Well, he had a care this evening..or at least I did. We were coming out of the woods at dusk..I heard a noise and turned around to see about 100 yards or so behind us... six dogs running towards us. I screamed at them and when I did..Jebby went into action..he started running at them full steam ahead..well, six against 1, even if he was thinking about protecting me wouldn't be so good so I yelled at him to STAY! and Jebby immediately froze and stood there staring at them and..hackles as high as I've ever seen them. Those dogs stopped too..stood there for a few seconds and ran back into the woods. There wasn't another person anywhere around us either..could have been bad!
I don't know who's dogs those were or why they were there..they might have been someone's fox hounds but it was getting too dark to see real good from that distance but really kinda creepy...like something in a Stephen King movie..
here's Jebby this evening before it started getting dark out there..happy as could be to be in the woods and running off leash!