Portsmouth vs W'Burg 4-2-09

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Re: Portsmouth vs W'Burg 4-2-09

Post by BULDOG »

kahn wrote:We are running a clarification for tommorow. The roster provided to the Times had Justin Boyer as No. 4 and Caleb Leach as No. 21.

As for the used of the word pounded, the writer we sent hasn't cover sports since the 1970s. He is an outdoor columnist and news writer helping us out because we're understaffed.

This writer, and the rest of my staff, has a high dedication to accuracy but he is still getting used to covering sports again. I sent out a memo to everyone involved in sports coverage about several issues that will hopefully be corrected immediately.

The roster you received is correct. Justin Boyer is #4 and Caleb Leach is #21. Picture is of #21 Caleb Leach.

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Re: Portsmouth vs W'Burg 4-2-09

Post by trojanofthepast »

biggdowgg wrote:this was a good game to watch, like posted above both teams played good defense.

Meyers has 3 homers in the last two games, and freshman Adam Bray hit his first.

any word on how bad Kyle Simpson is hurt?, he ran into the fence chasing a fly ball,and left the game and field holding is shoulder.

Kyle Simpson is fine he has a partially torn AC in his shoulder and 5 stitches in his elbow, will see a doctor next week to see how long he's out. Thanks for asking

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Re: Portsmouth vs W'Burg 4-2-09

Post by kahn »

BULDOG wrote:The roster you received is correct. Justin Boyer is #4 and Caleb Leach is #21. Picture is of #21 Caleb Leach.
In that case, it was a photographer's error and we will run a correction in tomorrow's edition. I apologize for the error.

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Re: Portsmouth vs W'Burg 4-2-09

Post by biggdowgg »

trojanofthepast wrote:
biggdowgg wrote:this was a good game to watch, like posted above both teams played good defense.

Meyers has 3 homers in the last two games, and freshman Adam Bray hit his first.

any word on how bad Kyle Simpson is hurt?, he ran into the fence chasing a fly ball,and left the game and field holding is shoulder.

Kyle Simpson is fine he has a partially torn AC in his shoulder and 5 stitches in his elbow, will see a doctor next week to see how long he's out. Thanks for asking

thanks, hate that he got hurt,Kyle always plays hard.

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Re: Portsmouth vs W'Burg 4-2-09

Post by power_house88 »

Simpson was a solid defensive outfielder who do you see replacing him in the outfield

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