How To Rebuild A High School Football Program

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Re: How To Rebuild A High School Football Program

Post by REDMEN95 »

LHS 72 wrote:I have a very dear friend who is a retired coach around the Eastern PA. area. I ask Coach Y (I will not give his full name so some of you poster can bash this fine gentleman) how he rebuild two high school football programs, According to Coach Y he faxed this to me last night, here is a list of a few important items to start with in no particular order.

1. Recurit the school-if they won a championship in any other sports there are players and athletes in the school. Sell the kids on your program!

2. Build team pride-When facing a losing streak the players start to become ashamed of being part of the program. A must is to build up pride to be part of the team. Start team building activites trips as a team to movies, trip to a farm to particpate in work activites and games.

3.Schedule easier non leauge games that you know the team can win. You need to win some games to get that monkey off of there backs.

4. Simpilify your game plan. Sometimes new coaches try to overinstall offenses, defenses and special teams. Figure out what base system fit the level of skill of the team and keep it simple!Once they have the system down, then you can start to build and install more. Make sure you system is taught from the varisty down to the pee wee teams.

5. Be Patient- You can not change overnight there past habits!

6. No one's position is safe There will be returning starters , well they will understand That you are in charge NOW of the program and the best players are going to play. Competition will breed sucess!

7. Stick to your plan and believe in what you are doing. You will make decisons that others will disagree with even on your own staff but your need to send the message.

8. Bring in success of past teams/cut away from the past struggles!

9. Get The backing of the school's adminstration. Demand being to be able to pick your own staff.

10. Be fully invested with your new program.

11. Make sure you involve the parents and families.

12. Engage the Community!

Let me stress these are only a few things that I would do! Time or space prohibts me from expanding on more of my proceses!

Thanks for asking my opinions!


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