Portsmouth Trojans 2012

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Re: Portsmouth Trojans 2012

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

Jgorden glad to hear some guys are looking good. Like sky at WR he is too good of an athelete not to have on the field somewhere. Agree rideout has great potential and I really look forward to watching him this year and the next two. From what I know of delotel he is the real deal a great athelete that we can look forward to in the future. As for the football priority guys I got to disagree with you dion and duke and Wayne weren't even sure if they were goin to play last year till close to the season and dion and duke both took junior years off of football. Yes they were all good atheletes but the lack of commitment to football hurt them. Yes we're a small school and our best athelete need to play multiple sports to be successful but you can't tell me that we wouldn't have been better if they had the same commitment to football that they did bball. I have no problem with them committing more to bball it defiently paid dividends what im saying is guys like rideout robbinson Charles are in my oppinion more football committed then they r to other sports then those guys were. I expect that dedication to football and offseason work on it to help the football team just as it did the bball team.

Dave as normal your right kicking is huge and has really hit us before. Word I have heard that albrecht and Connor lasswell have both been working on kicking hopefully either one or between the two we will b able to get it done. I quality kicker could be a huge help to a young defense and help us with field positions.

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Re: Portsmouth Trojans 2012

Post by jgordon0315 »

Explain the lack of productivity of the football first guys then, cause L.J. Adams was a football first guy......Mason Jordan.......Alex Grashel.....................many other kids..I can name several others....that were football first guys...........I still say that's overrated.....>We just flat out under acheived last year....across the board! Football first....basketball first.....baseball first....track first.....all of em underacheived...... Everything that went wrong last year, seemed to go wrong. Unfortunately, a lot of those football first guys were out much of the year with injuries/ concussions........

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Re: Portsmouth Trojans 2012

Post by trojanfan2012 »

How about the Phipps kid and the Scott kid who are sophomores? Pretty sizable atheletes for the line, and both have played continuously throughout pee wee, jr. high and freshmen year. Phipps is a monster. I think he's right around 6'4 and probably about 240 or so. Scott is very solid also.

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Re: Portsmouth Trojans 2012

Post by jgordon0315 »

Yeah, Gage Phipps has all the tools to be a really good player. We have a really talented core of young players.....not familiar with the Scott kid, but it should be fun to watch the young kids grow into their roles

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Re: Portsmouth Trojans 2012

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

I read on another site that sky is seeing more and more time at QB. Any word on the front runner for the job? I think either brandon Jacob or sky could all be good if given the opportunity I think. Jus wondering who is seeing the majority of the reps with the first team?

Gage Phips is a good athelete with some size didn't think he was that big but I could see him competing for a spot.

Also if someone knows the dates times location of scrimmage games including away ones and inter squad please pass that along.

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Re: Portsmouth Trojans 2012

Post by CharlieHustle »

I was very happy to hear from an inside source that Portsmouth will be getting back to more of a power running game!
They will have the skill spots but can the line on both sides of the ball hold up? And I didnt think Wedebrook would play with the concussions he suffered last year.
The young players will have to step up and perform if they wanna muster up any type of winning season this year. I look for big things from the freshman and sophomore class from players such as Darian Robinson, Alex Dickerson, Zach DeLotell, and Sky Oliver. Either way I can't wait for opening night against Valley!

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Re: Portsmouth Trojans 2012

Post by CharlieHustle »

Everybody's at the fair :122245

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Re: Portsmouth Trojans 2012

Post by LetsGoPSU »

Ive stayed away all summer, fall and winter as well actually, no need to fill me in on what Ive missed, Im sure its been the same old stuff for the last decade :)

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Re: Portsmouth Trojans 2012

Post by CharlieHustle »

How did the scrimmage go today?

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