Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by buckcraze »

wrestlefan1 wrote:if you think about it, he had
1-wt room open 8 hrs a day 4 days a week through the summer paid for by the city-- how he got this set up, i dont know, but he did. I worked it.
2-thursday radio show at the bowling alley was great for the program
3-the big thing he had at central center in the summer
4-goal night at the christopher center
5- there were more things, i just cant think of them off the top of my head

Now I know that some of this stuff is still going on, but i believe he got a lot of this going.
I am not a bill dennis fan, but he had a lot of positives with regard to the program
if it werent for the fall out over the qb, he would prolly still be here
i still think adam renner was one of the most done wrong kids EVER
I know you are not a Dennis fan, but let's still not give him too much credit where credit is not due, all those "things" led to to two winning seasons in his tenure, 1998 and 1999, and an overall losing record. I know he took over after Tipton destroyed the program, but he still only had two winning seasons. Enough about the past, this thread is about this week, Chilly vs. Hillsboro 38-0 Chilly!!!!

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by Cav4life »

Last edited by Cav4life on Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by The Exile »

I have been reading Chillicothe threads for years, but am usually hesitant to comment, as I don't have any ties to the school/etc. However, I played for Coach Hinton and Coach Arndt, so I think I can comment a bit on this topic.
1. System: Coach Hinton has a system that he has RARELY varied from. It relies on the teaching of the same offensive system from the elementary levels up, and has almost always been heavily option/I-form oriented, though he adapts the frequency of certain plays/formations based on the team he has that particular year. He did go to a spread offense for a few years in the mid-2000s, but that was an unusual and short-term change.
2. Talent: Why one would think that you would have more talent at A-C (which is significantly smaller than Chilly, and is a typical rural school district) is odd to me. Look at the basketball/baseball programs there, they are traditionally bad, at best mediocre from time to time. That doesn't indicate a wealth of athletic talent. The current coaches have done an outstanding job of perpetuating the system Hinton and Arndt established, running pretty much the same plays, same defense, etc. Of course, they have brought their own wrinkles/personalities to that (and I am not in any way taking credit from them), but it is built on that same foundation. If you ask them, they will tell you (I have heard the head coach say several times in interviews that he still consults with Ron and is heavily using his system).
3. I have mentioned this before, but success didn't happen overnight at A-C under Ron. They didn't win more than four games until the fifth year.
4. Uniform: he has always had strict uniform policies and enforced them. Just a fact, and an argument you won't win, even in scrimmages and practice.
5. Doesn't matter the coach or school, there are always unhappy campers about playing time. Hinton values upperclassmen who have put in the time, but will often play underclassmen of equal/better ability. Is it a way to build for the future, yes. Does it suck for the upperclassmen, probably. Is it "unfair", meh, maybe. However, many coaches do this, especially if the current season seems to be a wash, or if the current upperclassmen simply aren't playing that well. I haven't seen Chilly, so I can't comment on the not playing well, but the record indicates that it may be a factor.
6. Admittedly, Ron isn't perfect and has made mistakes. I have heard him admit as much about the way he handled individual situations, his management of specific teams, etc. I myself had some problems with the way I and some of my teammates were handled in reference to playing time and other issues. However, that would be true of any coach at any school. I think you have to give it more than 1.5 years to make a determination about whether he fits at Chilly, and I think his track record merits giving him more time to establish his program.
Just my two cents (well, maybe more than two :)

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by bman »

The kids bought in at Amanda and worked extremely, extremely hard to get the results they are famous for. Over the time I've covered AC, I've seen some teams do things they probably shouldn't have done based on talent, but they outworked their opponents and had a heck of a coaching staff teaching them. Coach Hinton, Coach Arndt and crew did a very good job.

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by Cav4life »

I agree, and once again, we are brought back to the WORD talent. Although Chilli does not have a large pool of talent, they have a great group of kids that are wanting to play. However, Coach Hinton, by cancelling the JV season, and "FORGETTING ABOUT THE SENOIRS", are pushing alot of the players to only "GET THROUGH THE SEASON." Coach Hinton, while requireing all players to practice, but failing to reward them with GAME TIME experience. How are you to receive experience if you never see the field ? After all this season is a wash, so instill into the players that HARD work does pay off, with granting playing time, thus, ensuring there return for next season. If not, Hinton may just have to cancel the VARISTY games next year. GO CAVS and God bless !!!

