D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonville

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Why is the world do the coaches have our starting QB running the ball? Why doesn't he just take the snap and hand it off on every play to a RB. He might get the wind knocked out of him if he actually "plays" football. :roll:

In high school football, especially at a school the size of Wheelersburg, your QB is usually one of your best athletes so he is needed to play defense, run back KO's, and return punts. I actually liked it better when they had both Shears and Schankweiler back returning punts. I think the reason they only had Shears back last week was to keep Schank up close in case of a fake. It must have been something they saw on film.

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by Logan_Buckeye »

Hey, if someone can get me 3 tix for this game (I'll pay for them) when you get to Nelsonville, I will not only lead you in and out of the area the fastest way, I will also get you a very close FREE parking spot (only parking, no tailgaiting).. Think about it, fast in, park free and fast out...lol msg me if you feel interested. Thanks for looking...

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by seasick80 »

NYBuckeye96 wrote:
4th n Goal wrote:I am pretty sure every second round playoff site I have ever been to charged for parking. Some that come to mind are Circleville, Lancaster, Jackson and Nelsonville. I would guess that is standard across the board and it is usually $2. The worst part is that it took us over an hour to get back off of Rt 78 from the game last year, so don't get in a hurry to get out of there because it won't help.
Here is a tip for everyone on SEOPS not from Nelsonville that is going to this playoff game.....

When you are at NYHS leaving the parking lot, instead of turning right to drive towards ST RT 78, turn left. At the stop sign, turn left onto Bessemer Road. At the next stop sign, go straight on to Woodlane Drive. This is the back way in to Nelsonville. At the end of Woodlane Drive, you will turn left at the stop sign onto Fort Street. At the end of Fort Street, you will be at the red light at the intersection with Washington Street and the Public Square. Go straight on to the Public Square. You will pass the fountain that is in the center of the Square. Make an immediate left onto Columbus Street and then an immediate right onto Hocking Street. The next red light will put you back onto State Route 33 and you will turn left onto 33. This will take you back to Athens.

No need to wait an hour just to turn onto 78 when you can go the back way and get back onto 33 within 10 minutes.
My cronies and I did last yr! Saved at least 45 minutes after we saw all the cars turning right out of the parking lot and waiting on an endless line!

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by seasick80 »

Orange and Brown wrote:
Steely Dan wrote:Lord willin' and the creek don't rise, I'll pay the $20 bills to be there. It is worth it to see O&B, Burg 77, and especially meet demaniac. If the $2 goes to NY, I have no problem with the parking fee. If it went to OHSAA, well, that's a different story folks. And I'm sure you all feel that way as well!

Great! I'll be there. O&B, I'll PM you, and we can decide where to meet. As for the rest of my friends from the Burg that want to either see me again or meet me and O&B, PM me. I plan on being there about 6 on Friday, and will meet up with O&B, and we can go from there!
Good deal Brother!
Ill be there!!!!!!!!!!!! :12223, but Steely, that will be a long wait from 6pm Friday till gametime!!

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by Bishtakes »

Hey, if any Pirate fans want to sit in the back of your pickup truck and watch the game for $5.00..you are more than welcome. It is the Dawg pound that plays host to NY football games and we love to tailgate and watch the games from our trucks. You can back up against the fence and you will be at the goal line on the home side of the field. All monies go to the NY Athletic Boosters and we will have food and you can drink the beverage of your choice as the dawg Pound is on private property. We even have an onsite port-a-john. You will see Dawg pound signs as you enter Buchtel on the left behind the stadium. I can reserve you a spot if you PM me...

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by seasick80 »

^When Sarah IMs you, let me know. Tell her i voted for her and for 5 dollars, I will park my truck for her to sit down and have a good view of the Burg!

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by Neutron Man »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:Why is the world do the coaches have our starting QB running the ball? Why doesn't he just take the snap and hand it off on every play to a RB. He might get the wind knocked out of him if he actually "plays" football. :roll:

In high school football, especially at a school the size of Wheelersburg, your QB is usually one of your best athletes so he is needed to play defense, run back KO's, and return punts. I actually liked it better when they had both Shears and Schankweiler back returning punts. I think the reason they only had Shears back last week was to keep Schank up close in case of a fake. It must have been something they saw on film.

