Canceled TV shows....

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Post by robycop3 »

Wanna see some of this year's eps of some cancelled shows? Don't forget to check out the networks' web sites. They're all making a number of cancelled shows available online. (Be sure ya have the right media player!)

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Post by robycop3 »

Fox quickly yanked Anchorwoman after airing back-to-back eps Wednesday eve. to minimal viewership. No one was interested in the premise to begin with, and the show was so gosh-awful that after 10 minutes of it I tuned in to the Golf Channel.

Hardta believe some bozo at Fox would air such garbage, especially when it didn't pay too well.

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Post by robycop3 »

Fans of the soap opera Passions:

After Sept. 7, it'll only be available on Directv Ch. 101, but wait!

Directv MAY make it available on YouTube! Keep checking in if interested!

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Post by robycop3 »

The cartoon Net has ended Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law after 7 years. Ya might remember him as the Hanna-Barbera char who defended his fellow HB chars in a series of wacko cases. Decent show that ran its course.

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Post by oak hill71 »

Misteroby wrote:The cartoon Net has ended Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law after 7 years. Ya might remember him as the Hanna-Barbera char who defended his fellow HB chars in a series of wacko cases. Decent show that ran its course.

This is the first show on here that has been mentioned so far that I have actually liked.

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Post by robycop3 »

The Wire on HBO will be over after this season. Don't know how many eps they now have in the can, but it's the end. I understand they have given the show a proper wrap for the finale.

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Post by WJfan4life »

Rome it was on HBO, The Dukes Of Hazzard

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Post by robycop3 »

WJfan4life wrote:Rome it was on HBO, The Dukes Of Hazzard

Thanx for the reminder!

Yeah, "Rome" was ended a while back, in July, I believe.

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Post by RH@OU »

Any predictions on some of the major shows to be cut early? I would say "Cavemen" doesn't make it for long.

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Post by robycop3 »

"Cavemen" is so hated by the critix that it's prolly a pretty funny show. It may be a pleasant surprise!

"Carpoolers" appears to be about as funny as a flat tire. It may bite the dust early.

"Kid Nation" appears to be just another groddy reality show. Advertisers are staying away in droves. Look for an early demise, as it appears viewers will stay away in droves also.

NBC's "Life" appears life-LESS. Could get a quick green weenie.

"Moonlight", a CBS offering about a morally-conflicted vampire, appears to stink, and CBS, which right now has the highest overall viewership, has little patience with under-viewed shows. it prolly won't last long.

On the CW, "Life is Wild", a show about a veterinarian and his corporate-lawyer wife, each having children from previous marriages, who move to a South African game preserve, doesn't appear to have much promise. But then, the CW, a network-ette who thinx it's one of the big boys, doesn't have anything else to put on Sundays right now. They may keep it for a season, although it'll most likely be little-viewed.

Just about ALL the new shows will at least be sampled by a lotta viewers. I'll tryta see all I can, although I'm more interested in new eps of "Futureweapons", "How it's Made", "The New Detectives", etc. than I am in the new big-network offerings. The schedules will start to shake out by early October, and will be pretty well settled by November. Remember, most new shows DO fail their 1st season.

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Post by robycop3 »

Oh yeah, another groddy show, while not new this season, will most likely be scrapped quickly is "Notes From The Underbelly". It stunk last season, and why ABC was stupid enuff to bring it back is beyond me.

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The Instructor
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Post by The Instructor »

"Cavemen" looks like a stupid show.

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Post by robycop3 »

The Instructor wrote:"Cavemen" looks like a stupid show.

It might be so stupid it's actually FUNNY, which most contemporary TV "comedies" AREN'T. Comedies didn't come more stupid than "The Beverly Hilljax" & "All In The family", but they were FUNNY.

I'll watch it at least once. If it aint so hot, I have some 150 other channels...

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Post by robycop3 »

One of my faves from last season, "Friday Night Lights", will be returning, Same as for any other show, I'll just hafta see at least one ep before "passing judgment", but lemme say that if the quality has slipped, the show will soon be history. Good as it was, they shoulda given it a dignified ending with closure as they did the movie. I doubt if it can last a whole 2nd season.

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Post by robycop3 »

Well, it's that time of year again when the "regular" TV season opens, and the summer trash ends. Time for Fall trash now! Soon, the shakedown will begin, as 2 outta 3 new shows fail as usual. (BTW, the 2 outta 3 failure rate is NOT sarcasm. That's been the failure rate for over 40 years, and includes all genres of shows!)

First flop this season is Fox's "Nashville", a reality show that followed a groupa aspiring country musicians as they triedta make the big-time in that most-unforgiving environment of country music's Mecca. It was NOT a competition; it followed the 'stars' through their everyday lives of trying to book performances, etc. In other words...BORING to 99% of TV viewers. I watched about 5 minutes of it before turning to the Weather Channel.

Fox says they'll be bringing it back sometime in October, but I wouldn't count on it, except as a replacement for another show they chooseta yank. Only 2 eps were aired; each was viewed by barely 2 million people. That's catastrophic for a major net, even in summer!

The show mighta done well on the CM channel, but, seeing as how they've had that type of show before, it's doubtful.

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Post by robycop3 »

Comedy Central has cancelled The Showbiz Show With David Spade.

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Post by robycop3 »

One I missed awhile back...The Simple Life, with Paris Hilton & Nicole Richie, the female equivalents of Beavis & Butt Head, had been cancelled by Fox, but picked up by E! Since I don't watch E! at all(it's mostly trashy reality shows) I didn't know they'd dropped TSL in August.

Well, it's gone, and good riddance!

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Post by robycop3 »

Another one I missed...HBO ended The Wire in September. They didn't cancel ran its course. Expect it to be on DVD soon.

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Post by robycop3 »

Fox recently cancelled the 1/2 Hour News Hour in September.

Wanna make a friendly bet on the next cancellation? I'm guessing either Cavemen or Journeyman.

I'm prolly wrong, as I am mosta the time....

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Post by robycop3 »

Well, I \was wrong...the CW cancelled Online Nation today. they're gonna replace it with reruns of Aliens In America. ON was viewed by barely 1/2 million its last ep!

How novel-replacing a dud with a dud. But it's the CW, fer cryin'out loud!

I wouldn't be shocked if that whole net folds in less than 2 years. All they have is rasslin and America's next top model. If they ever upset Tyra Banks so she quits that show, they're history.

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