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Post by noreply66 »

April 7--268 days left in 2006

In 1927,an audience in New York saw an image of Commerce Secretary Hergert Hoover in the first successful long-distance demostration of television.

In 1945,during World War II,American planes intercepted a Japanese fleet that was headed for Okinawa on a suicide mission.

In 1947,auto pioneer Henry Ford died in Dearborn,Mich.,at age 83.

In 1949,the Rodgers and hammerstein musical "South Pacific" opened on Broadway.

In 1969,the Supreme Court unanimously struck down laws prohibiting private possession of obscene material.

In 1994,civil war erupted in Rwanda,a day after a mysterious plane crash claimed the lives of the president on Rwanda and Burundi.In the months that followed,hundreds of thousands of minority Tutsi and Hutu intellectuals were slaughtered.

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April 8th 267 days left in 2006

In 1935,the works Progress Administration was approved by Congress.

In 1946, the League of Nations assembled in Geneva for the last time.

In 1952,President Truman seized the steel industry to avert a nationwide strike.

In 1970,the Senate rejected President Nixon's nomination of G. Harold Carswell to the U.S. Supreme Court.

In 1973,artist Pablo Picasso died at his home near Mougins France,at age 91.

In 1981,General Omar N. Bradley died in New York at age 88.

In 1990,Ryan White,the teen AIDS patient whose battle for acceptance gained national attension,died in Indianapolis at age 18.

In 1993,singer Marian Andeson died in Portland ,Ore. at age 96.

In 1994,Kurt Cobain,singer and guitarist for the grunge band Nirvana.was found dead in Seattle from an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound; he was 27.

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Post by noreply66 »

April-10--265 days left in 2006

In 1866,the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was incorporated.

In 1925,the novel "The Great Gatsby," by F. Scott Fitxgerald,was first published.

In 1953,the -three-dimensional horror movie "House of Wax," produced by Warner Brothers and starring Vincent Price,premiered in New York.

In 1963,the nuclear-powered submarine USS Threasher failed to surface off Cape Cod, Mass.,in a disaster that claimed 129 lives.

In 1972,the United States and the Soviet Union joined some 70 nations in signing an agreement banning biological warfare.

In 1974,Golda Meir announced her resignation as prime minister of Israel.

In 1981,imprisoned IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands won election to the British Paliament.

In 1981,the long-awaited maiden launch of the space shuttle Columbia was scrubbed because of a computer malfunction.

In 1998,the Northern Ireland peace talks concluded as negotiators reached a landmark settlement to end 30 years of bitter rivalries and bloody attacks.

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Post by noreply66 »

April 10th--264 days left in 2006

In 1689,William III and Mary II were crowned as joint sovereigns of Britian.

In 1814,Napoleon Bonaparte abdicated as enperor of France and was banished to the island of Elba.

In 1898,President McKinley asked Congress for a declaration of war against Spain.

In 1899,the treaty ending the Spanish-American War was declared in effect.

In 1951,President Truman relieved Gen.Douglas MacArthur of his commands in the Far East.

In 1953,Overta Culp Hobby became the first Secretary of Health,Education and Welfare.

In 1968,President Johnson signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1968,a week after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

In 1970,Apollo 13 blasted off on its ill-fated mission to the moon,(The astronauts managed to return safely.)

In 1981,President Reagan returned to the White House from the hospital,12 days after he was wounded in an assassination attempted.

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Post by noreply66 »

April 12th--263 days left in 2006

In 1861,the American Civil War brgan as Confederate forces fired on Fort Sumter in South Carolina

In 1934,"Tender is the Night,"by F.Scott Fitzgerald,was first published.

In 1945,President Roosevelt died of a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs Ga., at age 63;he was succeeded by Vice President Harry S. Truman.

In 1955,the Salk vaccine against polio was declared safe and effective.

In 1961,Soviet consmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man to fly in space,orbiting the earth once before making a safe landing.

In 1983,Chicagoans went to the polls to elect Harold Washington the city's first black mayor.