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by buckcraze »

Cav4life wrote:BMAN
I agree, and once again, we are brought back to the WORD talent. Although Chilli does not have a large pool of talent, they have a great group of kids that are wanting to play. However, Coach Hinton, by cancelling the JV season, and "FORGETTING ABOUT THE SENOIRS", are pushing alot of the players to only "GET THROUGH THE SEASON." Coach Hinton, while requireing all players to practice, but failing to reward them with GAME TIME experience. How are you to receive experience if you never see the field ? After all this season is a wash, so instill into the players that HARD work does pay off, with granting playing time, thus, ensuring there return for next season. If not, Hinton may just have to cancel the VARISTY games next year. GO CAVS and God bless !!!
Your logic and apparently the undrstanding the definition of the word "talent" is not of this world! Name a senior that is not getting to play based on your definition of "talent" that should be playing!! Showing up for practice does not mean you are working hard while you are there. Name a junior based on your definition of "talent" that is not playing that should be. The statements being made about the sophs that are playing are statements of the obvious!! There are not any juniors or seniors that can or should be playing over these sophs!! Pay to participate, not pay to play!!!! Showing up does not guarantee playing time!!!! This is not pee-wee or little league sports!!!! Stop believing every kid, every junior, every senior should play just because they are older, or have "put the time in"!!!! People with more tenure are passed over for promotions in the world of work every day. High school sports, especially football teaches kids many life lessons whether a kid ever sees the field on Friday nights, Saturday mornings, or Thursday evenings, EVER!!!! These posts stink of "my kid" "my kid" "my kid", "me" "me" "me", biggest problem with Chillicothe for decades!! If you do not like Coach Hinton and his staff there is always open enrollment :122245 The Chillicothe programs do not need this kind of support going forward, or they will never go forward.
Here is some help:

Talent-the natural endowments of a person, a specific often athletic, creative, or artistic aptitude. Meriam-Webster

Hardworking-Industrious, diligent. Meriam-Webster

People that know the two communities well, and there are many of us around, would believe AC accomplishments come more from the latter and less from the former, and Chilly accomplishments have come more from the former, less from the latter. AC has never had more kids with more natural endowments than Chilly, and Chilly has never had more kids that are diligent than AC. Two different worlds, with two different types of people. AC has never had mass assumptions of entitlements!!!!! They work hard for what they want, and they get what they work hard for.

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro


sibibis45 wrote:Where to start?

1. Chillicothe Football is in shambles !!!

Really? Varsity team is struggling, Freshmen have lost one, first in many years, 8th grade has lost one, 7th grade with very little talent and numbers have lost in hard fought games, 6th grade almost untouchable, 5th grade can beat almost every 6th grade team in the league, 4th and 3rd unbeaten.

Shambles? Nope, a very poor Senior and Junior class? Absolutley!

2. Coach fighting with the A.D.?

There has been problems. Those problems stem from paperwork. The last A.D.'s office took care of almost all paperwork. Susie Burke was the person that kept the A.D. running and she did a great job, she is not there anymore. There has been confusion on who is responsible for what and that did create conflict which is being resolved. Try not to stir!

3. Coaching staff fighting with the coach?

Haven't really seen that. However every staff that I've been a part of has disagreements. Those disagreements are good in that everyone wants the best for the kids and the program. You can disagree but once a decision is made everyone has to get on board. I would worry about a staff that agrees on everything.

4. Cancellation of the J.V. season?

Smart move. The varsity team is made up of mostly sophmores. Those same sophs should be playing J.V. ball but the Jr. and Sr. classes are so small they are forced to play.

Sophs playing varsity:
Milliken RG, broke leg in Athens game
Leonard RT, big kid that needed another year of J.V.
Mischel RG, smallish lineman that needed J.V.
Three of the 5 o-line are sophs
Lee RB, was the started until injuries hit, need J.V.
Mathis QB, very few soph QB's are ready for varsity
So on offense 5 of the 11 starters were sophs with a couple of Jr.s that needed a year more on J.V. Basically a half J.V. offense and half Varsity offense.
Howard DT, needed a year of J.V.
Holt DE, needed J.V.
Johnson DT, needed J.V.
Kelley NG, now starting after injuries but needs J.V.
Harris DB, has had lots of playing time but injured needs J.V.
Many of the Sophs that aren't starting on O or D are playing on special teams for some playing time.

So eleven of the 20 something sophs being starters with all but maybe 3 being direct backups means no J.V. schedule.

