New Boston Vs East

Riding the Bench
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Re: New Boston Vs East

Post by seven40 »

Congratulations Tartans!

Good night for the Tartans, bad night for me.

I drove all the way out there to do photos for the newspaper (on my own time and for free) and someone complained about my flash units, causing the announcer to make a "no flash photography permitted" announcement on the P.A. I then took my flash units down from the bleacher area and left. They did not make this announcement during the game prior to East/NB. I have shot hundreds of basketball games over the last 5-6 years and no one has ever complained in the past.

The announcer knew it was not his place to make this announcement, since the OHSAA permits flash photography during all regular and post season games. It is right in the guidelines. If I was being paid to do this, I would have brought it to the AD or Prinicipal's attention, but I wasn't, so it wasn't worth bringing up. No referee told him, it was a guy from the stands.

There... I feel better :)

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Re: New Boston Vs East

Post by biggdowgg »


I was at both games, and yes they did, make the same announcment in the first game, a deputy even came into the stands to tell one girl to stoip taking pictures with flash.

Im not sure why they do this, but I have also heard them make this announcements at other play off games

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Re: New Boston Vs East

Post by Tartanblue »

As biggdowgg said, they did this also with during the first game as someone had flash on their camera and they made the announcement to turn them off.

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Re: New Boston Vs East

Post by beaverlover »

They also made this announcement at Wellston tonight during the Eastern game.

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Re: New Boston Vs East

Post by kahn »

Interesting about the flashes.

If you are working for a newspaper than there should be no issues about the flash.

Here are the OHSAA photography regulations:

Authorized news media representatives, who have been approved for credentials by contest managers or the OHSAA, shall be permitted to use electronic lighting equipment throughout the course of a given activity in all sports except gymnastics, diving and volleyball. Such electronic lighting can be: strobe lights mounted to fixed positions and/or electronic attachments (flash) mounted to a camera.

In the sport of basketball, photographers are prohibited to position themselves along the baseline within the lane area of the court.

1.) The first violation of this policy shall result in a warning from contest managers or the OHSAA, and the second violation of this policy shall result in the removal of the photographer from the contest facility by contest managers or the OHSAA.

2.) Photographers may position themselves along the baseline outside the lane area of the court and are permitted to use electronic attachments (flash) mounted to a camera as specified under regulation C. above.

Riding the Bench
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Re: New Boston Vs East

Post by seven40 »

Thanks for clearing this up guys..
Perhaps the announcement was directed at the people sitting in the stands.

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Re: New Boston Vs East

Post by sportsfan43 »

I listened to this one on the radio, even snuffy was asking why, no flash photography :lol:

great game , andf good luck to the Tartans, from looking at their bracket, they should go a long way into the Tourney.

Bradford, is one of the best!

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