Nope! Its because Shank doesn't want to do it. THATS A FACT!!
Hmmm maybe because of risk of injury! :roll: :roll:

But I guess thats football!

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by seasick80 »

Neutron Man wrote:
Burg_Grad_77 wrote:Why is the world do the coaches have our starting QB running the ball? Why doesn't he just take the snap and hand it off on every play to a RB. He might get the wind knocked out of him if he actually "plays" football. :roll:

In high school football, especially at a school the size of Wheelersburg, your QB is usually one of your best athletes so he is needed to play defense, run back KO's, and return punts. I actually liked it better when they had both Shears and Schankweiler back returning punts. I think the reason they only had Shears back last week was to keep Schank up close in case of a fake. It must have been something they saw on film.

Nope! Its because Shank doesn't want to do it. THATS A FACT!!
Hmmm maybe because of risk of injury! :roll: :roll:

But I guess thats football!
Has Shank actually returned a punt? A KO return, Ill give the Burg coaches the nod on that one. But a punt?

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by fbnut »

I am guessing if the game is on the line and the burgs in need of a big play that shank will be back their returning punts.

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by nerkfan »

Bishtakes wrote:Hey, if any Pirate fans want to sit in the back of your pickup truck and watch the game for $5.00..you are more than welcome. It is the Dawg pound that plays host to NY football games and we love to tailgate and watch the games from our trucks. You can back up against the fence and you will be at the goal line on the home side of the field. All monies go to the NY Athletic Boosters and we will have food and you can drink the beverage of your choice as the dawg Pound is on private property. We even have an onsite port-a-john. You will see Dawg pound signs as you enter Buchtel on the left behind the stadium. I can reserve you a spot if you PM me...
Can a guy from Newark who's coming down have that chance too? I don't know which game I'm going to Saturday. It's either the game at New Philly, Zanesville or Nelsonville. BTW if we come down to Nelsonville I'll be rooting for the pirates.

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by Bishtakes »

Nerkfan...you are more than welcome to join us. We are having the Athens County HS Football Tailgating championship earlier in the day so come early and eat at The Pit Stop (1200 E. Canal St/RT 33) as we will have three tents representing the NY Buckeyes cooking good food. Cost to eat is $5.00 and you will get to sample everybody's dish (25 dishes on 5 teams) or you can bring a brand new toy as the money and toys will be given to Athens County Children's Services to pass out to area kids for the holidays.

If you come for the game, I'm sure the leftovers from out teams will end up in the Dawg Pound so bring an appetite and cooler and enjoy our hospitality.

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by OST »

Go rep the SOC and Southern Ohio with Pride!!

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by yabbadabbadoo »

Is it Saturday yet????? Can't wait for this game to be played.

Looks like Burg will have some representation from other schools. Good to see. If any outsiders show up, we'll let you help us shake our jugs. The beauty about these jugs that you'll get to shake is that you don't have to buy them dinner first. :122245 :122245

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by camnott »

From your IRONMEN friends GO BURG!!!

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by KVDW »

Fredericktown's pre-game warm-up routine.........


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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by Bleeding Red »

KVDW wrote:Fredericktown's pre-game warm-up routine.........


They dont look very big, but they look quick.

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by seeker »

odd warm up routine. definately not giving away any secrets to the other team with this set up. i do agree they look quick.

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by Buckeye-4-Life »

Does the Burg have enough offensive diversity to win this?

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by Orange and Brown »

This could be a very close game! I think it will come down to turnovers.

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Re: D5 R19 - #3 Wheelersburg vs. #2 Fredericktown at Nelsonv

Post by Sports_Tracker »

Buckeye-4-Life wrote:Does the Burg have enough offensive diversity to win this?

I think so. Really I don't believe anyone has seen what Wheelersburg can truly bring to the table. Each week they have gotten better and better. Fredericktown is a very good team or they would not even be in the picture. Lot of "if's, and's and but's" that's for sure. IMO it is going to be close.

Go Burg!!!

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