TigerTownTurkey wrote:RiverRatRay wrote:The Instructor wrote:TigerTownTurkey wrote:The Instructor wrote:I waited all day long for TigerTownTurkey to come and shovel my driveway.
I looked outside nearly ever hour hoping to see my driveway cleared.
It is nearly 7:30 P.M. & it is still covered in snow!

BigDinTigertown said to wait and it would melt......so hang in there, if not melted by Saturday I'll be down.......after helping the Educator shovel all day I just didnt have the energy to get down to your place.....

Do not listen to my little brother.
You helped The Educator but not me?
That just isn't right!
I waited all day for you and you are MY Cutie Pie!!
If I fall and hurt myself, it will be all your fault!
That snow blower I saw outside of TTT's house yesterday didn't have the TTT on the end of it. It looked like The Educator but I could have been seeing things.

thanks Ray, I forgot to tell the Instructor about the nail job yesterday and I couldnt make it down to her driveway.....that was the Educator yesterday giving the snowblower operator directions on which sidewalks and driveways to clear....she didnt want to mess her nails up either....
Educator has a 2 hour delay today so she will be sleeping in again and the Instructor has a 1 hour delay so she will be able to shovel her own driveway this morning.....too cold for me to get out this early.......but the temp is going up to 28 today.....heat wave......
TigerTownTurkey, you were supposed to shovel my driveway!
I can't believe you would go back on your word.
I thought you were someone I could count on.
I don't own a snow shovel.
I went out to shovel my driveway one time and slipped.
Since then, I don't shovel it because it gives me flashbacks of slipping.
Someone shoveled a path for me this morning.
I don't know who did it but whoever it was....THANK YOU!