TVC Expansion, AGAIN!

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Re: TVC Expansion, AGAIN!

Post by Raider6309 »

NY BUCKS wrote:
93Bulldog wrote:Ok, I guess you could say coach. But ive always referred to him as strength & development coordinator. Bottom line is though, one player doesnt cause u to win or lose games. The defense led by Ryder & Russell won the game for Athens in 2011.
Still Ny should have beaten athens in regulation 2 Times... missed players ..i have the picture where they called young out...Nothing But Green Grass. .
Only half his foot is out of bounds. At NY that's in bounds

Thank god that game wasn't in Nelsonville since the refs made the right call :lol:

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Re: TVC Expansion, AGAIN!

Post by NY BUCKS »

Gridiron glory had a discussion with the refs and walked away shaking there heads on the td that called back

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Re: TVC Expansion, AGAIN!

Post by warrior90 »

GoBucks1047 wrote:A part of me hopes that Dover and New Philadelphia leave the ECOL and maybe Zanesville too, and the ECOL invites Warren to join a 6-7 team league and merge with the PVC for a 12-14 team league, just a thought.

I agree with this post. I say forget about applying, Vinton does not want us back, play ovac teams and wait for new philly and dover to leave and go east. I would even go a step further and go east for tourney play too like fort frye does.

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Re: TVC Expansion, AGAIN!

Post by GoBucks1047 »

What makes that idea a little bit more difficult is that minus Rosecrans and Claymont, the league is much farther north and west than I had originally thought and that the PVC is more eastward so more teams between the two leagues would need to be added for it to work.

Morgan would be a nice addition too for the larger schools, but I doubt they'd leave the MVL. Convincing Buckeyes Trail to stay and picking up Barnesville and possibly River (latter won't happen) for the smaller schools.

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Re: TVC Expansion, AGAIN!

Post by thebarlowbandit »

Raider6309 wrote:
thebarlowbandit wrote:
Athens would have zero TVC boys basketball titles if Warren was in the league. ;-)
And Warren was a mid pack TVC team last year :roll:

Warren 4th and Athens 5th

Well, we still finished above Athens ;-) when was the last time Athens basketball was releavant to Warren? 10-12 years ago?

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Re: TVC Expansion, AGAIN!

Post by Stone Cold »

Go ahead and let them in. When the smaller schools get tired of not competing they will leave and form their own league. Maybe they will name it the Southeastern Ohio Athletic League? :lol:

And that's the bottom line, b/c Stone Cold said so....
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