2012 Minford Falcon Football

Bleeding Red
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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by Bleeding Red »

28Buck wrote:Ironton will be an excellent team next year. I honestly do not know what they have coming up after though. Minford, imho, will be a very talented team for years to come. This year may be disappointing but coming up Minford will be very good.I've watched the current freshmen to 6th graders and every grade will complement each other. Honestly, Blackjack I do not know what you have seen but Minford's talent pool is anything but bare. I really wish Minford would at least entertain the thought of playing the Tigers but some things do not work out. I know we tried for Portsmouth but they wouldnt come to Minford to play.
I agree. Minford has talent coming up and should be pretty solid next year if the kids hit the weight room hard and put focus where it needs to be.

As far as Ironton goes: Minford over the past 3 years (excluding this year) would have made a good game of it. I have watched Ironton play every year since 2006 and there was not a huge gap in talent between the schools. Burg plays Ironton every year and some years they win, some they lose. Not often is it a blowout like it was this year. I am not saying that Minford would beat Ironton each year that both schools are up in talent, but to be the best you have to beat the best. They are in the same region so a matchup would be likely in the event both teams would make the playoffs next year. Why not play during the regular season and then possibly have a rematch later? If Minford is going to win the region anytime soon the train has to go through Ironton anyway.......

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by marshallman »

Minford 8 grade went 5- 3 and 7 grade went 7-1. 6 grade won the falcon bowl and crushed everyone. There is a boat. Load of talent coming up just give it time.

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by 14U »

I just saw Portmouth schedule up and it has Minford in week 4.


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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by FarAwayFalcon »

If it is Portsmouth and Rock Hill, and the SOCII order is the same, the schedule should be something like this:

Week 1 Rock Hill (H)
Week 2 @ Wellston
Week 3 @ Piketon
Week 4 Portsmouth (H)
Week 5 Oak Hill (H)
Week 6 West (H)
Week 7 @ Norhtwest
Week 8 @ Wheelersburg
Week 9 Waverly (H)
Week 10 @ Valley

Looks like a good schedule to me.

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by Falconfever »

i seriously doubt that they will not be better this year to much pride in the coaching staff and the community last year could have went a alot better but too much of the boys not caring with that said theres alot of talent on that football team with that sophmore and freshman class with a LOT of talent things should be fun to watch

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by mglight88 »

According to the OHSAA website:
Ironfalcon listed a correct schedule
8/24 Rock Hill
8/31 at Wellston
9/7 at Piketon
9/14 Portsmouth
9-21 Oak Hill
9/28 Portsmouth West
10/5 at Scioto Northwest
10/12 at Wheelersburg (New Stadium)
10/19 Waverly (wait till 2013 to play new stadium)
10/26 at Lucasville Valley

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by Bleeding Red »

Falconfever wrote:i seriously doubt that they will not be better this year to much pride in the coaching staff and the community last year could have went a alot better but too much of the boys not caring with that said theres alot of talent on that football team with that sophmore and freshman class with a LOT of talent things should be fun to watch
I agree they will be much better. They have serious needs in a couple key positions on offense that were seriously lacking last year.

Without being super critical, they had big strong kids last year that were not football players. I think they will play much harder this year and will play more aggressively.

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by ON THE ROCKS »

Falconfever u say the kids didn't care??What a bold statement u could say the same about the coaching staff. They all got to be committed from the head coach to the last freshmen

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by Blackjack »

This is a make or break year for Coach Daniels imo. He will have the talent but needs to change his offense to accomodate it. He must utilize his talents that he has and not just rely on the past offensive scheme.

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by sider »

Minford will rebound...After what Daniels has done for his first 5 years at Minford its hard to say that any year is a make or break year. I mean 37-18, 4 consecutive playoff appearances, 4-1 vs. Valley, and 1 soc championship, that type of success is unparalleled at Minford by any coach they've had. Say what you want about the wing-t, they know it they believe in it and its been good to them. I'm not an advocate, but they run it well.

With that being said I see minford around 6-4 maybe a game worse or better. I feel they are a year away. You also have to remember that talent runs in cycles at small schools, its tough to make the playoffs every year in the soc.

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by SPAMONY »

Blackjack wrote:This is a make or break year for Coach Daniels imo. He will have the talent but needs to change his offense to accomodate it. He must utilize his talents that he has and not just rely on the past offensive scheme.

This may be the single stupidest comment ever posted on SEOPS!

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by FarAwayFalcon »

Blackjack wrote:This is a make or break year for Coach Daniels imo. He will have the talent but needs to change his offense to accomodate it. He must utilize his talents that he has and not just rely on the past offensive scheme.
You're absolutely nuts if you believe that. Coach Daniels is one of the best Minford has ever had, and he's only 5 years into his tenure. He has a 67% win percentage including playoffs, Fred Brisker only had a 56%.

Certainly last year was dissapointing, but don't think anyone took it more personal than Coach Daniels. He's a smart guy he will adapt each year to his talent, but he's not going to trash the system he's built from the pee-wee on up after one bad season.

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by Bleeding Red »

Blackjack wrote:This is a make or break year for Coach Daniels imo. He will have the talent but needs to change his offense to accomodate it. He must utilize his talents that he has and not just rely on the past offensive scheme.
You're absolutely nuts if you believe that. Coach Daniels is one of the best Minford has ever had, and he's only 5 years into his tenure. He has a 67% win percentage including playoffs, Fred Brisker only had a 56%.

Certainly last year was dissapointing, but don't think anyone took it more personal than Coach Daniels. He's a smart guy he will adapt each year to his talent, but he's not going to trash the system he's built from the pee-wee on up after one bad season.

Well said! There is talent coming up and they should be much better this year than last. Daniels has really made an impact on the football program since taking over. Looking back all the way to the mid 80's when Minford won on mostly talent alone, Daniels is far superior than any other coach Minford has had. He loves the program, the kids respond to him and Minford will get better.

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by High Plains Drifter »

Well said also bleeding red, by no means does anyone that knows want anyone but Daniels.

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by High Plains Drifter »

Or change the system.

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by urban buck »

Agree Daniels is a fine Coach. Will he run same offense as last year?

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by big-train »

from what ive been hearing sources close to the program says oopteoop is a strong possibility ..

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by sider »

5 wrs and call the plays from the line

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by FarAwayFalcon »

sider wrote:5 wrs and call the plays from the line
If it can happen at Ohio State, it can happen anywhere. :lol:

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Re: 2012 Minford Falcon Football

Post by Blackjack »

Trouble has a curious smell. :122246

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