Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Pol pot
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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Post by Pol pot »

Trojan_FB_Alum wrote:Did I read this right $180,000 in salaries for supplemental coaching contracts each year? Is it just me or does that number seems high. Well at least I thought it was till I started doing a little math, but I guess with the amount of varsity sports Warren offers it really isn’t out of sight when you consider coaching from the junior high leave up. I imagine the primary sport coaches make a respectable amount and they should for the amount of time put into these jobs, but I wonder how much is spent on assistant coaches, and head coaches for non major sports. Maybe see about getting volunteer assistants before going pay to play. Really think pay to play would kill just about any school in the southeast districts athletic program. People down here just don’t have the extra cash to shell out. Many families have multiple athletes participating in multiple sports. This could put a major strain on a family. I think if this happens you will see many athletes leave the district. Hope the Warriors can find a way to avoid this, maybe the boosters could step in and try some new fundraisers to help keep this from happening.
That figure is all supplemental contracts not just sports, but everyone from marching band, to student government, Tech support, mock trial, year book, school papers, athletic trainer stipends, a schools list of supplemental's would surprise outsiders.

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

Pol Pot wrote: That figure is all supplemental contracts not just sports, but everyone from marching band, to student government, Tech support, mock trial, year book, school papers, athletic trainer stipends, a schools list of supplemental's would surprise outsiders.

That makes more sense.

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Post by MttaFan »

This is a great discussion with lots of insight.

If we went to one county school district, with 6 high schools, one super, and one county school board, would the property taxes be the same for everyone? How do they figure this? And if say Warren or Marietta wanted to build new buildings would the entire county have to vote on it?

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

When school districts consolidate, the property taxes would be the same for everyone and they would be at the rate of whichever school district had the highest tax rate.

If there were one consolidated district, tax levies to build new schools would have to be voted on by the entire county regardless of where the school was built.

This would be like the suburban Columbus schools. Dublin City Schools for example. They have Dublin Coffman, Dublin Scioto, and Dublin Jerome high schools, and several middle and elementary schools. The entire school district pays the same tax rate, regardless if you live in the designated area for Dublin Coffman, Dublin Scioto, or Dublin Jerome. If a new school were to built for the students in the Dublin Coffman designated area, the tax burden would be shared by those in the Scioto and Jerome areas as well, and vice versa.

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Post by javagt »

Also, keep in mind, school districts are not confined into one county.... example: parts of Hocking Co. belong
to Logan Elm & a small portion of the county to Nelsonville-York the rest Logan-Hocking... So your tax base could be very different when it comes to consolidation (school tax rate the same but county/township tax rates much different)

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Post by coal miner's son »

MttaFan wrote:This is a great discussion with lots of insight.

If we went to one county school district, with 6 high schools, one super, and one county school board, would the property taxes be the same for everyone? How do they figure this? And if say Warren or Marietta wanted to build new buildings would the entire county have to vote on it?

No. I'm not talking about 6 high schools, I'm talking about 2 or 3 high schools. Look at Wood County for an example. Washington County may have land area, but Wood County has about three times the population of Washington County. Warren and Belpre. Waterford and Fort Frye. Marietta and Frontier. Those far north would go to River.

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play


This will hurt them in a big way.

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Post by Diehard Fan »

Warrens coaches are way over paid, and its ridiculous how many asst. coaches they have. Warrens boys basketball has about 6 asst coaches that dont do anything but take up the whole bench area during games. Now this is a big waste of tax dollars going to waste. All they need is one coach for varsity, which they need to replace , one jv coach which could also do the freshman team. Problem solved. My opinion thats all. At Fort Frye they have one coach for both boys and girls and it works fine. Also they need to go back to tvc so they compete better and save alot more wasted tax dollars. Things need to change fast in this economy, everyone else has to make sacrifices nowadays so why not coaches and schools feel they need to. Dont bring the new levy my way please, its a big NO from me. Also the kids should have pick up the expenses for gas fuel for buses or just have parents drive them to games which would be a big help. Pay to Play is a great idea.

