Belpre @ Vinton County

ball hound
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Re: Belpre @ Vinton County

Post by ball hound »

VC won by 12 not sure of the score.

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Re: Belpre @ Vinton County

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

Final score: Vinton County 62, Belpre 50.

Vinton County won first quarter 19-10 and third quarter 18-8 and that was the difference.

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Re: Belpre @ Vinton County

Post by Ty Webb »

Keyser_soze78 wrote:Vinton County won first quarter 19-10 and third quarter 18-8 and that was the difference.

Pretty good synopsis there Keyer-soze78......I know you got a lot of clout and get to set at the scorers table with the Dali Llama of VC hoops, the one and only T Hale. :mrgreen:

Can you give any insight as to why one of the refs felt the need to chase the VC Coach down the sideline and put his hands on him? I'd like to know your opinion.

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Re: Belpre @ Vinton County

Post by vikefan »

Could be the cologne that Combs wears....stranger things have happened....

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Re: Belpre @ Vinton County

Post by Run Bubba Run »

Amen Vikefan, stranger things have happened, especially with referees involved. Good win for the Vikings even though the tail (Belpre) does seem to have wagged the dog (VC) in scheduling the game in this manner. It kind of cuts our game receipts some for sure.

Steely Dan
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Re: Belpre @ Vinton County

Post by Steely Dan »

Ty Webb wrote:
Keyser_soze78 wrote:Vinton County won first quarter 19-10 and third quarter 18-8 and that was the difference.

Pretty good synopsis there Keyer-soze78......I know you got a lot of clout and get to set at the scorers table with the Dali Llama of VC hoops, the one and only T Hale. :mrgreen:

Oh, this had to be an uncomfortable encounter for both, since they are not really members of each other's "Mutual Admiration Society". :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll:

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Re: Belpre @ Vinton County

Post by Rumpus »

Dude! Why talk about grabbing ankles?

VC won bro. I think Combs is pretty happy to catch Belpre when they start a three game streak. VC isn't facing that. You should probably shut up genius.

VC has the bye this week, pretty cagey on the coach's part.

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Re: Belpre @ Vinton County

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

Steely Dan....You should know that there are no such things as "uncomfortable encounters" for me. Some people might see them as "scenes" but I sure as heck don't.

Actually, I talked to Terry for a few minutes after the game Thursday night. He didn't sit next to me at the scorer's table because he was down on the end by the VC bench keeping their stats and I was already there at the other end nearest the Belpre bench because Jeff Thacker and Bob Grillo were not broadcasting the game on the radio and that's the end where they are usually at. Right above the 7UP logo for those that sat on the other side.

I was, however, a left hand reach away from Jerry Hawk's scorebook :122245

In fact, Terry and I sat right next to each other at the Wellston game in the season opener and talked quite a bit.

Ty Webb....That scorer's table is a dangerous place sometimes. :122245 I had a close call there when right before the end of the first quarter Jake Prater and a Belpre player went for the ball right in front of Jon Lindner and myself and almost crashed into us. I could slightly feel the table being pushed back into my chest but I shrugged it off and lived.

As for your question, from where I sat, it looked like Coach Combs was questioning a call and the ref turned around and Combs was right there, kind of suprising both of them at first. Coach Combs put his hands up like he was reacting to something the ref had said or was going to say or do and if you noticed, coach turned around and tried to walk away.

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Re: Belpre @ Vinton County

Post by JJ Hale »

The ref in question...aka...Sponge Bob Square Pants....has no business officiating at any level of high school athletics. It is clear to me that this guy has an inferiority issue and when he puts the stripes on he enjoys the attention and the power trip that goes with it. Can the OHSAA do anything to an official that puts his hands on a coach? Coach Combs clearly walked away and this idiot chased him to the end of the bench! Then afterwards this guy clearly had a grudge by the way he called the rest of the game. I wonder what would have happened if this were a tight game? Someone get me his name! I want to talk about this clown on the air, so hopefully every AD in the area can make sure this guy doesn’t work at any of our area schools.

Sorry for the rant! Now.....Congrats Vikes!

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Re: Belpre @ Vinton County

Post by FrankieG »

JJ, he wasn't like Sponge Bob Square Pants.....he looked just like Drew Carey, and didn't ref any better than Patrick of Bikini Bottom!!
He was on a power trip, the other ref had to hold him off of Combs!
No professionalism at all, I hope that is the ONLY time we will see him at VCHS, the other ref should have given "Drew" a "T"! :aaaaa30

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Re: Belpre @ Vinton County

Post by Shooter McGavin »

Drew Carey is a very good comparison.... I wouldn't trust that guy to watch my neighbor's dog....he better count his blessings that the following didn't happen:

(a) The game was not extremely tight, because Combs would have crawled in him.

(b) He didnt touch some other members of the staff with slightly less-controlled tempers.

(c) There were around 30 chairs and a scorers' table between him and our fans.

(d) John Royster wasn't on the bench

(e) Russ Caudill wasn't on the bench

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JJ Hale
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Re: Belpre @ Vinton County

Post by JJ Hale »

Please somebody get me this guys name!

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Re: Belpre @ Vinton County

Post by hawkeyepierce »

I have it, call me.

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Re: Belpre @ Vinton County

Post by JJ Hale »

Thanks Llama!

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