Basketball Situation at Green
- Waterboy
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:54 am
Basketball Situation at Green
I tried to have my say about this situation by putting my thoughts in the paper both in the Ironton Tribune and the Portsmouth Daily Times but was refused by both saying it was to long and not factual.Well it had to be lengthy to give the facts and I know better than any what the situation was and should have had my say as I was the one being splashed all over the newspaper and on tv because of this.So this is the next best place as I'm sure everyone and there brother reads the things posted on this site.I didn't want to really make a lot of comments until I knew what the boards statements were going to be about me resigning.I was on the inside looking out and know well how things are run at Green High School involving basketball.Wether this hurts me or not trying to gain other employment as a basketball coach remains to be seen because I did nothing wrong and am well supported by people from the Green community that for many years know how it has been at Green involving basketball.
My resignation was due in part by the constant harassing phone calls morning and night,letters and notes in my mail box,notes on my car stating things I can't repeat on this site along with more discusting things such as dog feces left on my porch with a note saying what I could do with it.Very classy on someones part from Franklin Furnace.Had this only affected me I could have cared less it sometimes goes with the job,but it involved more than just myself which was my family and was without a doubt affecting the players on the team because of the negativity by some people in the community.I felt it was in the best interest of the kids to resign in which I did and made it final at the end of the current seasson with the option for the board to replace me with someone qualified if thats what they wanted in order to give the kids a more stable situation in which they would know they didn't have to worry if I was going to be there or not and could move forward with the season.
I stepped on a few toes because I was doing what needed to be done at Green for a long time in which I was told by many people and parents of the Franklin Furnace community.There was no discipline or direction in that program when I came there.A select group of self appointed people in Franklin Furnace thought they had control of everything and when they found out I was going to do it my way they couldn't handle it and have been after me ever since.There are far to many personal agendas in Franklin Furnace concerning the basketball program and it will never change until a school board is in place that has back bone and professionalism about themselves.
The board didn't make it clear that I would be backed no matter what because they didn't themselves like the changes I made that needed to be done to restore a mess that they had previously created long before I got there,but this didn't happen and I was never supported.Had the board stepped up and made it clear that they were in charge of the school system and I was in charge of the basketball program this would have never got out of hand which leads me to them having a second board meeting to go over the very thing that was discussed in the first meeting in which the board bent to a few parents because their kids were cut and they didn't like it. It was my decision and one I have no regrets about or anything else I did involving the program.This is why I gave the board the option to replace me if they wanted because I knew they would jump at the chance which told me as I knew it would that they wouldn't back me as they said they would in a previous board meeting.No one outside of the superintendent and board knew I was resigning.Pat Pierce was present at the board meeting that night and was appointed as the interim coach because it was a done deal between Pierce and board member Kevin Lewis.Pierce had NO previous experience coaching other than PEE WEE ball and had had no back ground check or cpr certification which is required to coach.Why offer that position to a guy that has no experience or proper qualifications to handle that job.Although,as I understand the varsity assistant was called about the job that night but there was no response and he only lives maybe three hundred yards from the school.I would have made a better effort to reach him or table it until I did.He was already hired and on the staff.It wasn't like they had no one ,but that was not the agenda of Pierce and Lewis as far as I am concerned..They wanted control.Many things have back fired for them and from what I hear the asistant will be hired as the new coach for the remainder of the season with Pierce helping him if he ever gets the proper paper work in hand.
