... congratulations to the Vikings of Coach Combs with the road win last night ... the BEST TEAM on the floor last night WAS VC ... I've seen the Vikings 3 times now each time the word that I keep jotting down on my napkin is "execution" - the Vikes may NOT be as talented as VC teams of the past - talented isn't a good word - more the Vikes may not be as "flashy" as VC teams of the past BUT this years players KNOW their roles, they execute as well as anyone I have watched this season ... Andy Grillo may not be the best PG in Southern/Southeastern Ohio this season BUT you would be hard pressed to find a coach that wouldn't want this "general" on floor for them ... he "controls" the game from his pg position/he creates, dictates the tempo of the game - you can't ask for more from any pg ... knows the game, knows the position, knows what has to be done by him to "make" his team be on top when the final buzzer sounds ... Grillo IS a WINNER ...
... try these napkin stats on for size - VC has 29 straight league wins ... Coach Combs has guided the Viking program to a record 60 wins out of their 65 games in the regular season ... twist it, turn it upside down, turn it inside out THAT is a program that takes a back seat to no one ... our hat goes off to the Vinton County "program", Coach Combs, his staff AND in Vinton County you have to throw in the fact that ALL of the success begins when these athletes participate in the VC biddy ball programs - hats off to those coaches at that level as well ...
...now - last nights' "W" was but one win albeit a big one, away from home, reality is now EVERYONE knows the big dog in the league is still VC - VC with a target on their back ... Belpre takes aim this Tuesday night ... continued luck to VC down Rt. 93 ...