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Post by coal miner's son »

No coach is way over paid! IMO, they don't get paid enough if they had to put up with a person like you in the crowd or as a parent. Coaching is basically a volunteer job. People like you are the reason why school districts have problems filling coaching positions. People like you are the reason why "good" coaches get out of the business. People like you are the reason why we have people coaching that are not teachers. People like you need to take one of these coaching positions, that you think someone is overpaid for, and allow the rest of us run you down from the stands and on forums like this one. People like you make teachers and coaches ask themselves "Why do I put up this s---?" at the end of a looooong week of teaching and/or coaching your disrespectful pre-madonna kid.

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Post by mister b »

Here is a link to a map of every public school district in Ohio and where their boundary lines are...


Its 5.8MB so let it loadout to view it.

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play


I have been told a local coach here at a school that is always begging for money is being paid, 80,000.

This year his pay per victory was 80,0000
Last year he got 80,000 and no wins.

My point is a school begging for money nearly every year should not be paying a coach 80,000 especially for a football team that is low, very low on numbers.

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Post by mikethompson »

if warren came into the tvc it would be a better situation for them that cannot be argued.

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Post by ccrunner »

It was only a matter of time before Warren started to talk about this. Cant say that I dont blame them for looking at it.

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Post by Chieftain »

NCF -- who is the school ? I can pretty much tell BS as there are only a couple of schools who pay that in Ohio. One was Massillon. Another was Canton McKinley. Warren Harding did at one time , but not now.

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Post by Diehard Fan »

Also 5 bucks is way to much to watch these games, and that really is steep for the students to fork out for each game. I believe warren schools has lost the support of allot of people do to the people running the school anymore. All they want is more money for everything and with people being out of work and prices going up for everything, people are getting fed up with it all. I for one think its time to get a new superintendent and get rid of the paid coaches and let some of the parents start coaching and volunteer there time until the economy recovers. I know for a fact that there is several people that could do just as good as these coaches and for free and there is several people with business backgrounds that could get this school system back on the right path and they would not have to be raising taxes on people. Another way to cut back is for all the coaches to start dedicating there time and forfeit there salaries until the economy comes back and this would cut costs tremendously and then they could spend money elsewhere on important things like education and fixing leaks in roofs and etc. Its not like these coaches are out of work like several of the parents are so i think this would help and also take a burden off tax payers. This is just one many solutions that be helpful to cut back on spending. Also stop buses trips and let parents drive kids to the games, this would save several thousands of dollars or try to find sponsers to fund some bus trips. If people put there minds to this they could solve the money problens in warren school district in a heartbeat..

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Post by southernohiofan »

paying to play isnt such a bad idea; the only thing i would watch for is every parent already thinks there kid is a superstar and shouldnt come out of the game or be discpline. they would really be going nuts saying i payed for my kid to play so they have to play same minutes of every other kid.

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Post by The Wizard »

Diehard Fan wrote: I for one think its time to get a new superintendent and get rid of the paid coaches and let some of the parents start coaching and volunteer there time until the economy recovers. I know for a fact that there is several people that could do just as good as these coaches and for free and there is several people with business backgrounds that could get this school system back on the right path and they would not have to be raising taxes on people.
My question to you is are these people willing to put in the time for open gyms, put on summer camps, take teams to shootouts, team camps etc. All these are necessary today to stay a competitive program. Since they will not be getting paid that is alot of time and money out of their pockets, are you sure they will do it and still have the qualifications that some of the coaches have?
Are you sure?

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Post by JoeRoberts »

I'll vouch for the fact that the coach of my son's team puts a good portion of his coaching salary back into the program to buy uniforms, warmups, food, equipment, team t-shirts, awards, and more for the team. Things that the school cannot or will not buy. I also know that he pays his assistant coach out of his pocket since the assistant does not get any money from the school. And the coaches have coaching certifications and CPR and coaching education they have to get which comes to about $250, before they can coach. So, while the coaches do get paid, it's likely that many of them put a lot of that money back into the program and school.

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Re: Warren Local BOE considering pay to play

Post by Auburntgrfan »

Talked with a fellow the other day and his grandkids pay to play at their high school. They live around Dayton and he said they pay over $350 per sport. That is one of the higher amounts I have heard, if it is true, all I can say is WOW. Hope our new Governor is better for schools over all that the previous one. And to think I actually voted for him.

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