Keyser_soze78 wrote:Witness Protection.......That is one of the best posts ever on here!!!
Well said my friend!
I must agree. Witness Protection, that is a fantastic post. Very well put. I think that you media guys may be getting the idea that I truly appreciate fine writing, and the power of prose.
I do my very best to honor the English language, and all of my teachers of such, when I post, which makes me respect and honor even more the job that the sports writers do for the sake of our kids! I know it is difficult to put up with the flack and all of the BS that comes with the territory.
Keyser_soze78 wrote:Witness Protection.......That is one of the best posts ever on here!!!
Well said my friend!
I must agree. Witness Protection, that is a fantastic post. Very well put. I think that you media guys may be getting the idea that I truly appreciate fine writing, and the power of prose.
I do my very best to honor the English language, and all of my teachers of such, when I post, which makes me respect and honor even more the job that the sports writers do for the sake of our kids! I know it is difficult to put up with the flack and all of the BS that comes with the territory.
Thanks, Steely Dan! Great band, by the way.
These guys put in many hours, spending time away from their families. Yes, it's their job, but it's largely a thankless task. And most all of these guys are BADLY UNDERPAID. I have firsthand knowledge of this. Not that they do it for the money only, but a decent paycheck would be nice.
Yes, sports-guy haters, this is a sports-guy (and girl) love-fest ... and I am Cupid.
Wow ... I just read all that for the first time ... Had no idea there was so much turmoil over a few little photos ... Seeing as I don't make one red cent off the web site; I didn't see the harm in trying to get the kids from down in Meigs County a little credit and publicity. I'll be sure to make trips down to Eastern and Southern this year to take my own I guess. Also, to keep anyone else from using any photos - find a way to get them off the yahoo search engine ... You type in a team or school, click on images and some of them come up ... The pics can be right clicked and saved and it doesn't really say anything about where they come from - I seen this when I noticed a photo that looked exactly like one taken last year.
I definitly apologize if an earlier post 'opened up a can of worms' - that was not the intention ... I just do the TVC web site as a hobby - and for fun - and try to get as much stuff out their for as many kids as possible ... If I was making something off of it, I could understand concerns over certain aspects - but I don't.
BTW ... A forum is not needed to discuss things ... I am more than happy to talk in person or over the phone! PM me, e-mail me or whatever and I will give anyone my phone number ... or I would gladly meet anyone, anywhere or anytime.
(After reading through some of the posts - it must be noted that I was absolutly NOT WANTING or TAKING credit for ANY photos! I guess that is where the differences in thinking begins ... If someone would have called me or talked to me they would have seen and understood how I think ... It's not about ME and what I'M doing - its about having 1 place for all TVC fans to see how their team is doing vs the rest of the league ... I do it for fun and my motivation is harmless ... I think I read a comment about purchasing photo's because they were a business? Well the TVC web site is the complete opposite ... I want people to enjoy it and use it for their needs ... and if I take a photo at a game - I would gladly allow anyone to right click and save it for their personal use.)
- I guess I could have been a jerk and deleted the entire thread, especially with ALL the personal attacks involving my personal life!!! But its cool, I won't ... I have no problem discussing anything that wants to be discussed ... It would be cool to do it in person (I'll be at the Athens/Jackson game Friday) ... or over the phone - but whatever works is fine.
I have no dog in this fight, however, I'm going to go on the record and say a few things.
Your claims of "ignorance" are absolutely no excuse. You have been paid to be a writer in the past, and should have a very clear understanding of copyright laws. "So much turmoil over a few little photos". Really? That's like almost being pregnant. There "ain't no such thing". You are, or you aren't. I don't buy that defense.
Your feigned apology over 'opening up a can of worms', again, really? That is the best defense you have to offer? Holy cow. Anyone with a half lick of sense would have recognized what you were doing when you responded way back when to I believe runnin' rebel, or whomever it was.
You have no right to take images that other people have produced, and put them on your website, without permission. Whether it is my photos, the Athens HS yearbook staff, a mom's photos, or the photos of another journalist, they belong to someone else, and are not fodder for your "hobby".
And, last but not least. Please use quotes in your response, and specifically cite the "personal attacks" that you have alleged in your post. I don't see them, ANYWHERE. Someone saying you "disappeared" for awhile? That is a personal attack? Again, really? So what.
I've been a part of this website for a long time, and I take exception to your response. Nothing personal, but, I feel it is not proper. You want to get me banned on here, you go to Matt Ash. If he feels it is necessary, I'll take the punishment, however, I feel that I've done absolutely nothing wrong in responding to your rebuttal to those who have questioned your motives. And it is nothing personal.
