Moeller wasn't a league game, and Moeller won the game. You're still justifying your use of alumni refs in league games instead of seeing these practices as for what they really are: Wburg's lack of respect for the integrity of the game in a win at all costs mentality. This is why Ironton is receiving all these transfers.RBH23 wrote: Wed Nov 03, 2021 5:42 pmThis coming from an Ironton fan whose school just used hometown refs in an attempt to screw over Moeller with 12 penalties (compared to just 3 against Ironton). Sorry, but you have no credibility with regards to sportsmanship and ethics.BIGDADDYFRMCINNATI wrote: Wed Nov 03, 2021 5:18 pmYou are still having problems seeing the big picture issue of ethics and sportsmanship here and how it leads to a conflict of interest. Your use of whataboutism arguments are just weak. The conflict of interest starts with W'burg's AD scheduling these alumni refs to work their league games in the first place, and these refs should also realize the problem it creates with the integrity of the game. It all comes down to ethics, sportsmanship and respecting the integrity of the game, and W'burg has proven time after time they have zero respect for any of these. There are much deeper issues of character within the Wburg program at hand than trying to justify the use of alumni refs during league games.yabbadabbadoo wrote: Wed Nov 03, 2021 3:53 pm
You being an Ironton fan you are freaking hilarious talking about character with the officials. Does the name Mahlmeister ring a bell to you???? They were brothers that officiated a lot of Ironton's bigger games back in the 90's and 2000's. Trust me, there lack of character goes way beyond horrible in what the three officials that officiated the Burg-West game.
Trying to justify this is nothing more than you trying to fool yourself or doing a really bad job of trying to fool everyone else into believing it's something benign. Kinda like sticking an assistant coach on the sidelines of an opposing team during a regional championship and then, once caught, trying to convince everyone he was just a member of the media.
As for the sideline reporter, he was not an assistant coach. Now you sound like the crazy coach and AD from Middletown Madison.
Your weak justification and reasoning: I think Ironton did this, so that gives me the right to cheat and stack the deck in league games that have nothing do with Ironton...... If you actually believe this, then it's sociopathic reasoning. All this comes down to is a deeper issue of character within the Wburg admin. Local parents are starting to realize this and they're sending their athletic kids to Ironton, and that's why burg will be sitting at home after this week and Ironton will be moving onwards to another regional championship.