SOCII Champs Of 09'?

Bleeding Red
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Re: SOCII Champs Of 09'?

Post by Bleeding Red »

sider wrote:Wow, am I sick of the rain excuse, for the game last year against burg (and don't get me wrong West might be one of the worst schools around for making excuses, but its over focus on next year)...but, anyway I would imagine that their won't be a lot of rain this year come football season, it has rained too much too early for there to be a lot left. This could benefit, some of the smaller teams in the soc.

It seems like the people from West are the only ones still talking about the rain.

West will be good, but not nearly as dominant as they were last year. They lost a ton of seniors (some that were held back a year to begin with) and although their program looks like it is getting stronger, they still have to have kids step up and fill in the gaps.

Burg and Minford will be solid teams again this year. Burg returns less, but they are always reloading, not rebuilding.

Valley is going to have a scrappy team next year and could easily knock off West, Burg and Minford. Will they? I dont think so. I dont think Crabtree can win the big ones without loosing his cool.

Waverly......well its Roback vs the SOC. They may be surprising, but I think every SOC II opponent will find a way to stop Roback and slow them down. Burg and Minford will have very quick teams, I dont see Roback getting outside on them much. Lets face it, he cant run the ball every play.

Northwest.....I see them winning a few games, they are not the SOC II caliber team they once was back in the early 90's. Too big of a school district, many kids cannot play because of problems getting home after practice, etc. It will be quite some time before they get anchored in and develop a solid program.

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Re: SOCII Champs Of 09'?

Post by osu 77 »

I don't think West is talking about the rain it appeared to me that Wheelersburg brought up the subject.

Bleeding Red
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Re: SOCII Champs Of 09'?

Post by Bleeding Red »

OSU 77 wrote:I don't think West is talking about the rain it appeared to me that Wheelersburg brought up the subject.

Actually, on this thread, West Side Pride was the first person to refer to it.

West would have beat Minford and Burg both last year if it was sunny and 80 degrees, thats my opinion, because they had the better team.

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Re: SOCII Champs Of 09'?

Post by West Side Pride »

To all of you people that don't understand or have a sense of humor, it was a joke.
We was being sarcastic about how west didn't get any credit during the season for
being good, but then when they was the weather.

Bleeding Red
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Re: SOCII Champs Of 09'?

Post by Bleeding Red »

West Side Pride wrote:To all of you people that don't understand or have a sense of humor, it was a joke.
We was being sarcastic about how west didn't get any credit during the season for
being good, but then when they was the weather.

Typical West side attitude. West got no credit last year? WOW! What planet were you on during football season?

There were many people that thought that Burg would beat West, but guess what, they were probably all from Burg.

I think the beating West put on Portsmouth early in the season let everyone know that West had a strong team.

But they wont be as strong this year. Not saying they wont be good, but they lost ALOT of then 19 year olds that wont easily be replaced.

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Re: SOCII Champs Of 09'?

Post by West Side Pride »

No attitude, I'm not mad, as a matter of fact, I'm very happy. Sorry you are so negative
Bleeding Rasberries, about the age of a couple of the boys. It's all legal, just ask OHSAA
or you can get on their web site and it will tell you the age cut off. Anyway the two
linebackers that ate Minford up all night..........they were 15 years old!

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Re: SOCII Champs Of 09'?

Post by Westfan »

West won last year because they had good athletes and a great weight program. Not because some 19 year-olds played. By the rules, what would they have 19 years 4 months at the most by the end of football season?

Bleeding Red
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Re: SOCII Champs Of 09'?

Post by Bleeding Red »

West Side Pride wrote:No attitude, I'm not mad, as a matter of fact, I'm very happy. Sorry you are so negative
Bleeding Rasberries, about the age of a couple of the boys. It's all legal, just ask OHSAA
or you can get on their web site and it will tell you the age cut off. Anyway the two
linebackers that ate Minford up all night..........they were 15 years old!

All I am saying is that West lost alot of "older" kids that had started several years. I didnt refer to any rules breakage, did I?

Off the subject, is Bricker getting any offers for baseball or football?

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Re: SOCII Champs Of 09'?

Post by Westfan »

Yes, several of last years seniors played or started at least 2 years, some 3. But they really only got 1 year of conditioning under Triplett. West was not physically ready to compete 2 years ago on offense or defense. One year later a basically undersized offensive line is pushing teams all-over the field while having the best defense around. That didn't happen from just being a year older, it happened because of the conditioning. We've only seen the beginning of what this guy is gonna do at West.

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Re: SOCII Champs Of 09'?

Post by fuzzhead »

Man! Gonna be one exciting year in the SOCII this year! I might have to spend more friday nights in Scioto County this fall!
I'll give the early edge to Wheelersburg, but I can't see everyone going through without at least one loss.
Watch out for them Indians!

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Re: SOCII Champs Of 09'?

Post by falcon1 »

The whole season comes down to who`s in the weight room right now !
From what I`m hearing, I believe Coach T has the comment from His Young Men .
Last edited by falcon1 on Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: SOCII Champs Of 09'?

Post by Boonedawg »

Don't you mean commitment?

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