Curious why do you have to pay to park at Wellston football

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orange-n-brown 365
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Re: Curious why do you have to pay to park at Wellston football

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

Fund raisers work well to raise money for athletics or I just found it a little high when I was told that students paid $5.00 and $5.00 to park..
biggdowgg we carry big tote bags for all the goodies... :122249

btw I don't go to the games but my kid does and its her hard earned $$$ not mine she has to spend

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Re: Curious why do you have to pay to park at Wellston football

Post by boilermaker »

I was told that they will charge $10.00 for RV's
:lol: :lol: :twisted:
I had no idea what they were charging ,people get on here and complain about everything.Wellston is not pay to play for now ,and if they have to charge $5 to park to keep it that way im all for it :!: Like keyser said park on a city street and walk to the game.

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Re: Curious why do you have to pay to park at Wellston football

Post by hawkeyepierce »

It was only two bucks for the Jackson game.

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orange-n-brown 365
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Re: Curious why do you have to pay to park at Wellston football

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

If it was a playoff game I'd understand but I hate to pay to park anywhere! I usually am cheap and walk.....
:122245 with a NY student id our students come in free pre-k to 12

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Re: Curious why do you have to pay to park at Wellston football

Post by Rufus »

Nelsonville-York used to let all students (home or away) into the games for free. That is the way it should be everywhere. I guarantee you would see a much bigger student turnout if admission were free.

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Re: Curious why do you have to pay to park at Wellston football

Post by sleeper »

It absolutely should be that way. There are people who are worried about putting food on the table, gasoline in their cars and have to tell there kids they can't support their team/school. It ludicrous to charge kids to attend a school function.

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Re: Curious why do you have to pay to park at Wellston football

Post by NYBUX »

Well we could slow the process down and make a statement by paying in really small coins!!!!!!!

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orange-n-brown 365
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Re: Curious why do you have to pay to park at Wellston football

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

hammerdown wrote:
orange-n-brown 365 wrote:If it was a playoff game I'd understand but I hate to pay to park anywhere! I usually am cheap and walk.....
:122245 with a NY student id our students come in free pre-k to 12

you need to quit causing trouble on the football board and go back to CHAT. :lol: :lol:

well you know us NY people we love to cause trouble :lol: actually someone told me this after last years game and I thought I'd ask you know what they say about curiosity :lol:
My work here is done I'm heading back to the chat side :122249

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Re: Curious why do you have to pay to park at Wellston football

Post by NY BUCKS »

In Nelsonville We add by 6 alot 7 if We GET LUCKY And when we Feel it SOMETIMES BY 8.Go BUCKEYES.

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Re: Curious why do you have to pay to park at Wellston football

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

revjimjones wrote::cry:

If a little bit of money to park is going to keep you from going, then you suck and don't really care about the game.

As I said I don't go... don't understand football :122246 and as I said someone asked me and I thought hey why not ask on here :roll:

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Re: Curious why do you have to pay to park at Wellston football

Post by godsgeneral »

revjimjones wrote::cry:

If a little bit of money to park is going to keep you from going, then you suck and don't really care about the game.

Rev, is this the same line you use in church? If you don't pay your 10% you suck and don't really care about the future of the church. I mean if a little bit of money is going to keep you from going to church......

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Re: Curious why do you have to pay to park at Wellston football

Post by revjimjones »

We're talking about $25 for an entire year!

Again, people show how little they know about the Reverend Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple.

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Re: Curious why do you have to pay to park at Wellston football

Post by madpolecat »

Long live the People's Temple!!!

Where do people think the money for running the sports ins coming from? If they won't pay for it with taxes, they will pay it as fees.

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Re: Curious why do you have to pay to park at Wellston football

Post by Old*rocket »

just talked to a buddy that takes the money for parking he said its only $2 bucks.

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Re: Curious why do you have to pay to park at Wellston football

Post by godsgeneral »

revjimjones wrote:We're talking about $25 for an entire year!

Again, people show how little they know about the Reverend Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple.

Please don't take my comment personal. I meant no disrespect to you or Peoples Temple.

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