Last edited by Steely Dan on Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You correctly point out that your TVC website is NOT a business. It's cool that you are doing what you're doing for the fans. No problem with that. If you want to take photos at games and place them on the TVC site for fans to download at no charge, that's cool.
However, the Gallipolis Daily Tribune IS a business and the people employed there make their living from the work they do there (writing stories, taking photos, etc.). The Tribune's parent company demands that the employees who work there help protect their copyright. There is a tab on the website where people can purchase photos. Generally, there are many more game photos at that location than appear with the game story on the website.
As documented here, after it was discovered that you had used photos without permission, you were informed via e-mail that you either needed to cease doing so or honor the company's request to place a photo credit with each picture used. I'm sure bdubya still has copies of the e-mails sent to you. If he doesn't, then Mr. Lopez (Tribune publisher) does. Said e-mails were also sent to the legal department at the parent company.
Don't blame the Tribune staff for adhering to the rules of its parent company. Unless we are self-employed, we all have to meet the requirements our employers set for us.
I will have to agree with Steely Dan; given your background in the business, I would expect you to be aware of the copyright laws. If you weren't before, then you surely should have understood them after the initial e-mail was sent to you.
What's done is done ...The problem won't come up again ... And here I thought the countless hours of working on the web site for free was helping fans/parents/coaches and players ... Perhaps I was wrong. The web site is a glorified facebook page; that's all ... People are sharing photos all the time on sites like that for others enjoyment - I thought I was doing the same. I would see a photo of, lets say Eastern celebrating a tournament championship, and would think "that's so cool, I'm so happy for them - I'll post this on the TVC web site so others can see what they accomplished."
Those were the intentions - nothing more.
If you guys want me to get rid of the web site - and not have any photos, updated league standings, etc...etc... and stuff for kids and parents to look at ... Fine. I wasn't making anything off of it it anyway and it takes an incredible amount of time ... Your not hurting me - your just hurting the fans/parents/players and coaches who like to look at and use the site for handy information.
Steely Dan ... Use your yahoo search engine, click on images and type in a school or team ... You will see tons of photos come up - I have no idea who these belong too man - but there are definitly no copyright laws in place for any of them. How these appear or come up on yahoo - I have no idea (but its where I got a lot of the photos) ... I also got some from people 'SHARING' them on facebook ... The key word there is SHARE buddy. I also recieve tons of photos via e-mail from parents - - - and other small busineeses around southeastern Ohio that take photos at games.
I don't think you guys realize what social media sites are doing to this situation ... If person (a) right clicks and saves a photo from the Daily Tribune, then posts it on facebook ... then person (b) sees the photo and shares it with someone else ... and so on and so on ... I run across the photo being shared on facebook - and think it would be cool to have on the web site - so I put it up.
How am I supposed to know where the original came from? Do I look over every online newspaper in Southeastern Ohio to make sure it didn't come from their or what?
Bulldog - As for Yahoo and the photos, I'm a little more well versed than what you may have thought. If you pick a photo, click on it, and then again click on "view image", it will tell you if it is copyrighted or not. I know, I've used lots of Yahoo images in my work communications, so I figured that one out pretty quick. As for sharing photos, that defense didn't hold up with Napster, now did it?
You have got to be careful, period. I can send you things that I don't own that are copyrighted, and if you trust me and use it on your website, guess what, you are screwed...........
Oh and the debate here isn't about Yahoo images or social media. The media professionals have called you out for using copyrighted, owned material. That is the problem.
I can't believe there is arguing over a few photos of high school athletes ... Its ridiculous IMO ... This isn't California or New York and we're not talking about a billion dollar industry like Napster ... We're talking about a NON-PROFIT web site wanting to help some kids out (especially from smaller rural areas like Reedsville & Southern).
Steely Dan ... Supporting a small school like Federal Hocking - I would think you could understand that!!!
(BTW) South Gallia vs Wahama was in week 7 ... I deleted my post on page 1 and the post made by bdub on page 2 (I feel that was the fair thing to do deleting both posts.) ... But this thread will be locked - with the game being played over three weeks ago in all.
Arguing on a football topic about something that has nothing to do with football is good enough reason to lock the topic.
Like I said before - I absolutly have no problem talking with anyone in person (I prefer it actually.) I'm at lots of games, I'm around, just e-mail me or PM and I'll be more than happy to discuss anything anybody wishes to discuss.