Most of the J.V. team was made up of Freshmen and then the Freshmen had to play their own schedule.

5. Players may not return because of lack of playing time or lack of J.V. schedule.

The kids that really want to play football, the kids that coaches really want, will keep coming out no matter if the get playing time or not. Society is killing teams.

This IMO means a character flaw. Not every kid is going to get to play, a fact of life and a life lesson like or not.

6. Chillicothe has a lot of speed why are we a power team?

Lets see we run the option, we run off tackle, we run quick pitch and we throw the ball. All things tha a team with speed needs to do even though I question this whole speed thing. We have a couple of fast guys but not a team loaded with it.

A power team will line up double tight T or a power formation which we do not do. I could go on with this X and O thing but that is totally subjective.

7. Cleats issue? Just do what that coaches tell you and there won't be a problem how hard is that. And parents need to stop telling kids what the coach is doing is stupid or whatever. Counterproductive.

How about the 3 freshmen that delibertaly sp. decided to somehow forget something so they didn't have to dress on friday. My son does that he gets punished at home too. Problem parents think that if something is stupid that their kids should try to get away with something. Character flaw.

8. Discipline?

IMO and many of the parents, the coaching staff needs to be harder on the kids and listen to this, Throw the kids off the team that are problems and don't get with the program. NOT after one infraction or so forth but continually screwing up and being an overall cancer to the team. Boot 4 or 5 off and the rest will fall into line. You can't save everyone. I'd rather lose with good kids then win with bad kids. Problem is we are loosing with a mixture of bad and good so get rid of the problems.

Finally: Everyone and I mean everyone that has any football sense at all knew that this was going to be a bad year for the cavs: lack of SR. talent and numbers, lack of JR. talent and numbers equal poor season. There is a basic rule of football that says for every soph you start count on a loss. So do the math. 4 wins last year was a miracle in many opinions. 2 or 3 wins this year will be an even greater feat. Next year if the cavs don't turn the corner then maybe there is a problem. Right now we have a instant gratification problem on top of a low upper class talent problem added to a many parents being clueless problem which equals to a season that is in turmoil.

I'm done.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------and though some will disagree well said. they gotta get a grip on reality, players, coaches , and fans.

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by sibibis45 »

I really think most of the upper classmen are playing and before I go on when did we get to the point of I practice therefore I should get to play. I always thought the kids that give a team the best chance to win get to play. If not then just play an intermural schedule and play each other.

Working hard does not mean that you get playing time. This is also in life...just because you put in hard work at the office does not mean you get the promotion.

Now for the numbers and playing time:

SR's: I hope I don't miss anyone but I think there are only 11 or so SR's
Turley 2 way starter
Conley has played in every game either at DE or special teams
Jones 2 way starter
Elliott back for 2 weeks, on special teams and DB
Wagner plays both DB and WR
Milliken played DB and WR until got hurt
Hinty starts at DE and plays TE
Dunn 2 way starter LB and TE
Beverly starts at T
Roe 2 way starter
Gray has played in all but 1 game at NG
So the sr.s have seen significant playing time

Stetzer started at C vs Portsmouth played on Special teams and seen time in other games
Beard starts at FB
Barnes starts at DB and seen time at WR
*Daniels concussion during Unioto scrimmage has played sparingly has played on special teams
*Beverly needs to show up to practice
Bixler starts at DB and plays some WR
Johnson 2 way starter
*Wingo came late, seen some time at LB and some at RB, plays on special teams
Kinsel started at DT has been injured last couple of weeks

SO out of the JR's and Sr's 2 or 3 see limited playing time and one recieved none except maybe special teams. I'm not seeing this whole Jr's and SR's not getting to play thing...maybe not getting to play as much as THEY think they should.

Now the Sophs who would be affected most by the dropping of the J.V. Schedule:

Soph. I seem to be missing some Soph. these are the ones on the roster from the gazette
Mathis starts QB
*George Beard plays special teams
*Elliott sees no time dressed with the freshmen got hurt during Desales game
* Beverly nees to be at practice
*Eblin first year player plays with the freshmen
Harris has seen time at DB and special teams has been hurt lately
Lee started at TB until injury
*Arnz first year player plays with freshmen
Johnson played RB and LB some has started last two games at DT
*Beard plays special teams and has ran plays in a couple of times
Holt starts at DE
Mischal starts at RG
Milliken started at LG until broken leg at Athens
*Parsons back up lineman is on special teams
Kelly starts at NG has been hurt
Leonard starts at RT
T. Howard starts at DT
*Reynolds on PAT and is back up lineman

SO out of the Jr. and Soph only 11 would be playing J.V. ball and out of those only 3 or 4 are linemen...hard to put a line together with only 4 let alone no backups.

