Symmes Valley vs. Eastern Meigs
- theassassin
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Re: Symmes Valley vs. Eastern Meigs
for those of you bad mouthing the coaching how many of you are in their practices everyday to know what goes on?
Re: Symmes Valley vs. Eastern Meigs
viking24 again you dont get it. nobody said we didnt need the whole team you need defense and offense to win games.again you are only focused on what tibbs does again you should use good players to your advantage and you will see all the great talent of the team come out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if everybody would just play together and quit worring about if a player has a good game and play team ball thats when you will see sv shine. attitudes like yours tears teams apart. lets all try and stay positive for the boys sake.
Re: Symmes Valley vs. Eastern Meigs
soc1fan, im not worrying about tibbs. you keep talking him up. symmes valley does use their good players. my attitude towards sv isnt a bad attitude, its that they need to play together and not only notice tibbs. when all the other players see that he is the only one being talked about, it puts them down on them selves. and for theassassin what do you mean? 

Re: Symmes Valley vs. Eastern Meigs
viking24 you should play the game because you love the game not to get talked about. sv has alot of talent they are just not playing smart ball.
- Riding the Bench
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Re: Symmes Valley vs. Eastern Meigs
How can you not notice a kid who can hit 15 ft turnaround jump shots? Who also leads the team in rebounds and blocked shots. This is because most of the boys know he is the go to man. They depend on him and he depends on them to support him and keep feeding him the ball. When he is off he needs to shoot less and pass off but still do everything else he usually does. Eastern rode him like a racehorse. Very physical with no calls from the officials. They also put a fresh man in every few minutes to keep riding him down. I never seen him complain or show it though. Tibbs is the go to man. This does in no way take away from the others who are very good players themselves. We still notice the contributions and talents of all the others. We cheer when they play good and complain when they make mistakes. Human nature I guess.
Go Vikings.
Go Vikings.
Re: Symmes Valley vs. Eastern Meigs
im not saying dont notice him. the boys are in highschool. NOTICE THEM ALL. they are all improving ball players. every since tibbs has been the talk this year, at every game they are all over him. thats why the other boys need to do the shooting also. yeah give tibbs the ball every now and then but if hes got the boys all over him dont give him the ball even if hes yelling for it. he wont get it anywhere with 3 guys guarding him. of course they make mistakes sometimes, like i said they are all in highschool. Your right soc1fan there not playing smart ball bc they have it in their heads that tibbs is the best of the best and to always have the ball over to him. its smart if hes open but not all the time. they need to realize that. And its not that i dont want the game to be talked about, i do..its that i dont want it to only be about one boy. Sv has 11 players, lets take turns giving them ALL credit.
- All State
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Re: Symmes Valley vs. Eastern Meigs
I think Alvin does a good job. Symmes Valley is a Football school that always competes well in basketball.
- Freshman Team
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Re: Symmes Valley vs. Eastern Meigs
Kris does a great job, he is definitely the SOC I player of the year if things are done fairly. But, many of our players our very talented. We need to remember the old saying, "there is no I in TEAM". Or as on the back of the JH football shirts "It's amazing what can be accomplished when no one cares who gets the credit." If we play as individuals, we will lose as a team. If we play as a team, we will win as a team. When fans become negative or question the coach, often the players follow very soon. As fans, we need to support the players and our coach. I have been a Viking for 0-10 football seasons and 10-0 football seasons, 2-18 basketball seasons and 18-2 seasons. I'm still a Viking either way. I'll still be supportive either way.
Re: Symmes Valley vs. Eastern Meigs
Where in the world did anyone get the idea that Symmes Valley is a football school? One only has to look in the gym to see that is not correct. Sure everyone likes to attend the fall football games and support the team but we are not known as a football school. Our claim to fame in recent years folks is girls softball, followed by boys baseball. Just look at the banners in the gym to prove my point. The least supported sports program is the most successiful.
