is no chance. Personally I don’t know why we attempted the FG, after we had already struggled with the PAT protection. I guess we knew they could kick the FG, and we won’t to at least give ourselves a chance to stay in the game. I personally think we would have been better off going for the TD in that situation.
I agree about Johnnie he needs to see more carries when he comes back. He runs hard and won’t give up.
Boys realize this season is not lost because of one game. It’s a long season, and you can still win some games. Start this week against West.
For 2.5 quarters you should how good of a team you can be. The breaks then went against us, and we did not respond well to adversity. We must be mentally tough, the ball will not always bounce your way we must not beat ourselves. That’s what happened the other night, Wilmington was not better than us we beat ourselves, overcome this and you will be a better team if you learned something for it.

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Re: Portsmouth @ Wilmington

Post by wipala »


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Re: Portsmouth @ Wilmington

Post by LetsGoPSU »

All being said is true, but if you cant run the football, at least a little your offense is doomed for failure!

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