Freshmen would be playing and before the schedule was cancelled played most of the largest roles of the J.V. team:

J.V. freshmen starters:

Harris TB/DB
T. Claytor FB/LB
Pennington TE/DE
Berry DE
Mathis RT and DT
Zehner LB and if he would stop not wanting to play offense RG
Bayless DB
Archer LB now injured
Callender LT now injured
Mays DB now injured
Price QB since Mathis is varsity starter
Vinson DB and WR

So 12 of 22 starters on the J.V. were Freshmen. The freshmen class have 25ish kids so around 13 of those would be affected by not having a Freshmen team, 11 upperclassmen affected by no J.V team but 3 of those play with the freshmen so 8 are affected. Basically pick your poison and the staff chose to cancel J.V. and keep the freshmen together. Good Move!

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by buckcraze »

sibibis45 wrote:I really think most of the upper classmen are playing and before I go on when did we get to the point of I practice therefore I should get to play. I always thought the kids that give a team the best chance to win get to play. If not then just play an intermural schedule and play each other.

Working hard does not mean that you get playing time. This is also in life...just because you put in hard work at the office does not mean you get the promotion.

Now for the numbers and playing time:

SR's: I hope I don't miss anyone but I think there are only 11 or so SR's
Turley 2 way starter
Conley has played in every game either at DE or special teams
Jones 2 way starter
Elliott back for 2 weeks, on special teams and DB
Wagner plays both DB and WR
Milliken played DB and WR until got hurt
Hinty starts at DE and plays TE
Dunn 2 way starter LB and TE
Beverly starts at T
Roe 2 way starter
Gray has played in all but 1 game at NG
So the sr.s have seen significant playing time

Stetzer started at C vs Portsmouth played on Special teams and seen time in other games
Beard starts at FB
Barnes starts at DB and seen time at WR
*Daniels concussion during Unioto scrimmage has played sparingly has played on special teams
*Beverly needs to show up to practice
Bixler starts at DB and plays some WR
Johnson 2 way starter
*Wingo came late, seen some time at LB and some at RB, plays on special teams
Kinsel started at DT has been injured last couple of weeks

SO out of the JR's and Sr's 2 or 3 see limited playing time and one recieved none except maybe special teams. I'm not seeing this whole Jr's and SR's not getting to play thing...maybe not getting to play as much as THEY think they should.

Now the Sophs who would be affected most by the dropping of the J.V. Schedule:

Soph. I seem to be missing some Soph. these are the ones on the roster from the gazette
Mathis starts QB
*George Beard plays special teams
*Elliott sees no time dressed with the freshmen got hurt during Desales game
* Beverly nees to be at practice
*Eblin first year player plays with the freshmen
Harris has seen time at DB and special teams has been hurt lately
Lee started at TB until injury
*Arnz first year player plays with freshmen
Johnson played RB and LB some has started last two games at DT
*Beard plays special teams and has ran plays in a couple of times
Holt starts at DE
Mischal starts at RG
Milliken started at LG until broken leg at Athens
*Parsons back up lineman is on special teams
Kelly starts at NG has been hurt
Leonard starts at RT
T. Howard starts at DT
*Reynolds on PAT and is back up lineman

SO out of the Jr. and Soph only 11 would be playing J.V. ball and out of those only 3 or 4 are linemen...hard to put a line together with only 4 let alone no backups.

Freshmen would be playing and before the schedule was cancelled played most of the largest roles of the J.V. team:

J.V. freshmen starters:

Harris TB/DB
T. Claytor FB/LB
Pennington TE/DE
Berry DE
Mathis RT and DT
Zehner LB and if he would stop not wanting to play offense RG
Bayless DB
Archer LB now injured
Callender LT now injured
Mays DB now injured
Price QB since Mathis is varsity starter
Vinson DB and WR

So 12 of 22 starters on the J.V. were Freshmen. The freshmen class have 25ish kids so around 13 of those would be affected by not having a Freshmen team, 11 upperclassmen affected by no J.V team but 3 of those play with the freshmen so 8 are affected. Basically pick your poison and the staff chose to cancel J.V. and keep the freshmen together. Good Move!
High quality information, proving good point that some of these people complaining have no ground to stand on. If they can offer this kind of detailed info about their "opinions" then maybe they will be listened to, but until then, you are entitled to your "opinion", but your "opinions" are completely counter productive to the process of building a high quality program and high quality peolple. Keep it to yourself or admit you will only be happy if "you and yours" get what you believe you are "entitled" to whether it helps build a long term program we all can be proud of or not. I changed my prediction for Friday:

Chilly 48
Hills 14

Remember, this is a thread about the Chilly Hillsboro game Friday, September 30, 2011.