In 1985,Sen.Jake Garn of Utah became the first senator to fly in space as the shuttle Discovery lifted off.

In 1989,radical activist Abbie Hoffman was found dead at his home in New Hope,Pa.,at age 52

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Post by noreply66 »

April 13--262 days left in 2006

In 1598,King Henry IV of France endorsed the Edict of Nantes,which granted rights to the Protestant Huguenots.(The edict was abrogated in 1685 by King Louis XIV,who declared France entirely Catholic again.)

In 1743,the third president of the United States,Thomas Jefferson,was born.

In 1906,100 tears ago,playwright,novelist and poet Samuel Beckett was born in Dublin,Ireland.

In 1943,President Roosevelt dedicated the Jefferson Memorial.

In 1958,Van Cliburn became the first American to win the Tchaikovsky International Piano Contest in Moscow.

In 1964,Sidney Poitier became the first black performer in a leading role to win an Academy Award,for "Lilies of the Field"

In 1986,Pope John Paul II visited a Rome synagogue in the first recorded papal visit of its kind.

In 1992,the Great Chicago Flood took place as the city's century-old tunnel system and adjacent basements filled with water from the Chicago River.

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Post by noreply66 »

April 14th--------261 days left in 2006

In 1775, the first American society for the abolition of slavery was organized by Benjamin Franklin and Benjamin Rush.

In 1928,the first edition of Noah Webster's "American Dictionary of the English Language" was published

In 1912,the British liner Titanic collided with an iceberg in the North Atlantic and began sinking.

In 1956,50 tears ago,Ampex Corporation demonstrated the first successful commercial videotape recorder,the VRX-1000 (later renamed the Mark IV,at the National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters Convention in Chicago.

In 1981,the first test flight of America's first operational space shuttle,the Columbia ended successfully with a landing at Edwards Air Force Basein California.

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Post by noreply66 »

April 15

In 1861,three days after the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter,president Lincoln declared a state of insurrection and called out Union Troops.

In 1865,President Lincoln died,several hours after being shot at Ford's Theater in Washington by John Wilkes Booth.Andrew Johnson became the nation's 17th president.

In 1945,during World War II,British and Canadian troops liberated the Nazi concentration camp Bergen-Belsen.

In 1945,President Roosevelt,who had died April 12,was buried at the Roosvelt family home in Hyde Park,N.Y.

In 1980,existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre died in Yaris at the age of 74.

In 1986,the United States launched an air raid against Libya in response to the bombing of a discotheque in Berlin on April 5;Libya says 37 people,mostly civilians,were killed.

In 1989, 95 people died in a crush of soccer fans at Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield,England

In 1990,actress Greta Garbo died in New York at age 84.

In 1998,Pol Pot,the notoriuos leader of the Khmer Rouge,died at age73,evading prosecution for the deaths of 2 million Camboians.

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Post by noreply66 »

April 17

In 1790,American statesman Benjamin Franklin died in Philidelphia at age 84.

In 1861,the Virginia State Convention voted to secede from the Union.

In 1941,Yugoslavia surrendered to Germany in World War II.

In 1964,Ford Motor Co. unveiled its new Mustang model at the New York World's Fair.

In 1970,the astronauts of Apollo 13 splashed down safely in the Pacific,four days after a ruptured oxygen tank cripped their spacecraft.

In 1986,the bodies of American librarian Peter Kilburn and two Britons were found near Beirut;the three hosstages had been slain in apparent retaliation for the U.S. raid on Libya.

In 1986,at London's Heathrow Airport,a bomb was discovered in a bag carried bya Irish woman about to board an EI jetliner; she had been tricked into carrying the bomb by her Jordanian boyfriend.

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Post by noreply66 »

April 18

In 1775,Paul Revere began his famous ride from Charlestown to Lexington,Mass., warning American colonists that the British were coming

In 1942,an air squadron from the USS Hornet led by Lt.Col.James H. Doolittle raided Tokyo and other Japanese cities.