The bottom line is if the board would have backed me from the very beginning and not give in to the unhappy parents because their kids weren't chosen for the team this situation would never have happened.Keeping and cutting kids was my decision and I didn't feel that you just hand out a place on a team because a parent wants their kid to be there.It has to be earned and that wasn't the case in the situation of the kids that were cut which in part started alot of this problem.As I stated before I did what had to be done to START to fix the mess that already existed and have no regrets.As every coach knows no one gets rich from coaching high school sports.Its not all about X's and O's and winning and losing.It's about teaching character,integrity,demanding hard work to be a part of something,preparation and working together for a common goal to succeed and become a better person from it. I know that there are many that will disagree with what I have said.but like I said I was on the inside looking out as many on here where not
Charlie Kitchen
My resignation was due in part by the constant harassing phone calls morning and night,letters and notes in my mail box,notes on my car stating things I can't repeat on this site along with more discusting things such as dog feces left on my porch with a note saying what I could do with it.Very classy on someones part from Franklin Furnace.Had this only affected me I could have cared less it sometimes goes with the job,but it involved more than just myself which was my family and was without a doubt affecting the players on the team because of the negativity by some people in the community.I felt it was in the best interest of the kids to resign in which I did and made it final at the end of the current seasson with the option for the board to replace me with someone qualified if thats what they wanted in order to give the kids a more stable situation in which they would know they didn't have to worry if I was going to be there or not and could move forward with the season.
I stepped on a few toes because I was doing what needed to be done at Green for a long time in which I was told by many people and parents of the Franklin Furnace community.There was no discipline or direction in that program when I came there.A select group of self appointed people in Franklin Furnace thought they had control of everything and when they found out I was going to do it my way they couldn't handle it and have been after me ever since.There are far to many personal agendas in Franklin Furnace concerning the basketball program and it will never change until a school board is in place that has back bone and professionalism about themselves.
The board didn't make it clear that I would be backed no matter what because they didn't themselves like the changes I made that needed to be done to restore a mess that they had previously created long before I got there,but this didn't happen and I was never supported.Had the board stepped up and made it clear that they were in charge of the school system and I was in charge of the basketball program this would have never got out of hand which leads me to them having a second board meeting to go over the very thing that was discussed in the first meeting in which the board bent to a few parents because their kids were cut and they didn't like it. It was my decision and one I have no regrets about or anything else I did involving the program.This is why I gave the board the option to replace me if they wanted because I knew they would jump at the chance which told me as I knew it would that they wouldn't back me as they said they would in a previous board meeting.No one outside of the superintendent and board knew I was resigning.Pat Pierce was present at the board meeting that night and was appointed as the interim coach because it was a done deal between Pierce and board member Kevin Lewis.Pierce had NO previous experience coaching other than PEE WEE ball and had had no back ground check or cpr certification which is required to coach.Why offer that position to a guy that has no experience or proper qualifications to handle that job.Although,as I understand the varsity assistant was called about the job that night but there was no response and he only lives maybe three hundred yards from the school.I would have made a better effort to reach him or table it until I did.He was already hired and on the staff.It wasn't like they had no one ,but that was not the agenda of Pierce and Lewis as far as I am concerned..They wanted control.Many things have back fired for them and from what I hear the asistant will be hired as the new coach for the remainder of the season with Pierce helping him if he ever gets the proper paper work in hand.
The bottom line is if the board would have backed me from the very beginning and not give in to the unhappy parents because their kids weren't chosen for the team this situation would never have happened.Keeping and cutting kids was my decision and I didn't feel that you just hand out a place on a team because a parent wants their kid to be there.It has to be earned and that wasn't the case in the situation of the kids that were cut which in part started alot of this problem.As I stated before I did what had to be done to START to fix the mess that already existed and have no regrets.As every coach knows no one gets rich from coaching high school sports.Its not all about X's and O's and winning and losing.It's about teaching character,integrity,demanding hard work to be a part of something,preparation and working together for a common goal to succeed and become a better person from it. I know that there are many that will disagree with what I have said.but like I said I was on the inside looking out as many on here where not
Charlie Kitchen
Last edited by Charlie Kitchen 2 on Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- hardhitter ll
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Re: Basketball Situation at Green
Do you teach? If so, I hope it is not in the Language Arts department. 

Re: Basketball Situation at Green
Doubt if this post stays around long. You named names of two people[whose kids still play the same exact amount of minutes when you coached by the way] who in your opinion had it out for you and did what they could to make you leave.How are you going to prove this?You lost support when those JV kids were cut, pure and simple.Your statements could be considered slanderous if you cannot back them up.I do thank you for your effort with the kids and hope you get another chance to coach.
