Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

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Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by CavsFan08 »

What are people hearing about what jobs possibly could be coming open for next season?

I know Circleville is going to be open as well as Teays Valley.

I have heard hints and whispers about Logan going a different direction as well as Chillicothe.

Not trying to start rumors just wondering what people have heard.

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by WitnessProtection »

Interesting that a guy with nearly 300 wins and a couple of state championship teams somehow isn't good enough to run the Chillicothe program. Interesting.

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by CavsFan08 »

I hear both parties at Chillicothe want out. The A.D. did not hire Hinton and the word on the street is that Ron wants to go back to Amanda next season. Again, just the word I am hearing.

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by Jesco White »

Why did Hinton leave Amanda in the first place?

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by loganlocos »

I haven't heard anything out of Logan besides disgruntled parents.

I know Coach Wolfe has the full support of the Athletic Director.

I can't speak to any of the other potential openings you mentioned.

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by buckcraze »

WitnessProtection wrote:Interesting that a guy with nearly 300 wins and a couple of state championship teams somehow isn't good enough to run the Chillicothe program. Interesting.
Do not worry witness, the Chillicothe thing is just a bad rumor from a few wrongly disgrunteled fools. "IN RON WE TRUST" t-shirts contunue to be worn all over town. Heck I heard from family that his daughter will easily win the Mayors office today down there.

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by moonshine »

LoganLocos wrote:I haven't heard anything out of Logan besides disgruntled parents.

I know Coach Wolfe has the full support of the Athletic Director.

I can't speak to any of the other potential openings you mentioned.
How about the Board of Ed?

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by LHS 72 »

moonshine wrote:
LoganLocos wrote:I haven't heard anything out of Logan besides disgruntled parents.

I know Coach Wolfe has the full support of the Athletic Director.

I can't speak to any of the other potential openings you mentioned.
How about the Board of Ed?

If your schools football program is in trouble write letters to the Supt. of schools go to the top

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by noreply66 »

Starting next year Logan has some good talent. Before judging Kelly we should see what he can do with these boys.
I will say I was spoiled by Logan before last year and the last two has sort of T'd we some. I'm willing to see what he can do next year.

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by RationalVoice »

Keep an eye out for OVC vacancies. If the buzz around the county is right, there will be anywhere from one to three openings soon.

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by indianabuck »

I don't see Wolfe being forced out or leaving until being given a chance with a little more talent. There is a couple groups coming up that do have quite a bit of talent. Lets see how he handles them before judging him. Switiching after 2 year could set the program back farther than it already it. Good Luck Chiefs next year.

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by lmfao »

Is there any truth to the nelsonville-york vacancy rumors again this year?

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by indianabuck »

lmfao wrote:Is there any truth to the nelsonville-york vacancy rumors again this year?
Those rumors will persist throughout most of the school year until the Board and Coach Boston, and the Superintendent make a final decision. IF there is a coaching change, it will not happen until closer to the end of the school year. We may go through the yes he is coaching, then no he is not coaching a couple times before we finally get a definitive answer from him, he board and the superintendent.

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012


I hear a job will open up down on the river right around the 17th,,stay tuned

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by Pol pot »

Logan needs to stick with Kelly! A class guy that has had very little talent.

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by starbase_318 »

BIGPAPA wrote:I hear a job will open up down on the river right around the 17th,,stay tuned

There needs to be a job opening on the river in south central ohio!! The 17th can't come fast enough!!

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by buckcraze »

Well to eat crow from an earlier post, Hollie Hinton lost a close race for mayor of Chillicothe by a mere 129 votes according to Chillicothe Gazzette's website :( I do not know her opponent but I have met Ms. Hinton before and she seems to be a wonderful young lady. I wish her and her family well and hope she can keep moving forward with her political aspirations. I hope this is not a sign of things to come with Coach Hinton in Chillicothe. Any coaching change now will put the program permanently in the hole. "IN RON WE TRUST" :122245

WOW!!! Several big school systems failed levies yesterday here in and around Franklin County. Several football programs are in jeopardy including Westervilles North, South, and Central. Teays Valley is in trouble as well as failed levies in Hilliard and Dublin. Bad changes in the wind I see :?

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by moonshine »

buckcraze wrote:Well to eat crow from an earlier post, Hollie Hinton lost a close race for mayor of Chillicothe by a mere 129 votes according to Chillicothe Gazzette's website :( I do not know her opponent but I have met Ms. Hinton before and she seems to be a wonderful young lady. I wish her and her family well and hope she can keep moving forward with her political aspirations. I hope this is not a sign of things to come with Coach Hinton in Chillicothe. Any coaching change now will put the program permanently in the hole. "IN RON WE TRUST" :122245

WOW!!! Several big school systems failed levies yesterday here in and around Franklin County. Several football programs are in jeopardy including Westervilles North, South, and Central. Teays Valley is in trouble as well as failed levies in Hilliard and Dublin. Bad changes in the wind I see :?
buckcraze, look for most all levy's in the future to go down, I know I am against all taxes! As taxpayers, change must occur and we must rally against all taxes!

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by buckcraze »

moonshine wrote:
buckcraze wrote:Well to eat crow from an earlier post, Hollie Hinton lost a close race for mayor of Chillicothe by a mere 129 votes according to Chillicothe Gazzette's website :( I do not know her opponent but I have met Ms. Hinton before and she seems to be a wonderful young lady. I wish her and her family well and hope she can keep moving forward with her political aspirations. I hope this is not a sign of things to come with Coach Hinton in Chillicothe. Any coaching change now will put the program permanently in the hole. "IN RON WE TRUST" :122245

WOW!!! Several big school systems failed levies yesterday here in and around Franklin County. Several football programs are in jeopardy including Westervilles North, South, and Central. Teays Valley is in trouble as well as failed levies in Hilliard and Dublin. Bad changes in the wind I see :?
buckcraze, look for most all levy's in the future to go down, I know I am against all taxes! As taxpayers, change must occur and we must rally against all taxes!
Shine I think we can agree that our schools need to be funded, but the current way we fund them, a.k.a. tax levies, does not work, has not worked for forty years(or maybe ever), was deemed unconstitutional twenty some years ago, and yet it is still in place. My question is WHY? :twisted:

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Re: Job Openings in Southern/Southeastern Ohio for 2012

Post by WitnessProtection »

buckcraze wrote:
WitnessProtection wrote:Interesting that a guy with nearly 300 wins and a couple of state championship teams somehow isn't good enough to run the Chillicothe program. Interesting.
Do not worry witness, the Chillicothe thing is just a bad rumor from a few wrongly disgrunteled fools. "IN RON WE TRUST" t-shirts contunue to be worn all over town. Heck I heard from family that his daughter will easily win the Mayors office today down there.
Good to hear about Coach Hinton.
Guess his daughter came close in the mayor's race, but lost. Only 129 votes between the two candidates. Still 115 provisional ballots uncounted, according to the Chillicothe Gazette.

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