How about Southern Ohio football!

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by ironman02 »

LOL. How do you know that some of the people on here don't talk to their ADs or administrators?

The point is that you use SEOPs as your audience to belittle SE Ohio. What do you think that accomplishes? If you are truly as disgusted by the condition of SE Ohio football as you say you are, use a more meaningful channel to get your point across.

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by Chieftain »

Disgusted is a very good word. The region should really be ashamed.

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by starbase_318 »

I don't care how "brutal" a teams schedule is in a given year. If you don't have the horses to compete you are losing the race. Getting your a$$ handed to you 4, 5, or 6 times a year isn't going to make you a better team. Ask Northwest how that's working out for them. It's a fallacy to believe scheduling and scheduling alone is a cure-all. Logan has had a couple of horrible years after losing their studs and their schedule wasn't exactly weak. You need talent on the field to compete. Move-on! Your argument is invalid!

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by maniac66 »

ironman02 wrote:LOL. How do you know that some of the people on here don't talk to their ADs or administrators?

The point is that you use SEOPs as your audience to belittle SE Ohio. What do you think that accomplishes? If you are truly as disgusted by the condition of SE Ohio football as you say you are, use a more meaningful channel to get your point across.

I agree with you there ironman02 but he would rather get on here and put the schools and kids and supporters down it makes him feel big.
He quit being a football coach because he couldn't hack it so now he sits behind his mighty key board belittling the SEO schools.
But like it was put earlier Logan upped their schedule and look at the results.
You win with what you have not who you schedule.
The strength may work in your favor a bit but not if it hurts you to the extent that make the playoffs unattainable.
Playing weaker teams does give you a winning record and a deceiving one yes.
And it does show in playoffs at times but it is what it is we have several good programs still in playoffs and as for me I am going to root for them all regardless what pally says.

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by crazymidgets »

Pallidin you might have a few people fooled on here but I for one am not, I understand how hard it is for schools in southern ohio to compete at the top level and it has nothing to do with the competition you play.
There might not be 1 team from the area left after this week the odds are really stacked against them, not because they havent played up but because they might not have quite as much depth, I have watched jackson, valley and west play this yr so I know they are all very good football teams and it takes very special classes coming through for these kids to compete from this area. Why is that, its because when you have 3-4 schools in a county instead of 60 that you find it hard to find 22 kids to send out on a football field. When you have a population of 100000 people and parents/kids want exposure they send them not to the closest school they send them to the closest football school, we dont have that luxery. Its why you see southern ohio being able to compete in basketball when you only have to find 5 instead of 22 or even baseball only having to field 9 you will see more southern ohio schools competing at the top. but getting 22 kids out of only the 200 boys in the whole area the odds are against you.
So with that try putting some red bull in your coolaid instead of the bulls#$% you have in it now

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by Bleeding Red »

Dont let ole Paladin get to you. He is just a grumpy old man who thinks southerners are a bunch of non competitive hillbillies.

Logan being terrible right now isnt putting him in a good mood either....LOL.

Congrats to all of the "hillbilly" southern Ohio teams still in the playoffs!

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by Chieftain »

I hear the lame excuses, but the reality is, the rest of the state does exactly what I tell you that you should do. And, boohoo, we might lose. The facts are you run that risk but live with it if you want to get to the next level. I've poinbted out on other threads some well known situations -- Mooney went 0-10 a few years back. Warren Harding just went 2-8 this year. Iggy had a down year last year. All around the state the "powers" have off years ( translation-- they have bad losing years). Seems that scares some of you down there. Well, if all you are interested in is avoiding a losing year you can do that with some fancy dance steps when scheduling. Problem is, you haven't done anything to address the competitive level of your team or the area if all do the same thing.And since you do, you get your butts handed to you. Ask the small team MAC how its working out for them.

You have an inferiority complex down there. I laugh ( Southern football), translation "river rat" or more appropriately SEO football . Yes , people laugh at you. Lame excuses and cutting corners to win and then you whine when the state kicks your butts. You should be ashamed. Inferiority complex indeed.

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by acf05 »

paladin if you get the time take a look at google maps satellite picture of ohio, I dont think its coincidence the most rural part of the state has the hardest time competing in the state tournament. jmo. just let us cheer our southern teams on and leave us alone.

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by crazymidgets »

lmao you definately have issues and no you havent pointed anything out you have such blinders on you cant see the forest for the trees. we understand perfectly the situation and although we are the underdog we still embrace our kids and our schools, you can see that from the amount of people in the stands, this isnt desales where nobody comes to the games oh wait none of the kids live their. yep youve been called out on bullsh@@ if it walks like a duck quacks like a duck yep its a duck, quack quack paladin and another thing you are right about 1 thing thats the roman numerals equaling 2 after your name cause your definatley full of it.

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by crazymidgets »

I went and looked up Steubinville big Red schedule since they have been 1 of the most dominant schools in ohio in d3 d4 over the last several yrs and are number 1 in their region, wow what did i see some crappy big wv schools a big ole bushel of points from a Canadian powerhouse lol a couple of eastern schools which we know they are just the hotbed of talent lol they play 2-3 real games this yr, now why do you think such a prominent school did that, definately isnt because they are trying to UP their schedule thats pretty obvious, they do it because they are keeping themselves at the top they arent stupid they know they cant schedule a dominant team every game no matter how good they are, they want those little kids wearing those big red sweatshirts and playing peewee football chomping at the bit to become one of those friday night players.
You should change your name to " Rev. Jim Jones" here drink some of this coolaid its real good lmao

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by crazymidgets »

