Rank the Coaches...

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Re: Rank the Coaches...

Post by candystore »

Jack Trainer ( Clay Panthers) haha :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Rank the Coaches...

Post by Peake »

Jim Rome,

I know that avalanche is not CB. I played for both CB and Persin. I love them both as coaches and as people. They are both excellent coaches.

First, lets talk about your screen name. If you didn't want to draw comparisons to someone who personifies arrogance and could possibly be the most annoying person on earth, then I would suggest changing your user name. At this moment you are actually doing an excellent job of embodying your usernames attitude.

This thread went off topic a long time ago, don't give me the self-righteous crap about the people who choose to post about people they respect not being valid because they didn't fulfill your criteria.

You have made all of three posts on this site, and your are doing an excellent job of making enemies quickly. I would love to see your resume so that we can compare yours to anyone mentioned. Someone is uneducated because they post respectfully about someone who doesn't get the recognition they deserve, and they are now uneducated?

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Re: Rank the Coaches...

Post by hawkeyepierce »

I believe that sometimes you are off base, as in this case. First, my negative rhetoric is in response to the constant bashing of Vinton County and the TVC. For the past six seasons, people on this forum have used this media to devalued what Coach Combs et al have done. And you are guilty of it also, "JMO, but the TVC is the weakest small school league in the state. I would rank the SOC, SVC, and OVC..." (your words). Secondly, I will agree that is quite the accomplishment for the SEOAL being around 84 years. Kudos. Third, everytime there seems to be these kinds of arguments the first thing you do is mention the size of Gallia, and give this innuendo that we are "scared" to compete against you. For information, we have tried several times to schedule Gallia, and they refuse. Hmmm. Next, yes Gallia may be smaller than us, but Jackson isn't, Marrieta isn't, Logan isn't, (played them), Chillicothe isn't, the point it is not the size of the program, it is the ones in the program. Is it a coindence that every year you see the same teams at the Convo? McClain? Logan Elm? Wheelersburg? Chesapeake? North Adams? or how about an extention of that, Van Metre? Stiverson? Barrick? Persin/Davis? No these are great programs with great coaches. And I am no way being disrespectful towards Coach Osborne, know him personally great person and a great basketball coach. Lastly, Jackson will attend the TVC meeting in March. Believe it.

From a personal note, I have no problem with the SEOAL. It is a very good league and I would say that right now it is a better league than that of the TVC. However, what I have a problem with, is the in-your-face, arrogant, elitist, politicking, SEOAL posters on this site. We all have to remember that these are impressionable young men and women that sometimes we are so readily to disparage, discount, and denied their accomplishments.

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Re: Rank the Coaches...

Post by Jake Roberts »

Please explain to me why Gallia refuses to play Vinton County in basketball? VC's ad has tried to get Gallia on the basketball schedule only to have Gallia say no. Could it be that they know they can't beat VC? You want to shoot your mouth off about how much better the SEOAL is than the TVC, well, why are you guys afraid to play a team from the weak TVC? Hey, I'm not trying to start a Hatfield-McCoys hatred for one league over the other, but facts are facts. 8)

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Re: Rank the Coaches...

Post by sparky »

jake since you are such an avid vinton county fan maybe you can answer my questions? how many seoal teams does vinton county play? how many d3 and/or d4 schools do they play?

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Re: Rank the Coaches...

Post by John Wooden »

gahs4ever wrote:Other contributors:

I have repeatedly asked and not received an answer to the question, how many coaches in the 500 club won ALL their games at one school? I know Larry Jordan won most of his at Southeastern with a short stint at Waverly and now in his first year at Jackson. I know Norm won most of his games at Chesapeake, with two gigs at Oak Hill, and a short stay in Wilmington. I believe Carl Wolfe won his 500+ at Meigs, Southern, Waverly, and River Valley. Rick Van Matre will join the others in the 500 club in the next two years, and I'm quite sure he has won all of them at Greenfield McClain.

I would suggest Coach Jim Osborne of Gallia Academy for the following reasons:

* He has won 523 games in this, his 40th season at the only varsity coaching job he has held. "Oz" came to Gallipolis in 1969-70, and although his win total is impressive in it's own right, he has won 162 more games than all of the other GAHS basketball coaches COMBINED in school history.

* Anyone who can stay in one small town for 40 years has endured more than his share of critics and simply people who either dont like a man personally or his style of coaching. Longevity HAS to count for something in any form of leadership.

* Jim has received statewide honors in the last few years. He received the sportsmanship, character and integrity award at the boys state tournament recently, and next month will be honored with the prestigious Paul Walker award, named in honor of the legendary Middletown coach. Last year he received his ring commemorating his 500th win which occured at Rock Hill in 2006.

* It has been said in the Bible that "a prophet is not without honor, save in his own country." Oz has long been respected and admired everywhere GAHS competes as a gentleman, a man of character and integrity, and one who represents Gallia Academy HS and the Gallipolis community with class and sportsmanship.

