West @ Ironton

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Re: West @ Ironton

Post by Sports2you »

so if im reading this correct ironton is scared to play west lets just get this straight ironton will play anyone at anytime. we do not have 11 players at this point in time as far as the 7th grade goes we have kids that are gone to see there father down south 2 injured and 2 that will not be dressing for this game. i do believe that ironton does prepare there kids very well and i believe it shows at the high school level. wait a minute how many straight playoff apperances has west had lately. as far as the outcome last year we begged your tourney director to let us play you again he wouldnt let it happen and bye the way the team that you played last year only practiced one week together. ironton prepares there kids better than any program around and it shows. our coaches at ironton build these kids from the jr high level up we do not play for conferance tittles we play for championships when it counts.

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Re: West @ Ironton

Post by Westsider1993 »

Then let the 7th grade play the 7th grade. Just calling it what it is. No reason to get your panties in a wad. If your high school was hit by the flu bug and injuries would they play the game at a different date? Maybe the next day on a Saturday but that would be it. If the shoe was on the other foot I'm sure we would hear a ton of complaining. This is not pee wee anymore. If we have to abide by OHSAA then everyone should. If u start the year with 2 grades and 2 rosters and schedule games you should honor them or those games should be forfeited.

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Re: West @ Ironton

Post by Osu1fan »

anyone have score for this game?

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Re: West @ Ironton

Post by BigBlueNation »

Osu1fan wrote:anyone have score for this game?
Heard it was 12-6 Ironton.

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