Bleeding Red this cat dont get to me I love an argument with someone like this its just way to easy lol and now a word from the Reverand Jones lmao now all you kids take one of those cups hahaha might be why he is out of coaching, parents were afraid of what was in the that big water container lol oh man havent had this much fun in awhile, Coach is the water supposed to be blue its ok tommy its coolaid i made it myself drink up son lol and he thinks he has been laughing at us LMAO woo hooo thats good stuff there. thanks Paladin number 2 lol

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by warriorfrosh »

Hey crazyman I'm right with you on this one! Not sure who this paladin jerk is but he is just a blowhard who stays busy telling other people how to solve their issues while not having a clue they have several of their own. Why has SEO Ohio football been an issue for so long and no one has fixed it? He's just like a politician before election day telling us how he will put everybody to work in a depressed economy just to get elected. It's a multifaceted issue that no one has THE answer for and I like the google maps comment above, that is a big factor. Occasionally you will have a dominant team emerge and have a great run, and your league may get a more competitive for a few years, but it is what it is. For the most part our struggling schools are trying to hire the best coaches they can and be as competitive as possible. Let's just enjoy the kids and hope they can have some fun and will some games. If we have a special season, let's savor it and try to build on that. And who wants to go to Columbus every weekend to play games, come on be real.

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by Chieftain »

Excellent response. Shows how little you people understand about football and quality. Steubenville was a bad choice to pick. Yes, Steubie whipped up on everyone. However, Morgantown (WV) went 8-2 and beat up Parker.South and Wheeling Park. Decent team, even for WV. Akron Buchtel 6-4 who played Massillon, D-I Solon, etc. Those kids are hardnosed and many D-I athletes come out of there. Brook 5-5, average WV team. Ursuline 4-6. Probably the best team in D-V but not in the playoffs after losing to D-I St. Eds but whipping up on Cardinal Mooney. Yeah, bunch of wimps. Mt. St. Joe 3-6 from Maryland, usually a parochial powerhouse but down this year. Buffalo( NY) St. Joes 7-2, another parochial powerhouse full of D-I college athletes. Cardinal O'Hara, another Buffalo suburban parochial powerhouse. Massillon . Yep, looks like a real wimp schedule they played, YOU COMPLETE FOOL.Their schedule was tough, prepped them for an uphill game in the playoffs against Cardianl Mooney. You people really have no clue. No wonder people laugh at you.

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by crazymidgets »

lol uh all those schools step over the border from wv and win lol their d1 and d2 schools are like our d4 and d5 and oh yeah OH CANADA lol and yep Ursuline got exactly what they deserved trying to run with the big dogs they stayed at home. Steubenville generally plays a decent schedule they arent afraid they just pick and choose and will never play huge teams every week their program is as good in d3 or d4 to play teams that are d1 in most states but that doesnt really say a whole lot about the other states quality does it. they know what they are doing unlike some people.

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by Chieftain »

Well, genius, lets take Buffalo St. Joes. They will play Iggy, St. Eds, Steubie, and Cardinal Mooney and Ursuline from Ohio over the years that I know of. O'Hara, same deal. Akron Buchtel plays Massillon, St. Vincents-St. Marys, Warren Harding and Canton area D-I teams.Ursuline would have beaten 98 %+ of all teams in Ohio this year, but didn't qualify becuase of playing National powerhouses and Ohio powers. Morgantown beat both South and Park by 28-7. How did those teams do against Ohio teams ? lol Massillon lost out of the playoffs the last game , lsoing to D- Canton McKinley in the rivalry game.Mt. St. Joes is usually a power in the Baltimore, MD. area but people won't play then , so they gladly come to Steubie. You still trying to say Steubie played a wimp schedule? If you are you are a complete tool. The quality of that schedule would impress most coaches. But then, I'm talking to a redneck from the hills where they pipe sunshine to for light. And probably a kid at study hall. No need to act a fool, you look it just relaxing.No one in SEO would have the guts to play that schedule.

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by crazymidgets »

oh and thanks for helping prove my point bringing up wv power houses who we are given points for by the size of their school and their big schools cant compete with like schools from ohio its called population density.................. whos your worst enemy in a in an argument uh yep i believe its you

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by crazymidgets »

so your point on ursuline playing those schools are what, they didnt want to go to the state playoffs this yr they were just practicing for next oh i get it. its called look at me is what its called tool lol

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by crazymidgets »

how many kentucky schools with like populations can compete with ohio schools 1 maybe 2 in the same class west virginia 1 it is what it is the more athletes you have the possibility for better depth and talent you have, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure it out bud use your brain

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by maniac66 »

Pally your a major joke you say SEO schools need to schedule up regardless if the can win or lose.
And then you put in what schools in Northern Ohio did and failed to make playoffs from it.
You boast you was ahead coach but fail to state your record from coaching just saying you set the first and best on several records.
You can say all you want this section of Ohio has no schools needing to schedule Div.1 powerhouses.
Other than Logan div. 2 and Marrietta we have a few Div.3 schools and rest Div.4 or lower.
Ironton does schedule up.
Jackson tries to retain their rivalries with area schools which helps the Athletic department and the surrounding schools.
Athens is trying to build back up so they need to be picky with who the schedule.
Logan is in a downward spiral after playing up.
Portsmouth is in a mess with their program and shrinking size.
So type all you want about what you think you know jackson wins this weekend you will just side step it and refuse to give credit same as with Ironton Lucasville valley and West and Symmes valley.
So Come clean with yourself and say what your record was about that great coaching career or better yet just shut up

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Re: How about Southern Ohio football!

Post by Chieftain »

Two words for you--

you suck.

Playoffs are proving my point. This week will be ugly.

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