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by Cav4life »

Last edited by Cav4life on Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by NY BUCKS »

buckcraze wrote:As far as the cancelling the JV schedule goes, I counted nine sophmores that played extensively Friday night, four injured and not dressed. That is twelve sophmores unavailible for a JV game. If you have a great class, numbers wise, twenty kids per class, That leaves seven sophmores that would be availible vor a JV game. Now even with seven kids out of a class of twenty, how many can safely play football? A tiny junior class offers no useful players to a JV team. Asking freshmen to play in two games a week is asking too much of your young kids. So who do you want to play in these JV games? "My source" says Coach Hinton agonized over this decision, has always wanted to play three levels and hated having to cancel the season. So maybe Chilly should get behind the Coach and let him build the program the way he knows how. I think it has been a successful way in the past!?!?

....Ron came from a small school ..With less kids to choose from.and won statetitles..
to have a STRONG FOOTBALL TEAM..A FOUNDATION HAS TO BE BUILT..Give ron a chance and chilli will reap the rewards..
Run him out and chilli will keep on struggling..Your choice..For the cavs do you want someone to hand it to you...OR do you want the CAVS TO EARN IT..

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by bird78 »

I played for coach ARNEDT.....then he became defensive co-ordinator for guys fron CHILLI.......are totally wrong about him.......he's been in it for the kids since he started coaching.....graduated with his brother Tim......he's the same way.........he's now at Notre Dame coaching..... AFTER STARTING AT OU......and a stint coaching receivers at OSU....then at Warren Harding ...I think? someone can correct me if I'm WRONG BUT KNOW HE WAS THERE 10 YEARS..........know his whole family......Tom ....played baseball with him......think there is like 5 or 6 brothers and CHILLI .....couldn't have a better guy running their program.......he can come to purple town anytime.....and bring Jeff with him.....if kids don't have DISCILINE...........they might as well stay home and play video games like 90 per cent of other kids.....sounds like alot of sour grapes to me........He will WIN.......his record speaks for itself......and as far as being in it for many other coaches do you see taking players out on his boat and having fun in the summertime......on his dime.......NONE...........

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by Cav4life »

I agree with you, as far as being a person, the coaches are great. However, to place them into ONLY THEY WOULD catagory is fair to the past coaches. The previous coach, took KIDS everywhere. Treated them with respect and would even talk to parents to inform them on what was going on, he didnt just do it without first speaking with the parents. Just up and cancelling A TEAMS SEASON, and making the young kids suffer is WRONG, totally WRONG. And as for your comment, they can come to PURPLE TOWN anytime, come get em.....

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by Cav4life »

Also, I would invite you to come watch the game this Friday, therefore, you can base you opnion on whats happening NOW and not the past. Just a suggestion.....GO CAVS !!!

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by noreply66 »

Cavs will come together tonight

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by buckcraze »

Cav4life wrote:BUCKCRAZE and SIBIBIS,
Although your response looks to be very professionally written, your comments are incorrect. Besides, since you two are coaches, and can only see things through YOUR EYES, there is no need to attempt to explain HOW the MAJORITY of the citizens in Chillicothe look at the program. If you dont believe that the majority is right, then why do we have elections. ? The injured players that you listed are not injured, and should be playing, IMO...Just walk into the stands on Friday night, ask questions, and remember, there are several other coaches in the stand, that agree with the Majority. Just because you coach at Chillicothe, doesnt mean that you are right, either does giving ones opinion, this includes myself. Was just attempting to inform you, as a coach, that the community, parents, are UPSET, and several have said that there child does not wish to return next year. After all, even two coaches have agreed with several parents, and probably will not be returning. Again, just wanted to keep you, as a coach, informed. GO CAVS and God Bless !!!
First of all, I live in Franklin County, almost Delaware County, so to make asanine suggestions that I am a coach at Chilly is one more basless statement made on your part! I do not know who sib is and i cannot speak for him. I have been in the stands for four of the five games this year. I truly am a CAV4LIFE, I am a graduate and former player many, many moons ago. I have continued to follow and support my CAVS from my lofty perch up north ever since I left Chilly decades ago. I am proud of my southern OH roots and enjoy my family and friend connections from my home here all the way to the river. I happen to have family in every county south of me all the way to the river. I do not have kids in my local schools here so I make as many trips to see Chilly sports teams as I can. I sit in the stands, I do not here all this nonsense you claim to be a majority. Maybe a we need to seek Mr. Webster's book again to understand that one fool's voice does not make a majority. You have provided no response to the facts sib presented, and they are facts "my friend" and your "opinion" is not only not the majority, but as I said earlier is counterproductive to the program building that is going on at Chilly. If there are kids that are unhappy, goodbye and good riddens! Take your pitchfork tongue with you, if you please sir! We, as true CAVS4LIFE do not need you, or it!!
Last edited by buckcraze on Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by Cav4life »

