if Shoemaker would read the preps , maybe he could learn how to handle HIS team everyone here seems to have it figured out.

fatalbert wrote:burgrad you seen all that in one game? and a game that you lost at that?
you must be an outstanding coach whay arent you running the helm at wheelersburg high school? you sure stick that nose in everyone elses teams , why not help out your own
rockfish wrote:I tell you what gripes me is. People who don't even have kids that go to PORTSMOUTH HS are here telling what will work and what won't. I think they need to be worried about the programs they say they support and leave PORTSMOUTH alone.
ManitouDan wrote:rockfish wrote:I tell you what gripes me is. People who don't even have kids that go to PORTSMOUTH HS are here telling what will work and what won't. I think they need to be worried about the programs they say they support and leave PORTSMOUTH alone.
Wow --was mistaken thought this was a PUBLIC forum . Do we need trojan blood to be able to state an opinion ? most people griping about the trojans are hoping they succeed and quit wasting all that talent .
trojandave wrote:Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but always be aware that someone........like myself.......will offer a strong rebuttal to an opinion. I took a strong rebuttal for my "ALL CAPS" post a while back.......but I stand by what I said.......the people who said those things deserved to be called out.
I do have a problem when someone doesn't watch a team that much at all yet profuses to know all the problems with that team and how to solve them. It's one thing to watch a team play and evaluate their performance on the court........BUT it's a different issue altogether when an individual tries to make statements on internal matters when all they have seen is that team's play on the court.
If you want to act like you know a lot about the Trojans, then go to more games....talk to the coaches.......watching one or two games doesn't make you an expert on matters concerning Portsmouth basketball. And if you're listening to other people tell you about the Trojans, try forming your own opinion. First hand knowledge is much better than second hand news.
Ptown Playmaker wrote:Maybe the discipline has started working.......I have heard two are gone from the JV team and 1 from the varsity..........is this true?
My work has kept me from attending tonights game..........I attend every athletic function I can...winning seasons or losing seasons....I live here, work here and my kids go to school here..........in my opinion, we do have discipline issues....(other places also)....I was raised old school....you follow coaches instructions, you're on time, you show up for each practice, you give 100% effort and you do good in school......with this....you get rewarded....privileges to play....this way of life starts out at home and must be followed thru all the way to the coaching staffs.......I can only hope things will get better and wish my Trojans success!