Valley 21 - West 17

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F-4 Phantom
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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by F-4 Phantom »

HERD07 wrote:RE: We are the Champions. That's the first I've heard it in the 4 years I've been doing VSN. A few of us on the VSN crew looked at each other and then turned to the PA guys and said it's a little too early to be playing that. There is a lot of football to be played.

That was definitely over the top. I didn't understand the playing of that particular song either.

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by Dr Lou »

Incognito wrote:What a game. West offense continues to amaze me with how shallow it is. Prayers are with Mr.Crabtree!

Reminds me of Bob Ashley

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by crab_apple4 »

I hated that "We are the Champions" was playing... but it's being taken out of context. It was a Queen CD. I don't think it was intended for that purpose, and it was the 2nd or 3rd song played after "We Will Rock You" and "Another One Bites the Dust"... But yes, music is normally played but that song wasn't a perfect selection.

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by fanatic23 »

playa_44 wrote:Well, I seldom post on any thread, just read. This is the exception. First of all, if I were fanatic23 and thought I had the lowdown on why, what, where, and how the doer of the deeds could have done them better I'd share that info with the West staff, not online. Especially since the staff at West is underpaid and overworked maybe they could use your expertise. Get in their and volunteer instead of B....! Second, most of the time, reading this crap, when a team loses, no matter what school, this s.... starts from fans who know best how to coach their teams to the state, if only someone would pay attention. Third, the voice of reason from West always tends to be siderman. If you want to know how things really are and not at the extremes, just read what he has to say...usually his common sense and sense of football are genuine. Nice to see on these forums(and unusual). I stand by my posts that started all this...the refs were horrible last night. When a "fumble" occurs and both offense and defense have an equal hand on the ball, it should go to offense. Not so last night. There were so many things wrong with the officiating that it was amazing. Doubt there is anyone the officials answer to, but in this case, there should be. Again, maybe the outcome would have been the same, no one knows. Valley capitalized on lopsided officiating. Not the players' or the fans fault.

Once again blaming the officials for the outcome. Whatever happened to blocking, limit mistakes, and everyone doing thier job determining the outcome.I never once said I thought I coud do better than than the coaching staff but being a fan and attending every game I feel that our offense is to predictable.I totally agree with you on the refs last night but thats not the reason we lost.By the way I have nothing but respect for the coaches at west and the time they spend year around working and making the kids better. Once again I am speaking as a fan and not a football god that you are perceiving me to be, but like I said if the play calling doesn't change it won't matter how young or old the team is the well coached teams will beat us.

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by toast »

Comments from a "neutral" observer.

1. First time I ever heard of a down-marker malfunction.

2. Taking into consideration turf, seating, parking and aesthetics....Valley has the best football complex in Southern Ohio.

3. Looking at the manner in which the game played out (lots of emotion and tough calls in the 4th quarter) the players from both schools acted in a classy manner for the most part.

4. There should have been more security on hand. Ugly seen as the referees were leaving the field. There should have been a police presence outside the main gate. There were provocative comments being made and some people just looking for trouble.

5. I thought the referees did a decent job. As someone else mentioned most of the calls were clear cut and not judgement calls. The judgement calls are often close, difficult calls that could go either way. How many times have we all watched on TV as a play is run in slow motion and it's still difficult to come up with a consensus.

Two very evenly matched teams although different styles. The next two weeks should be interesting.

I am curious what the game tape would reveal concerning the fumbles West lost in the 4th quarter. I'm sure several people know the results by now.

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by F-4 Phantom »

Come on sweetheart! I love me some manly men....:aaaaa66 :aaaaa66 :aaaaa66 :aaaaa66

You West boyz are awesome! Me luv me some West boyz...:aaaaa63 :aaaaa63 :aaaaa63

You so bad! :lol: :lol: :lol: Please stop talking dirty! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by Bo_Diaz »

[quote="Black@Orange"]West beats Valley 9 out of 10 times.
EDITED quote]

In a fight?!?!?!?!??!?!

Are you seriously that junvenile and that obtuse?! Why would you even make a comment like that or even bring that up? That just reinforces stereotypes about about your community!

And by the way... West and Valley have split the last 4 years, and they have split the last 6 games dating back to 1999. So West doesn't beat Valley 9 out of 10 times. :lol:

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by WestFan27 »

Black@Orange wrote:West beats Valley 9 out of 10 times.

Dude people like you are the reason West has the image it has.

Everyone don't let this fool make you judge all of us, cause we are not all like this person.

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by Bo_Diaz »

Black@Orange wrote:Not talking dirty, just telling the truth. EDITED

Bo_Diaz, yes in a fight.
This years West team would beat Valleys team 9 out of 10 times. And as far as stereo types go, your team was by far the dirtiest team on the field.

