Canons from the outfield?

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Canons from the outfield?

Post by battlecats »

What kids have you seen in either SOC in the last 10 years that could throw a frozen rope from the OF?

I remember the kid from Minford around 2003 or so, cant remember his name had a canon for an arm. Anyone know who Im talking about?
Also saw some kid from East back around 2002 that was throwing people out from everywhere, he had a gun and I cant remember his name either, Im getting old.
Someone help me out.

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Re: Canons from the outfield?

Post by swbaseballfan »

i hate to blow my own horn, but my jr year of high school i had 16 outfield assists, mostly at the plate from a tag up at 3rd. we also ran a play where the catcher would intitionaly throw the ball through the 2nd basemen with a runner stealing 2nd just so i could gun them down at 3rd. i miss the good old days

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Re: Canons from the outfield?

Post by catscoachmac »

SWbaseball fan,
You must have had a hose!! That's a risky play.

Tim Brumfield from Green stands out in my mind in recent memeory. Long lefty with great throwing mechanics--something I think is overlooked many times. I love to see the guys with great set-up, timing, and will roll the wrist behind them before delivery. It is an art.

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Re: Canons from the outfield?

Post by swbaseballfan »

i'll still put on a show, appointments only please lol, no walk ins.

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Re: Canons from the outfield?

Post by morrissette#18 »

You can't put on a show. I passed you up on throwing when I was 13. You can't even throw someone out on a little league field anymore. You'll either pull a leg muscle or hurt your shoulder.

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Re: Canons from the outfield?

Post by bengalfan76 »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Canons from the outfield?

Post by swbaseballfan »

i wonder why my shoulder is screwed up??? because i long tossed with you since you were like 4 years old and you did pass me up. i would try to keep up and end up hurting myself lol....actualy it was 3 years ago when it was 5 degrees outside i picked up a ball and threw it full blast without warming up. there was a snap and thats all she wrote

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Re: Canons from the outfield?

Post by Bleeding Red »

SWbaseballFan wrote:i hate to blow my own horn, but my jr year of high school i had 16 outfield assists, mostly at the plate from a tag up at 3rd. we also ran a play where the catcher would intitionaly throw the ball through the 2nd basemen with a runner stealing 2nd just so i could gun them down at 3rd. i miss the good old days

Thats because South Webster's outfield was like a senior league field. I even hit HR's there.

Sorry man, I couldnt resist! ;-)

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Re: Canons from the outfield?

Post by swbaseballfan »


i had about 1/3 of those assists on other teams fields though. throwing out a kid at 3rd from the right field corner with no cut off makes you feel good when you do it at northwest though....even if the kid was fat :lol:

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Re: Canons from the outfield?

Post by Super Fresh »

Sounds like SWbaseballFan was a legend in his day.

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Re: Canons from the outfield?

Post by Charlie hustle »

Portsmouth's Al Oliver and Larry Hisle.

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Re: Canons from the outfield?

Post by m_martin »

battlecats wrote:What kids have you seen in either SOC in the last 10 years that could throw a frozen rope from the OF?

I remember the kid from Minford around 2003 or so, cant remember his name had a canon for an arm. Anyone know who Im talking about?
Also saw some kid from East back around 2002 that was throwing people out from everywhere, he had a gun and I cant remember his name either, Im getting old.
Someone help me out.

Maybe the kid you were thinking of from Minford was Jason Ruby.....he had a cannon and threw a guy out at home from the wall at Minford....and when he threw wasn't no lollipop

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Re: Canons from the outfield?

Post by clevelandbrowns#1 »

I always like listening to those braggers, like SWbaseballFan!!! and where did you play college ball??? It had to be D-I with those tools!!!

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Re: Canons from the outfield?

Post by deweese3 »

ClevelandBrowns#1 wrote:I always like listening to those braggers, like SWbaseballFan!!! and where did you play college ball??? It had to be D-I with those tools!!!

how is swbaseballfan bragging. he never said he was better then anyone or how he should have went pro cause he was so good. he was just posting his stats. thats whats wrong with these forms. if u post anything people take it the wrong way and assume your bragging. read the subject it says "canons from the outfield" so saying how many assists u have show people what kind of arm u have

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Re: Canons from the outfield?

Post by swbaseballfan »

tell me where and what time and i'll let some one hit me a fly ball to center, you can tag at will be meat. and i didnt go to college because i am an idiot, instead i am working a crappy job and can barely pay the bills. ask anyone who has anything to do with baseball at south webster that was around from 97-2001

like i said....any time i am willing to put my money where my mouth is. i have no reason to come here and lie. and just because i had a hell of an arm doesnt mean i was worth poppy at anything else, because i'll be the first to admit that i didnt pitch, i had nothing other than a fastball, and i couldent hit if the pitcher threw underhanded. want me to brag some more???? i did break the state record for HBP my senior year, 16 times. because i was a team player. my batting averge sucked so i did what i could to help the team. even if it meant crowding the plate and waiting for an inside pitch....let me remind you that in the years i played there was a boy from symes valley who threw low 90' can look that up. and a kid from minford who i still know that threw upper 80's....both boys were drafted...i took a pitch from both of them because i knew it was the only way i was getting on base.....but since then the wrecord has fallen, and it never was official because like most local coaches, my coach was a douche and didnt send the record in.......again, i have no reason to lie, and i will put my arm on showcase for you anytime. although it isnt in as good of shape as it was back then because i dont condition myself for baseball anymore, i am sure it is beter than someones who comes to a forum and calls people liars

i am positive i just gave away my identity, there are people from south webster and who played baseball against me from other schools, or coached who visit this forum who i know personaly but i never mention who i am or who they are because some people like to visit and read and put in their 2 cents annonomusly. but who cares about that....i just come here to see what other teams may have expeded for themselves and to see how people feel about the league

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Re: Canons from the outfield?

Post by morrissette#18 »

This is true. Probably couldn't throw em out now, but I remember once in senior league when he threw the ball from the center field fence to home on a line and got the runner tagging from third. If anyone knows David Shope, he was cathing and you could probably ask him.

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Re: Canons from the outfield?

Post by Trivium5 »

Ryan Robertson from Waverly. Heck of an arm.

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Re: Canons from the outfield?

Post by Johnny Quest »

Warren had a boy Josh Beebe,who played centerfied. He could throw to any base ,with accuracy and velocity. What an arm!

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