Re: Symmes Valley vs. Eastern Meigs
every thread i read about symmes valley has viking24 saying negative things about tibbs,like we dont need tibbs in game all the time or we dont have to pass to tibbs all the time to win games. tibbs is not the problem fans or players like you are the problem,sv has a very inexsperinced varsity team you only have 3 or 4 boys that played varsity last year and sv had 4 seniors last year which limited playing time for younger kids so this year we are making some mistakes because of that,but if you will watch the game you will see are kids are starting to adjust to this. when you see sv pass to tibbs now you are seeing kids cutting to basket and getting in position to rebound specialy johnson and taylor against eastern.if the kids keep playing like this sv can make some noise in the playoffs.if a TEAM is shooting 10%from 3 land then the WHOLE TEAM needs to stop shooting 3s and cut to basket for layups or screen another player away from the ball so they can,not stand in 1 spot at the 3 point line hoping you get open for a 3 you have to stay moving and screening which i can hear the coach telling his kids every are young talent gets more exsperience you will see stop blaming the coach and one a TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!we are not playing smart ball for about 2 or 3 minutes a quarter but as they learn they will start puting whole games together.i cant wait to see this happen with the talent we have who knows come playoff time.go TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Symmes Valley vs. Eastern Meigs
Eastern Meigs has a decently strong club this year. They played their game well, as did SV. EVERY SINGLE POST ON EVERY SINGLE GAME RUNS INTO KRIS TIBBS. Have we not learned why yet? This is because he IS the go to guy. Parents are in dismay and are not willing to let one young fella take the glory from their boys' double figure night. The point is, Tibbs is out there every night, giving everything he's got. He does not deserve all your criticism. He loves the game, you can tell the way he plays it. Hes a gifted boy, get used to it. He doesn't get out of hand, he is hardly ever in foul trouble and his shooting ability amazes me. The blunt point is, that he is the best shooter the vikes have this year. End of story. With someone right in his face, he makes shots, with 2 people there, turn and fade, and its in. He has a better chance of making the shot than anyone on that team, there's no logical reason for him not to. Granted, there are times when he oughtta give it off, but, if he's hot, he's talented enough to take care of it himself. He certainly deserves SOC player of the year, and there is a reason for that.
Re: Symmes Valley vs. Eastern Meigs
Also, I think that our recent years in softball have been great! Awesome! But, i don't think we have dominated our league in any sport, for any amount of time significant enough to dignify us a school of any sport. I think we are just a close community school, where most our families have been their whole lives.
- SE
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Re: Symmes Valley vs. Eastern Meigs
redickjj4 wrote:Eastern Meigs has a decently strong club this year. They played their game well, as did SV. EVERY SINGLE POST ON EVERY SINGLE GAME RUNS INTO KRIS TIBBS. Have we not learned why yet? This is because he IS the go to guy. Parents are in dismay and are not willing to let one young fella take the glory from their boys' double figure night. The point is, Tibbs is out there every night, giving everything he's got. He does not deserve all your criticism. He loves the game, you can tell the way he plays it. Hes a gifted boy, get used to it. He doesn't get out of hand, he is hardly ever in foul trouble and his shooting ability amazes me. The blunt point is, that he is the best shooter the vikes have this year. End of story. With someone right in his face, he makes shots, with 2 people there, turn and fade, and its in. He has a better chance of making the shot than anyone on that team, there's no logical reason for him not to. Granted, there are times when he oughtta give it off, but, if he's hot, he's talented enough to take care of it himself. He certainly deserves SOC player of the year, and there is a reason for that.
This is by far the best post on a Symmes Valley thread I have seen all year.All of you Viking fans just need to sit back and enjoy what kind of talent you are fortunate enough to have down there.This kid is amazing for a junior and will only get better.For all of you that criticize this kid, shame on you.......Take Tibbs off your team and let's see your record.All this kid does is go out every game and give it 110%.This kid is the best player in the league,and one of the top players in area.....When you have a player like that you run your offense through him.......I have seen Viking fans on this site complaining because he got too many touches.Let me make it simple for you guys.......Kris Tibbs could never have too many touches,if you want SV to have a chance to win ball games get him the ball as much as posssible.
I am not from Symmes Valley and don't even know the kid personally but I have watched a few of the Vikings games and for SV to have a chance to win ball games he has to get the ball ALOT!!!He has too much talent not to focus your offense around him.And for all of his critics on this site....I do not understand what your seeing, but everyone else sees the best player in the league playing for your team,and you guys are criticizing and down grading the kid.I just do not understand it.
Everyone in Viking country just better enjoy him why you have him th next couple of years because talents like that only come arond Once in a blue moon.
Re: Symmes Valley vs. Eastern Meigs
Beaverlover. For an outsider looking in you have said what needed to be said very nicely. Thanks,
- Waterboy
- Posts: 10
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Re: Symmes Valley vs. Eastern Meigs
Way to go....sad...sad....sad...and they call themselves viking fans or maybe one player fans!!!!!You're right, there is alot of talent on the viking team--on and off the bench, but they will never go anywhere with the type of support that they are receiving from their "fans". For instance, do you recall any of the other teams fans yelling to their players to pass the ball to a certain #? Do you see their fans shaking their heads when other players shoot the ball and miss? Quit coaching from the stands---if you want to coach apply for the job. Quit critizing the efforts made by all[b]players and support them as a team. They are a young team, and are going to make young individual mistakes--support them, so they can grow as a team. They are all great kids---treat them as so and lets hope they do not get on this website seeing how they are being talked about. As adults, lets try to hold a high standard in our everyday lives, since we expect the kids on the basketball court to do so---after all they are just growing kids.[/b]
- Waterboy
- Posts: 10
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Re: Symmes Valley vs. Eastern Meigs
I would also like to add---fans take note of the support that the players give eachother on the court---giving fives, patting eachother on the back when they do something good, lifting eachother up when they make a mistake.......maybe the fans need to take a lesson from the players.