- Freshman Team
- Posts: 187
- Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:59 am
Re: Basketball Situation at Green
I like it better when he tells the story under one of his other accounts. 

- Waterboy
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:54 am
Re: Basketball Situation at Green
Hoot,If cutting those kids was the big problem why wasn't those kids ask back to become a part of that team.There was a new coach or man in charge with more than half the season left and with the low numbers they should have been brought back or given the chance to say no.A player was brought back that quit on his own in which caused the problem of not having a couple jv games.There was no problem with the jv team from the start.We had enough kids ,but one players mom decided she didn't want him playing,one had to leave because of family issues,one kid quit and another had a badly sprained ankle.I had no way of knowing this would happen.As far as slander this is only how I see it and from what many others feel in Franklin Furnace.I guess I should think of considering slander my self against the people that said I was discriminating against there child or children.One lady presented that the very first time I met her at open gym in the summer.That was thrown all over the newspaper about me ,but I guess that was ok.I've had my say for the most part in which I could add much more but its over as far as I'm concerned and hope the ones that wanted me out are happy.The only ones hurt by this are the kids.It wasn't caused by me,but it was by selfish people that wanted it their way
- Waterboy
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:54 am
Re: Basketball Situation at Green
sportsguy,my opinion has never been given by me until now.Yu have a right to your thoughts and opinions.
Re: Basketball Situation at Green
I see nothing wrong with Mr. Kitchen's post. He was just stating why he did what he did.
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Re: Basketball Situation at Green
wemufans wrote:I see nothing wrong with Mr. Kitchen's post. He was just stating why he did what he did.
I agree.......
- All Conference
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Re: Basketball Situation at Green
I also agree...the guy has to get his opinion out somehow. And if what he stated is true...Green's system is corrupt.
Re: Basketball Situation at Green
I have absolutely no problem with Coach Kitchen as an X's and O's coach or as person. I applauded his disciplinary actions early on [still believe that was right] but I disagreed with cutting the JV kids[even though I believe it was his right]. It would not hurt the program if we would have 9 instead of 6 JV players[as long as those kids weren't discipline problems]. I just don't feel Coach Kitchen understands how cutting those JV kids cut deeply into the support that he may not realize he actually had when he first was hired. Many were disappointed with the perceived lack of discipline of the last two years and were excited at Coach Kitchens arrival. It's too bad its all came to this. I will apoligize for stupid behavior[i.e. harrasing calls and dog feces] if some idiot actually did this and I do mean it when I say thanks for your effort with the kids and better luck if you chose to coach basketball again.Good Luck to you in the future.
Last edited by hoot on Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Basketball Situation at Green
I totally agree with everything Coach Kitchen has said and done. Parents should not raise all the heck they did because he cut those kids. Maybe that is the discipline problem at green, the way the parents act. Discipline starts at home and the way the Green parents have been acting no wonder the kids act like they do. I do not know coach Kitchen but know all the West basketball team and they all wish he was their coach. Best wishes to coach Kitchen and his family, come back to WEST
Re: Basketball Situation at Green
I wont say we cut at Eastern, but the ones Howie doesn't want seem to get the picture if you know what I mean?
Re: Basketball Situation at Green
hard hitter,
i believe the people at green have bigger concerns right now than spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
you should get permission from the people who run this site to be able to edit all posts and make sure they are grammatically correct. other than capitalization i hope i did not make any grammatical errors.
sounds to me like the ones who are going to suffer the most are the kids. schools would get along much better if coaches coach and parents support and stop meddling in. at the end of each season the coach should be evaluated by the proper people and decisions should be made that are best for all involved.
i believe the people at green have bigger concerns right now than spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
you should get permission from the people who run this site to be able to edit all posts and make sure they are grammatically correct. other than capitalization i hope i did not make any grammatical errors.
sounds to me like the ones who are going to suffer the most are the kids. schools would get along much better if coaches coach and parents support and stop meddling in. at the end of each season the coach should be evaluated by the proper people and decisions should be made that are best for all involved.
