C-Bolt wrote:Remember him trying to mind bend metal down at Dees Diner that time trench,did it actually bend? He was creepy alright,never knew when he might snap and go off the deep end. The house fire and trestle incidents with he bats swooping down to daddy are classic JC creepy moments,just imagine how may we don't even know about
Yeah, I remember. He's out there like pluto sometimes. He kept staring at his silverware on the table, and someone ask him what he was doing, and he said in a deep devil voice, shut up, I'm mind bending metal, and then did the devil laugh real loud like the Exorcist movie, clacking his teeth, with everyone in the diner looking at him like he was crazy.

Man, was ever glad to get out of there after eating. I thought the owner was going to throw us all out over him acting that way. I was embarrassed but couldn't help laughing at him. Now that house fire had me puzzled, because when someone ask him about that, you said he had the demon sounding giggle that wouldn't quit. Yeah, it scares me to think about the stuff we don't know about him. I wasn't around him too much, I knew better. I could see trouble coming his way in his future and it sure did, didn't it Bolt?

But he messed up, he could act evil like a pro, and probably could have landed some parts in horror movies, you could see that. They would have used him in a movie easy, he was good at it.