Thank you for your response, however, I would like to point a thing or two out to you. In your previous posts, you were DOWN on the administration for declaring the Elliott kid ineligable, and stated "another fine decision by the staff." For some unknown reason, now you are declaring I'm the bad guy, for voicing my opinion. Im sorry that it offends you, but I must say, I stand by my opinions and am not a FLY BY NIGHT person. I mean what I say and say what I mean. I just disagree, along with OTHERS, what is happening to The Chillicothe Football Program. Other routes could have been researched and this issue could have been handle in a more professional manner. A football program, a strong one, consists of 1. Student athletes 2. Coaches 3. Strong backing from Community, which right now, Chillicothe doe snot have. Look at the stands, visitors bring more fans with them then WE can get to a home game. Ask yourself WHY ? Anyway, Im done, Im sorry if I offended you in anyway, but I was responding to WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW ! HAve a good day and God Bless.

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by gilchs »

Cavs for Life you have never had a clue. I won't call you out but it's always apparent from your post where you are coming from. Don't even respond to him anymore.

Football is not important enough to let ourselves become nasty parents, rude kids and thankless fans. If Ron stays he will ride a train to the playoffs in the near future.

I'm on the train and taking the ride. I'm not a coach , parent or student. All Aboard!!!!!

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by buckcraze »

gilchs wrote:Cavs for Life you have never had a clue. I won't call you out but it's always apparent from your post where you are coming from. Don't even respond to him anymore.

Football is not important enough to let ourselves become nasty parents, rude kids and thankless fans. If Ron stays he will ride a train to the playoffs in the near future.

I'm on the train and taking the ride. I'm not a coach , parent or student. All Aboard!!!!!
I bought my ticket in the '70s and have been riding the whole time, I'm with ya gilchs!! LET'S GO CAVS!! LET'S GO CAVS!!! LET'S GO CAVS!!!! :aaaaa8 :aaaaa8 :aaaaa8
CHS 48

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Re: Chillicothe vs. Hillsboro

Post by sibibis45 »

I have to respond to cavsguy....I am not a coach on the varsity staff...I am a parent of a player and have coached many of these kids through the years at lower levels...and I myself have talked to parents and the vast majority is in favor of Coach Hinton so much so that we have at one point organized to meet with the administration to let them know we are all behind Coach Hinton.... I will tell you the ones that are not those are the loud mouths in the stands that think they can run a better program than coach hinton well get your resume out and jump into the front lines...

PLEASE tell me the names of the injured players i've listed that you think are not...please back something up with facts instead of hearsay or whatever.
So please list names of kids that should be playing that are not injured back something up with fact or continue to show your ignorance.

Milliken shoulder
Milliken broken leg
Daniels concussion went home one day to get a pair of shorts last week and didn't come back.
Kinzel supposed to be released this week from concussion
Harris dressed tonight but looked gimpy on his ankle
Lee still not dress knee problem
J. Howard still out concussion
And to top it off Leondard and Reynolds decides not to come to school!

Another bet those kids that don't want to return next year are ones whose parents make them feel like they are intitled to what ever they want intiltlement issues is a huge problem at Chllli. How about earning something not expecting it to be handed to you..

As far as the two coaches not returning next year...well I say bye bye which ever the two are I'm sure there are other reasons too for their so called departure so look for one of these two leaving and we will know who cavs4life is talking about:


Hope I didn't leave anyone out. but if two of those are being unloyal and talking bad about the program and wanting to leave then see ya....get off now and don't come back to jump on the bandwagon.

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