Logan Football 2008

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Post by LoganD14Life »

Your right, we did get beat first round.
and your right, we do get beat first round a lot.
But it wasnt bc we werent good, or that we are only good in our league.
I think we were a better team, they just wanted it a helluva lot more than we did, and they deserved to win.
But if you want to just talk about our playoff sucess, i wanna talk about how successful you have been against logan in Modern times. and how successful your going to be.....riiiiggghhhttt..you havent been, and you wont be. Logan will own ironton for a few more years, and ironton wont win an outright league championship like logan does year in and year out.
I could say at least we were in the playoffs, but the playoffs are only fun if you win.
But we were league champs, we dominated the league, and we played one of our worst games of the season against ironton, and still beat them 54-14.
If i were you, i would become a logan fan next season. bc they are going to be bigger stronger faster = better than this past years team.
your talk is cheap, bc your team cant back your talk up.

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Post by Totaled Cav »


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Post by 1987chieftains »

nice one d14 ;-)

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R.I.P. BillSauerField
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Post by R.I.P. BillSauerField »

Neffew J is going to run all over Ironton next year.

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Post by sports junkie »

Logan, Div.2 wanna bees ;-)

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Post by Landstuhl78 »

You act like tri-valley destroyed us. They won by a last minute touchdown that could have easily been intercepted. Logan had a great season and had one thing gone logans way in that game they are in the next round. Logan was a much better team all around than tri-valley. were you even there at the game, because if you were you would agree. All you ironton people do is get on here and talk about our playoff record, just so you can feel good about yourself. All I'm saying is when you beat our team then run your mouth not when you lose by forty. It just doesn't make any sense and I know junkie or tiger bait is gonna get on here and say well we won the superbowl or something and then logan will say when 1915 or something and it will never stop because ironton just wants something to brag about. Do you think nfl teams do that to other nfl teams. Well we ahve 6 more superbowl wins than you. you aren't good cuase we have 100 more wins over our career than you do. Im pretty sure they don't. and im pretty sure you will never hear that conversation on sportscenter either.

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Post by highonthehill »

Sports Junkie,
your just another one of those "wanna beeaaattttttttttt Logan," people to, so why don't you grow up a little bit and get over the fact that we beat you, you destroyed the past, yea its a new season coming up so the past doesn't matter ANYMORE!!!

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Post by sports junkie »

Logan's won NOTHING :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: They are Div.2 wanna bee's :lol: :lol:

chief32, woulda coulda maybe. LOSS :lol: 1 and home, just like every year. same old same old :lol: :lol:

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Post by ohbuckeye2 »

LoganD14Life wrote:Your right, we did get beat first round.
and your right, we do get beat first round a lot.
But it wasnt bc we werent good, or that we are only good in our league.
I think we were a better team, they just wanted it a helluva lot more than we did, and they deserved to win.
But if you want to just talk about our playoff sucess, i wanna talk about how successful you have been against logan in Modern times. and how successful your going to be.....riiiiggghhhttt..you havent been, and you wont be. Logan will own ironton for a few more years, and ironton wont win an outright league championship like logan does year in and year out.
I could say at least we were in the playoffs, but the playoffs are only fun if you win.
But we were league champs, we dominated the league, and we played one of our worst games of the season against ironton, and still beat them 54-14.
If i were you, i would become a logan fan next season. bc they are going to be bigger stronger faster = better than this past years team.
your talk is cheap, bc your team cant back your talk up.
Do you actually think Ironton won't be a better team next season returning 8 starters on Offense and 8 on Defense with several others getting major playing time. You Logan guys kill me, modern times :lol:

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Post by noreply66 »

Ironton will take the South next year

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Post by LoganD14Life »

yeah..the SOUTH
Logan Takes both..
next year... theres logan, then theres the seoal

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Post by sports junkie »

D1, There's Div. 2, and then there's Logan. Wanna bees :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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R.I.P. BillSauerField
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Post by R.I.P. BillSauerField »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Keep it comin junkie! You are just TOOO funny!!

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Post by Logangrad »

Not that it matters to this nimrod; but Logan has lost to two eventual state champions in the past 7 years. And lost on a last second TD in one of the best games I have ever seen. Its funny how some goobers on here make my four year old daughter sound like Kirk Herbstreit.

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Post by sports junkie »

Logan Grad, So you lost to 2 State Champions, Big Deal you still lost. Everyone who played Marion Local this year lost to the State Champs, and you call me a nimrod, when I look in the dictionary it has your picture there :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You also lose to Lancaster every year, what have they won ;-) Logan can't even win a playoff game and your still on here telling everyone how good you are. I doubt too many people believe your stories. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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Post by 2old »


Everytime you play Logan this century you lose.

At least you guys did not lose a playoff game this year good point. Of couirse not many .500 teams make the playoffs.

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Post by sports junkie »

2old, your right not many .500 teams make the playoffs, and not many 9-1 teams lose there first game every year. But Logan does :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by 2old »

^^^^^ is happy with a .500 season. He should be happy again next year with his mediocre team

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Post by sports junkie »

2old, logan Div. 2 wanna bee's, that's you :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I hope your ready for your 1 and done again. What's your playoff record this Century :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by PurplePeopleEater »


get a life, seriously, do you have nothing better to do? all you do is get on here and talk about how bad YOU think Logan is, and the only people who relate to you about how bad you think Logan is are other people from Ironton and other places that have "Chieftain Envy" as 2old would say....
You are just upset about the fact your team has been beaten, will continue to be beaten by a team that you hate. Just because they are better.

soooo... Once Ironton beats Logan, then you will have a right to get on here and spout off about how Ironton is so good. but untill then you have no room to come on here and call us Wannabees. when you "Wannabeat" Logan.

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