I too admire the loyality Oz and Rick have for their schools. There is not much loyality these days.

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Re: Rank the Coaches...

Post by voiceofreason »

candystore-thats really cute!!!!!!!

how about arch justice
dick hopkins
rick hopkins

Jim Rome
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Re: Rank the Coaches...

Post by Jim Rome »

Jim Rome,

I know that avalanche is not CB. (Well, that makes one of us)
I played for both CB and Persin. (Does being a manager count as "playing"?)
I love them both as coaches and as people. They are both excellent coaches.

First, lets talk about your screen name. (Ok, lets talk about it)
If you didn't want to draw comparisons to someone who personifies arrogance and could possibly be the most annoying person on earth, then I would suggest changing your username(Don't worry Avalanche, err, i mean Peake. You will continue to keep that title)
At this moment you are actually doing an excellent job of embodying your usernames attitude.
(Thanks, I try!) :-D
This thread went off topic a long time ago, don't give me the self-righteous crap about the people who choose to post about people they respect not being valid because they didn't fulfill your criteria. (I don't recall posting my criteria. I just find it humorous that you had to drop coaching "Buddy League All-Star Teams" and mythical JV conference championships as major accomplishments in such a stellar coaching career. :lol: It would have been enough to acknowledge yourself as a good coach, and not try to "pad the stats" so to speak. That made your post seem over the top and absolutely hilarious) :lol:

You have made all of three posts on this site, and your are doing an excellent job of making enemies quickly.
(Thanks for noticing! It warms old Romey's heart to know that I have made such an impression in your life! Does this mean that we can't be friends?) :(
I would love to see your resume so that we can compare yours to anyone mentioned. Someone is uneducated because they post respectfully about someone who doesn't get the recognition they deserve, and they are now uneducated? (Only when in their original post they write "this is an uneducated statement". I was only agreeing with your, err, their original thought about the post) :122246

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Re: Rank the Coaches...

Post by Yossarian »

I agree also. loyalty is very rare these days. I admire Oz and Rick for that. I also think it is a real shame that Rick's school didn't have any loyalty for him. That school's basketball history may have been markedly different over the last 28 years.

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Re: Rank the Coaches...

Post by Peake »

I know that avalanche is not CB. (Well, that makes one of us)---If you have actually read any of avalanches posts, he played in 1999---unless CB somehow was able to be a player/coach?
I played for both CB and Persin. (Does being a manager count as "playing"?) Wow---good one. Coming from someone who has been on the board all of a week. I played (6th-7th man), and played CFB as well.
I love them both as coaches and as people. They are both excellent coaches.

First, lets talk about your screen name. (Ok, lets talk about it)
If you didn't want to draw comparisons to someone who personifies arrogance and could possibly be the most annoying person on earth, then I would suggest changing your username(Don't worry Avalanche, err, i mean Peake. You will continue to keep that title) Thanks. I am much more hostile then this avalanche person, believe me.
At this moment you are actually doing an excellent job of embodying your usernames attitude.
(Thanks, I try!)
This thread went off topic a long time ago, don't give me the self-righteous crap about the people who choose to post about people they respect not being valid because they didn't fulfill your criteria. (I don't recall posting my criteria. I just find it humorous that you had to drop coaching "Buddy League All-Star Teams" and mythical JV conference championships as major accomplishments in such a stellar coaching career. It would have been enough to acknowledge yourself as a good coach, and not try to "pad the stats" so to speak. That made your post seem over the top and absolutely hilarious) Me drop something? I didn't drop anything. Avalanche did, I merly said I agree with him. I wouldn't put CB in my top 5 SEO coaches, but if someone wants to recognize him, I will second that motion. If someone wants to recognize someone, in my book they can. If you want to disagree, feel free, but do it in a respectful manner. I am not CB, nor is lanche if he played in 1999. I graduated in 02, so there is all the evidence you need.

You have made all of three posts on this site, and your are doing an excellent job of making enemies quickly.
(Thanks for noticing! It warms old Romey's heart to know that I have made such an impression in your life! Does this mean that we can't be friends?) It means that your attempt to be a smarta$$ is being recognized.
I would love to see your resume so that we can compare yours to anyone mentioned. Someone is uneducated because they post respectfully about someone who doesn't get the recognition they deserve, and they are now uneducated? (Only when in their original post they write "this is an uneducated statement". I was only agreeing with your, err, their original thought about the post)

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Jeff Spicoli
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Re: Rank the Coaches...

Post by Jeff Spicoli »

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooa That Was heavy man....

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Re: Rank the Coaches...

Post by 85inside »

Plenty of good coaches out there. I'll take Mark Lafon any day. A good administrator and good coach. id like to sign him to a 20 year contract.

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