I hate to burst a Trolls bubble, but I don't take being called a "homer" as an insult. Hell yeah I'm an OSU Homer. I've read (and heard) my main man The General throw around that term liberally and I accept it.
ManitouDan wrote:My statements are not outrageous.
That is a statement I will debate.
ManitouDan wrote:Big ten blows in hoops, not as bad as football but none the less , not as good as the big 12, big east or ACC.
ManitouDan wrote:Yes for a change the ACC was paper thin. Having said that UNC and Dook are both better than anything the big ten suits up. The big ten acc challenge is ruled by the ACC on most years.
ACC owned first 10 Challenges (not denying it). Big 10 won challenge in 2009 and 2010. Illinois beat UNC in 2009. Wisconsin beat Duke this past December. Michigan St. has lost both games to UNC/Duke in that span. Yes, ACC "was paper thin"....debunks "Big ten...not as good as...ACC."
ManitouDan wrote:In my 2nd comment on this thread I said the same thing -- OSU got hosed as well. did you even read before bashing ? and if you think the COMMITTEE did a fine job then good for you, it speaks to your hoops knowledge. (maybe should be expected from a football guy) .
I wasn't discrediting you about OSU, just agreeing. My "hoops knowledge" is outrageously high by the way. It's been a combination of innate general intelligence and experience (4 years of high school basketball playing for one of the best coaches ever, James P. Osborne, starting for 4 years of college basketball, and a fanatically biased following of NCAA/NBA venturing into my middle ages).
....And yes, upon further analysis and looking past the snubbing of Colorado, VTech, and Kentucky, I think the tournament layout is pretty phenomenal. OSU has a chance to beat 'Nova, Kentucky, UNC, Duke, (Kansas?) to become national champions! WOW! Also, look at the non-OSU potential matchups: WVU/Kentucky, UNC/'Cuse, Kentucky/UNC, UConn/Duke, UNC/Duke, Texas/Duke, Kansas/(Big East),...I could go on and on. It's going to be a great tourny! "Clean Gene" didn't do a bad job.....even though it's the committee as a whole who decides in a democratic setting.
I really think "your topic" is pretty weak. "uniformed"...not sure why that's even relevant??? "corrupt"?...no corruption in the brackets or tOSU would switch places with Duke or Pitt. As for "Tattoo-Gate"...even if he knew back in the spring when JT found out, I don't fault him for trying to "cover it up". Maybe I'm in an ethically-challenged minority, but there seems to be MUCH BIGGER ISSUES facing NCAA athletics.
Truth is your a just a sad, lonely, hater. just sayin CL