WarriorBlue wrote:93Dog I'm still thinking the TVC, Warren. & Marietta can control the vote if they hang together.
The TVC and MVL (New Lex and Sheridan) can control the vote if they hang together as well, WarriorBlue.
The possibilities are endless ... LOL ... I should have followed these coaches around the last month so I could write a book on this subject after Sunday.
I know one thing, if you are the 'minority' you probably want to side with the 'majority' to benefit your own needs - that's how democracy works in the world today. The only majority is the TVC, so I can imagine they all of sudden became Mr. popular and everyone wants to be 'friends' with them now. It's kind of like a Nascar race at Daytona, every crew chief is trying to make a deal to 'draft' with the fastest cars in the field.
Of course this is all speculation and crap basically - there may be no friends in that room and it's a complete free-for-all ... just like the last lap at Daytona!