In 1944,the ballet "fancy Free," with music by Leonard Berstein,premiered.

In 1945,famed American war correspondent Ernie Pyle,44,was killed by Japanese gunfire on the Pacific island of le Shima,off Okinawa.

In 1946,the League of Nations wentout of business.

In 1955,physicist Albert Einstein died in Princeton,N.J. at age 76.

In 1956,50 years ago ,actressGrade Kelly married Prince Riner of Monaco in a civil ceremony.( A church wedding took place the next day)

In 1980,Zimbabwe Rhodesia became the independent nation of Zimbabwe.

In 1983,62 people,including 17 Americans,were killed at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut,Lebanon,by a suicide bomber.

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Post by noreply66 »

April 19

In 1933,the United States went off the gold standard.

In 1943,during World War II,tens of thousands of Jews living in the Warsaw Ghetto began a valiant but futlie battle against Nazi forces.

In 1951,Gen.Dougles MacArthur,relieved of his Far East command by President Truman,bid farewell to congress,quoting a line from a ballad: "Old soldiers never die;they just fade away."

In 1975,India announced it had lauched its first satellite,from the Soviet Union atop a Soviet rocket

In 1989,47 sailors were killed when a gun turret exploded aboard the USS Iowa.

In 1993,the 51-day siege at the Branch Davidian compound near WacoTexas,ended as fire destroyed the structure after federal agents began smashing their way in;dozens of people,including David Koresh,were killed.

In 1995,a truck bomb destroyed the Alfred P.Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City,killing 168 people and injuring hundreds. ( Timothy McVeigh was later convicted of federal murder charges and executed )

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Post by noreply66 »

April 20

In 1812,the fourth vice president of the United States,George Clinton,died in Washington at age 73,becoming the first vice president to die while in office.

In 1836,the Terrotory of Wisconsin was established by Congress.

In 1889,Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau,Austria

In 1945,during World War II allied forces took control of the German cities of Nuremberg and Stuttgart.

In 1971,the supreme Court upheld the use of busing to achieve racial desegation in schools.

In 1972,the manned lunar module from Apollo 16 landed on the moon.

In 1978, a Korean Air Lines Boeing 707 crashed-landed in northwestern Russia after entering Soviet airspace and being fired on by a Soviet interceptor.Two passengers were killed.

In 1980,the first Cubans sailing to the United States as part of the massive Mariel boatlift reached Florida.

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In 1649,The Maryland Toleration Act,which provided for freedom of worship for all Christians,was passed by the Maryland assembly.

In 1910,author Samuel Langhorne Clemens,better known as Mark Twain,dies in Redding,Conn.

In 1918,Baron Manfred von Richthofen,the German ace known as the "Red Baron,"was killed in action during World War I.

In 1960,Brazil inaugurated its new capital,Brasilia,transferring the seat of national government from Rio de Janeiro.

In 1972,Apollo 16 astronauts John Young and Charles Duke explored the surface of the moon.

In 1976,full-scale testing of the swine flu vaccine began in Washington, D.C.

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Post by noreply66 »

April 24

In.1792,the national anthem of France ,La marseillaise," was composed by Capt. Claude joseph Rouget de Lisle.

In 1800,Congress approved a bill establishing the Library of Congress.

In 1877,federal troops were ordered out of New orleans,ending the North's post Civil-War rule in the South.

In 1898,Spain declared war on the United States after rejecting America's ultimatum to withdraw from Cuba.

In 1915,the Ottoman Turkish Empire began the brutal mass deportation of Americans during World Way I.

In 1968,leftist students at Columbia University in New York began a weeklong occupation of several campus buildings.

In 1980,the United States launched an abortive attempt to free the American hostages in Iran,a mission that resulted in the deaths of eight U.S. servicemen.

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Post by noreply66 »

April 25

In 1792,highwayman Nicccolas Jacques pelletier became the first person under French law to be executed by the guillotine.

In 1859, ground was broken for the Suez canal.