Excuse me we don't beat valley 10 out of 10 times. We beat them 35 out of 39 times.

Dude you need help... Are you really wanting me to pm you about a fight? If it makes you feel better to get on here and vent and beat your chest then keep on keepin' on.

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by RogueWarrior1965 »

siderman wrote: Minford last week had a kid on kickoffs who acted like a Thug, pure and simple. He tried to stuff all night. Was never called. Finally a West player, who is a great young man, took up for himself and got flagged.

I thought this was the Valley-West thread but since you want to keep bringing up Minford, let's tell the real story. When one of your players calls out his counterpart on Minford's team and says, "I am gonna be all over your a$$ all night number__" they better be able to back it up. If you want to talk late hits and hits out of bounds that should have been flagged, I can put it on YouTube if you want to see it. If a player is going to continually cuss another team ALL NIGHT long, what do you really expect? We all know that jawing goes on and to get on here and act holier than thou and act like West is the victim and did nothing is ridiculous.

I will give credit where credit is due and say that West is much better than they used to be in regards to sportsmanship but if people aren't seeing some things, it is because they are turning a blind eye to it.

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by Black@Orange »

WestFan27 wrote:
Black@Orange wrote:West beats Valley 9 out of 10 times.

Dude people like you are the reason West has the image it has.

Everyone don't let this fool make you judge all of us, cause we are not all like this person.

OK call me a fool, but I actually broke up a fight in between a member of Valleys Marching Bands staff and some West fans. If it would have been 20 yards on the other side of the gate, heaven help him.

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by F-4 Phantom »

Black@Orange wrote:[color=#FF0000] EDITED
This years West team would beat Valleys team 9 out of 10 times. And as far as stereo types go, your team was by far the dirtiest team on the field.

Excuse me we don't beat valley 10 out of 10 times. We beat them 35 out of 39 times.

I bet you are a real cutie when you are mad too.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :aaaaa52 :aaaaa52

Most of West's posters have really changed the overall image of yesteryear. You are still stuck in the Neanderthal era....But I luv it when you talk dirty all the same..... :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :aaaaa32 :aaaaa32

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by Black@Orange »

Ok I guess this is not the right place for my attitude. And I shouldn't call anybody out. But I will stick to my guns and say the game was favoribly tilted to Valleys side.

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by F-4 Phantom »

By you saying that, what you are really saying is West isn't good enough to overcome a couple of bad calls.

Personally, I wouldn't want anyone to blame a loss on excuses. It usually becomes a cancer to the team. It's better to blame the loss on poor blocking, execution, etc...If the backs didn't put the ball on the ground to begin with, they wouldn't have given the ref's the opportunity to get the call wrong.

You are only hurting West by making excuses. Pinpoint the things they can correct/fix in practice and focus on the next game. Be forward looking, instead of looking in the rear-view. Either way, it is your choice. Do what you wish.

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by OldBlue »

Way to go West poster.

You beat us during the game but we will get you in the parking lot. LOL Oh and on the internet boards as well. Just everywhere but on the field where it counts right O&B.

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by Black@Orange »

F-4 Phantom wrote:By you saying that, what you are really saying is West isn't good enough to overcome a couple of bad calls.

Personally, I wouldn't want anyone to blame a loss on excuses. It usually becomes a cancer to the team. It's better to blame the loss on poor blocking, execution, etc...If the backs didn't put the ball on the ground to begin with, they wouldn't have given the ref's the opportunity to get the call wrong.

You are only hurting West by making excuses. Pinpoint the things they can correct/fix in practice and focus on the next game. Be forward looking, instead of looking in the rear-view. Either way, it is your choice. Do what you wish.

Do not put words in my mouth!

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by F-4 Phantom »

You and some of your pals are blaming the loss on the officials. If it's the officials fault you didn't win, then you are saying your team isn't tough enough to overcome obstacles that occur during games. Personally, I feel West is more than capable, just not last night. We all have those days/nights. Valley took advantage of West's errors. The game is over. Valley needs to figure out how to score on the Burg. We no longer care about the West game. I'm just responding to help ease the pain. You know, give you a release.

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by playa_44 »

Cry me a river Phantom :lol: :lol: Reread everyone's posts and will we excuse you for your idiotic remarks ;-)

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by F-4 Phantom »

Reading comprehension can be very difficult for some. You should practice your skills. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Believe what you wish, sis! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Valley 21 - West 17

Post by playa_44 »

Sis? :-D What grade you make it to dude? :lol:
Last edited by playa_44 on Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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