Re: Basketball Situation at Green
Jumper or Charley Kitchen 2,
After reading your beginning post, I can see why no one would publish your article. You should have gotten interviews with Tom Groden, Paul Swan, and Jason Fillyard (sp). At least you could have had the opportunity to speak out and had you voice heard.
Basketball 2008 Basketball Preview states the following.
Kitchen stresses "D" to Green.
Franklin Furnace----There are two things that might be certain this year for the Green Bobcats, and then again, they're might not.
The Bobcats return just two starters. After that, Green first-year head coach Charlie Kitchen is making no promises.
Well, that's for sure. 0-8 and you can't promise your team you will stick it out and be behind them?
Now, since you QIUTE. Who really is the loser here. You could teach Defence. All you have ever done is shoot, shoot, and shoot again.
I guess the horses need feed.
Good Luck the rest of the to the Bobcat team.
After reading your beginning post, I can see why no one would publish your article. You should have gotten interviews with Tom Groden, Paul Swan, and Jason Fillyard (sp). At least you could have had the opportunity to speak out and had you voice heard.
Basketball 2008 Basketball Preview states the following.
Kitchen stresses "D" to Green.
Franklin Furnace----There are two things that might be certain this year for the Green Bobcats, and then again, they're might not.
The Bobcats return just two starters. After that, Green first-year head coach Charlie Kitchen is making no promises.
Well, that's for sure. 0-8 and you can't promise your team you will stick it out and be behind them?
Now, since you QIUTE. Who really is the loser here. You could teach Defence. All you have ever done is shoot, shoot, and shoot again.
I guess the horses need feed.
Good Luck the rest of the to the Bobcat team.
- Freshman Team
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Re: Basketball Situation at Green
Steegal wrote:I wont say we cut at Eastern, but the ones Howie doesn't want seem to get the picture if you know what I mean?
Hey steelgal, I agree. There is more than one way to skin a fish. Do fish have skin?
- Freshman Team
- Posts: 208
- Joined: Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:53 pm
Re: Basketball Situation at Green
I agree with other posters who have said they see nothing wrong with the Coach posting his thoughts and views on the message board. He has every right to defend himself and explain the reasons for his actions.
I'll preface my opinion by saying that I know nothing about Green's basketball program, coach, community, or anybody involved and have only heard the former Coaches view. If he had people who would not allow him to do his job within reason then he made the best decision for everyone involved by resigning. He would have never been successful working under the conditions he described.
Also, why wouldn't the Ironton Tribune or Portsmouth Daily Times have a reporter interview the former Coach for a story if they would not print his editorial? It seems like a hot story that people would be interested in reading about, but that might create controversy and I'm sure everyone is wanting to keep a job during these economic times.
I'll preface my opinion by saying that I know nothing about Green's basketball program, coach, community, or anybody involved and have only heard the former Coaches view. If he had people who would not allow him to do his job within reason then he made the best decision for everyone involved by resigning. He would have never been successful working under the conditions he described.
Also, why wouldn't the Ironton Tribune or Portsmouth Daily Times have a reporter interview the former Coach for a story if they would not print his editorial? It seems like a hot story that people would be interested in reading about, but that might create controversy and I'm sure everyone is wanting to keep a job during these economic times.
Re: Basketball Situation at Green
sparky, I hope you mean that first statement in a different way than I am interpretting it. I REALLY HOPE the people at Green will not make basketball a bigger concern than spelling and grammer. Seems to me those things are a little more important than any basketball situation. Once again as a grad from Green I feel the need to defend all from Green and stress that basketball is just that, basketball and not everyone from Green is an idiot.
As long as everyone moves on, including the parents, the kids of Green High will be just fine.
As long as everyone moves on, including the parents, the kids of Green High will be just fine.