In 1898,the United States formally declared war on Spain.

In 1915,during World War I Allied soldiers invaded the Gallipoli Peninsula in an unsuccessful attempt to take the Ottoman Turkish Empire out of the war.

In 1945,delegates from some 50 countries met in San Francsco to organize the United Nations.

In 1959,the St, Lawrence Seaway opened to shipping.

In 1983,the Pioneer 10 spacecraft crossed Pluto's orbit ,speeding on its endless voyage through the Milky Way.

In 1990,the Hubble Space Telescope was deployed from the space shuttle Discovery.

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Post by noreply66 »

April 26

In 1785,American naturalist and artist John James Audubon was born in Haiti.

In 1865,John Wilkes Booth,the assassin of President Lincoln,was surrounded by federal troops near Bowling Green Va. and Killed .

In 1937,planes from Nazi Germany raided the Basque town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.

In 1945,Marshal Henri Philippe Petin,the head of France's Vichy government during World War II,was arrested.

In 1964,the African nation of Tanganyika and Zanzibar merged to form Tanzania.

In 1968,the United States exploded beneath the Nevada desert a 1- megaton nuclear device called "Boxcar"

In 1970,the Broadway musical "Company" opened at the Alvin Theater in New York.

In 1980,following an unsuccessful attempt by the United States to rescue the U.S. Embassy hostages in Iran,the Tehran government announced the captives were being scattered to thwart future rescue effort.

In 2000, Vermont Gov. Howard Dean signed the nation's first bill allowing samesex couples to form civil unions.

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Post by noreply66 »

April 27

In 1509,Pope Julius II excommunicated the Italian state of Venice.(The pope lifted the ban in February 1510).

In 1805,during the First Barbary War,an American-led force of Marines and mercenaries captured the city of Dera,on the shores of Tripoli.

In 1822,the 18th president of the United States,Ulysses S. Grant,was born in Poynt Pleasent,Ohio.

In 1865,thesteamer Sultana exploded on the Mississippi River near Memphis,Tenn.,killing more than 1,400 Union prisoners of war.

In 1965,broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow died in Pawling,N.Y.,at age 57.

In 1973,during the Watergate scandal Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray resigned.

In 1978,convicted Watergate defendant John D. Ehrichman was released from an Arizona prison after serving 18 months.

In 1986,a video pirate calling himself "Captain Midnight" interrupted a movie on HBO with a printed message protesting descrambling fees.(Captain Midnight turned out to be John R. MacDougall of Florida,who was fined and placed on probation.)

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Post by noreply66 »

April 28

In 1958,Vice President Nixon and his wife ,Pat ,began a goodwill tour of Latin America that was marred by hostile mobs in Lima,Peru and Caracas,Venezuela.

In 1967, heavyweight boxing champion Muhamman Ali refused to be inducted into the Army,the same day Gen.William C. Westmoreland told Congress the U.S.:would prevail in Vietnam."

In 1980,President Carter accepted the resignation of Secretary of State Cyrus Vance,who had opposed the failed rescue aimed at freeing American hostages in Iran.

In 1986,the Soviet Union informed the world of the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl.

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Post by BigMcCauley55 »

It last year on this day i took a shower :lol:

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Post by noreply66 »

April 29

In 1429,Joan of Arc entered the besieged city of Orleans to lead a victory over the English.

In 1861, Maryland's House of Delegates voted against seceding from the Union.

In 1862,New Orleans fell to Union forces during the Civil War.

In 1916,the Easter Rising in Dublin collapsed as Irish nationists surrendered to British authorities.

In 1946,28 former Japanese leaders were indicted as war criminals.

In 1974,President Nixon announced he was releasing edited transcripts of some secretly made White House tape recordings related to Watergate.

In 1981,truck driver Peter Sutcliffe admitted in a London court to being the Yorkshire Ripper the killer of 13 women in northern England during a five-year period.

In 1983,Harold Washington was sworn in as the first black mayor of Chicago.

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