cbolt wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 3:05 am
TRENCHFOOT wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 1:29 am
cbolt wrote: Tue Mar 15, 2022 8:44 pm
Need the 16 ounce bottles. No small ones. No they die. I hate doing it but afraid they would come back if I set them loose. Feel sorry for them it's slow long death but can't be drilling my house up.
The cheap bottles I get in packages of 24 are 16.9 fluid ounces.
Sounds like you need to plug the old holes from years past, and paint or varnish untreated wood where the holes are they made. They wouldn't come back every year according to this. They hate paint and varnish won't mess with treated surfaces. Sounds like new bees like to use old holes too. Plug them up and paint where the wood is untreated. Won't have bottles hanging everywhere and won't have to kill them.

If not take them a ride a long way from your house and turn them loose. Different ones will come back every year though if the holes aint plugged and bare wood is not painted/varnished.
https://www.thomaspestservices.com/what ... y-property
Huh Huh Huh next time you're up here I'll show you my front porch support columns. They are treated and got big ol holes drilled in them from years of carpenter bees. I filled them in with expanding foam and don't think they got back in but it still looks bad and had to weaken them. If them things want in bad enough nothing will keep them out.
Don't know really. Just going on what this link said. To me, seems like anything that messes with wood wouldn't like fresh paint or varnish. I'm lucky I ain't got them things. I got thick bare wood window panes that's needed painted for years.

Paint worn/cracking clear off of some of them. Probably rotting a bit too it's been so long.

I been meaning to paint them but keep putting it off and forget about them as time rolls on.
That foam is good stuff. JA gave me a can of it to use when he lived over there. Some of my siding insulation plugs fell out and I put some of that in them. It's pretty good stuff for a quick band aid patch. BJ said it's just keeps expanding and expanding.
I'm drinking hot black tea this morning.