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 96
- Joined: Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:06 pm
Re: Basketball Situation at Green
I commend Coach Kitchen, As a parent and a former coach I can identify slightly, SLIGHTLY, with him. Parents are idiots. And it seems as though the Parents of those in Franklin Furnace are even worse (If that is possible). It is no suprise that the board at Green has a severe lack of professionalism...They have had literally no could technically call that board a jelly fish.
Re: Basketball Situation at Green
From all I have read I agree with Coach Kitchen with everything except quitting without finishing out the season, you let the "them" win!!! Granted it will probably be the only win Green gets all year in basketball. All these parents that are quick to point the finger when their kid isn't playing all game every game, need to remember that when you point that finger there are three more pointing BACK AT YOU!!! If you are not at every practice and see how all the kids act then you have no reason to complain about anything. I hear that at Burg (best program in area) if a parent complains to the coach about ANYTHING it is a one-suspension for their kid, good thing Green doesn't enforce this rule or they would have to forfeit a few games. And by the way who cares that the PDT wouldn't publish a story, they have became the biggest JOKE in town!!!
- BuckeyeFan66
- Riding the Bench
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Re: Basketball Situation at Green
Don't let the facts get in the way of your dillusional thoughts. The school board did back you. Here's the article in the Times to refresh your memory. The headline in the paper was "School Board supports coach" ... ush&open=&
For those reading this post that do not want to follow the link, the article says, quote "The Green Local Board of Education believes that it is the sole responsibility of the head coach to determine who is selected for the team. The job of the school board is to hire the coach. It is the coach's job to select the team,"
Do you remember that meeting, your picture is in the paper, you should. Thats you sitting beside the superintendant. You were there, remember. Doesn't sound like the board did not support you to me.
Then you quit. You weren't fired, you quit. There was no agenda to get rid of you, you quit. To refresh your memory, here's the article. I'm not making this up folks, read it yourself. ... ush&open=&
You have done nothing but slam the program and your own players since November. It was you, as JUMPER, who posted the "well, coach Kitchen has made his cuts" post on this site, which got the snowball rolling down the mountain. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=53913
It was YOU as Jumper that posted how the kids at Green didn't know how to win. Imagine a coach posting smack about his own players on a message board, posing as his elderly female cousin. Then you got on here as "Interested In All" and talked about the love of coach Kitchen on the West side. I've read your post, I've read your resignation, and I've printed off all the former Jumper crap, the parents know it, I'm talking about all the parents, and they are glad your gone.
Why don't you just get on with your life, the Furnace is better off without you, and I'm sure Joe Fraley will do fine.
Don't let the facts get in the way of your dillusional thoughts. The school board did back you. Here's the article in the Times to refresh your memory. The headline in the paper was "School Board supports coach" ... ush&open=&
For those reading this post that do not want to follow the link, the article says, quote "The Green Local Board of Education believes that it is the sole responsibility of the head coach to determine who is selected for the team. The job of the school board is to hire the coach. It is the coach's job to select the team,"
Do you remember that meeting, your picture is in the paper, you should. Thats you sitting beside the superintendant. You were there, remember. Doesn't sound like the board did not support you to me.
Then you quit. You weren't fired, you quit. There was no agenda to get rid of you, you quit. To refresh your memory, here's the article. I'm not making this up folks, read it yourself. ... ush&open=&
You have done nothing but slam the program and your own players since November. It was you, as JUMPER, who posted the "well, coach Kitchen has made his cuts" post on this site, which got the snowball rolling down the mountain. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=53913
It was YOU as Jumper that posted how the kids at Green didn't know how to win. Imagine a coach posting smack about his own players on a message board, posing as his elderly female cousin. Then you got on here as "Interested In All" and talked about the love of coach Kitchen on the West side. I've read your post, I've read your resignation, and I've printed off all the former Jumper crap, the parents know it, I'm talking about all the parents, and they are glad your gone.
Why don't you just get on with your life, the Furnace is better off without you, and I'm sure Joe Fraley will do fine.
Last edited by BuckeyeFan66 on Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:30 am, edited 2 times in total.